Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Gwyneth Paltrow vs Scarlett Johansson - Who Do You Pick?

According to The Sun, Gwyneth and Scarlett have not been getting along at all on the set of Iron Man 2. So, this leads to a very important question. In a fight between Gwyneth Paltrow and Scarlett Johansson who do you think would win? That would be a tough call. An even tougher call would be who would you actually support in the fight? Personally, neither one of them are very high up on the I love them list, but I guess I would have to pull for Scarlett. Right? I mean they are both uptight, and self pretentious. Scarlett stiffed the winner of that charity thing who spent a ton of money to meet her. But, on the other hand Gwyneth annoys us all every month with her newsletter and trying to scam people into a health club membership.

Scarlett is married to Ryan Reynolds, who although an ass in his own right, does make some good movies. Gwyneth is married to Chris Martin, who although an ass in his own right, does make some good Karaoke worthy songs.

Gwyneth has kids, so you really need to think about supporting the mom. Plus, her dad died so that is a little sympathy vote there. Of course if she and Brad Pitt had not broken up we would never have been faced with the never ending saga of Jen and Brangelina so that is major points against Gwyneth. It is an interesting dilemma. I actually think Gwyneth would win a fistfight between the two. As for public opinion. God that is close, but I think more people would actually side for Gwyneth as sad as that sounds. What do you think?


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