Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Kate Gosselin & Octo -Mom Agree On Something

OK, this has to stop. I know it does, but I just can't help myself. Everyday I find myself being outraged by something else Kate Gosselin has said or done and it just makes me want to write. US Weekly spoke with a former nurse who cared for the sextuplets for almost a year. She says that in the three months prior to hiring her, Kate had fired 40 different nurses and nurse-aids. You know what? I'm not going to give her a hard time about that one. This nurse who gave the interview stayed for a year, so I'm guessing Kate was just trying to find the right one.

The thing that ticked me off is that this nurse worked for Kate prior to the TLC show starting and Jon was out of work and so there was no money to pay the nurse. So, Kate did what Nadya Suleman did and looked to the government to help her out. Why? Oh, I know all of you will love this as much as me.

"Kate Gosselin said she feels society has a responsibility to help with the children, since modern medicine promotes the use of fertility drugs, which can lead to multiple births," the AP reported.

OK. So, because science has made it possible for you to have six kids at once, somehow it is the responsibility of the government to pay for it? Science also has promoted breast implants and fuel efficient cars, but you don't see me asking for the government to pay for them.

That is some of the most messed up logic ever. Oh, and despite having absolutely no money, Kate was still ungrateful for a very generous gift provided from the members of her father's church. Kate's dad is a pastor and his parishioners donated six cribs to Kate and Jon. Kate sent them all back. Why? They didn't match. Nice huh?

How ungrateful can one person be? If I had six kids and no money I think I would be thankful for just about everything that came my way. At this point, I'm not sure Kate even sees her kids as kids and not as money making objects to keep her wealthy. In their article, US says that Kate has been gone from home 21 of the past 30 days on paid speaking engagements. That sure is a lot of alone time for her and the bodyguard. So, was Jon watching the kids?


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