Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Gwyneth Paltrow vs Scarlett Johansson - Who Do You Pick?

According to The Sun, Gwyneth and Scarlett have not been getting along at all on the set of Iron Man 2. So, this leads to a very important question. In a fight between Gwyneth Paltrow and Scarlett Johansson who do you think would win? That would be a tough call. An even tougher call would be who would you actually support in the fight? Personally, neither one of them are very high up on the I love them list, but I guess I would have to pull for Scarlett. Right? I mean they are both uptight, and self pretentious. Scarlett stiffed the winner of that charity thing who spent a ton of money to meet her. But, on the other hand Gwyneth annoys us all every month with her newsletter and trying to scam people into a health club membership.

Scarlett is married to Ryan Reynolds, who although an ass in his own right, does make some good movies. Gwyneth is married to Chris Martin, who although an ass in his own right, does make some good Karaoke worthy songs.

Gwyneth has kids, so you really need to think about supporting the mom. Plus, her dad died so that is a little sympathy vote there. Of course if she and Brad Pitt had not broken up we would never have been faced with the never ending saga of Jen and Brangelina so that is major points against Gwyneth. It is an interesting dilemma. I actually think Gwyneth would win a fistfight between the two. As for public opinion. God that is close, but I think more people would actually side for Gwyneth as sad as that sounds. What do you think?


  1. It is a tough call. Despite Scarlett's weird singing, though, I'll go with her.

  2. ScarJo. I just saw the title and picked her. Can't stand GOOPy Gweny. Ugh.

  3. My answer would mirror what Kissinger said about the Iran/Iraq war: pity they can't both lose.

  4. Scarlett all the way. Is this post going to encourage another letter from that weirdo who thinks Scarlett is a clone?

  5. I pick ScarJo just for the fact that she actually eats now and then. I still think she's going to make Iron Man 2 suck, but my money is on her.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Gweny is way too prissy to be much of a fighter. My money is on ScarJo in a 2nd round tko.

  8. I'm going with Gwynneth. She may be annoying but, by all accounts, she has always been a professional on the set.

  9. hands down, beyond a shadow of a doubt, sign me up for Team ScarJo ANY.DAY.

    so really, ryan reynolds is a douche? i mean, we all know chris martin and goopy are the reigning king and queen of Doucheachusetts, but i did not know ryan r. was in the running. have i been living under a rock?!

  10. I am not crazy about either one. I also dislike their husbands pretty equally. I can see them both being high maintenance on the set. G's reasons seem pretty dumb. I don't know why they couldn't compromise and make her suits a little sexier and still stay true to the character..but it sounds like the director tried to put out the fire by giving her more action. I can also see Scarjo prancing around with her boobs up to her neck and her nose in the air so I would probably get annoyed too. I can't decide...maybe the best thing would be for them to just knock each other out…win win

  11. ScarJo has more meat on her bones, but I think Gwyneth has a really powerful Inner Bitch that's (barely) pent up inside. I suspect one reason Goop is so awful is that she is constantly fighting her Inner Bitch because she needs to think she's perfect.

    But if she unleashes her IB on ScarJo...

  12. Craig's comment is the best answer, but if forced to choose, I would go with Goopy Gwyneth, simply because she's probably stronger than she looks. She does all those 3 hour/day workouts with Tracy Anderson.

  13. I agree with Craig.

  14. Anonymous10:47 AM

    I think ScarJo could take Gwinnie, but I'll hope for Craig's answer!

  15. I had no idea ScarJo stiffed the winner of the charity thing. I change my vote, and agree with Craig.

  16. Gwyneth looks like she would fight dirty, as she should. It's a FIGHT, for God's sake. Team Gwyneth.

  17. I hate Gwyneth so it's ScarJo for me.


  19. I pick Scarlet with a TKO in the first round.

  20. I agree with Syd, Gwyneth looks like she'd be a dirty fighter. But I do think Scarlett is marginally more intelligent. And also, physically stronger, because she eats from time to time. Not that often anymore, but it happens on occasion.

  21. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Pookie's "Doucheachusetts"!!!!! Thank you for the laugh!!!

  22. I agree with Craig.

    Fist fight? These 2 do NOT look like fist fight material. These are those snotty pull your hair,
    scratch your face off types.

    I am suprised RD Jr. didn't snark them into place with a glorious zinging comment.

  23. It's my impression that both sides DID actually manage to lose the Iran/Iraq war.

    Here's a question: can either of these ladies actually open a movie? I mean, does anyone say, "Let's go see the new Gwnyeth Paltrow" the way they might say, "Let's go see the new Will Smith" ?

    Survey says: no.

  24. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Team Craig!

  25. I think ScarJo would so take Gwyneth if it came down to it. But if we could just find a way to humiliate them both....

  26. I am rooting for a gingham dog and calico cat scenario. I bet Gwyneth fights dirty, too -- spitting and pulling hair. ScarJo's probably too baked all the time to put up much of a fight.

  27. Anonymous12:01 PM

    I can't stand that idiot fish stick.

  28. I'd like to second or third the Team Craig. But since he's not one of my options...

    I'm going with Queen, er I mean, Team Fishsticks. She's so anal-retentive that I'm sure if she got into an actual fight, she'd probably use it as "therapy" to help release some of her anal-retention.

    I don't actually like either one, but I'm going with Fishy FTW by a slight margin.

  29. I'm on Team ScarJo, because I dislike Fishsticks that much. But it's really unfair of Enty not to have given Jessica Biel a chance at the fight.

    I must have missed it when Gwyneth and ScarJo wore the same unflattering Lost in Space dress.

  30. If Scarlett attacked Gwynnie, Madonna would jump on her and rip her throat out. I am not happy that Scarlett is going to be in Iron Man 2. I don't want her there. At all.

  31. I think between Craig and Pookie's "Doucheachusetts" we are all winners today. Nobody wins in that dress though. It makes Gwyneth look a wee bit round for Rudd's sake and she hasn't eaten solid food since at least 2006. But with that said I have to go with Team Gwyneth. Scarlett is just nails on a chalk board no matter what she does.

  32. that change Brangelina/ Maniston stories but i don't care!

  33. Horrible dress. Team Goopy here. She can actually act.

  34. Team Scarjo
    Please Gywneth, DIE in this sequel!!!

  35. Scarlett is gorgeous and has a great voice (no, not a singing voice silly!), but everything about her personality sucks. I love Gwyneth, she'a pretty honest which is why she's so disliked. Confidence over false modesty.

  36. Ick Nast I hope they just kill each other since I hate them both.

  37. I'm with Craig - let them both lose.

  38. I could care less about these two women. The dresses are awful, but Scarlett's shoes are the bomb! The only problem is, I know they would hurt my feet. So, there ya go. The shoes lose, too.

  39. My vote on who would win the fistfight is Scarlett. I *cannot stand* Fishsticks and her goopy goopy gauche internet stuff.
