Friday, May 15, 2009

Four For Friday

These are four that will be really hard to guess, but they are such great items that they need to be shared.

#1 - This producer has had at least one Academy Award nomination for Best Picture. The thing is, he has been the producer of many, many movies, but has never done any actual producing. He takes the producer credit in exchange for a reduced fee in the drugs he supplies to the set.

#2 - This C list actor shows up as a recurring role for three or four episodes at a time on a television show and then disappears for a year or so and does it again. His latest show was an arc on a bubble network comedy. Anyway, during his three weeks on the show, he managed to get not one, but two extras pregnant. Nice huh? It's a good thing he doesn't work more.

#3 - This director has had a top ten movie of the week this year. The word is to never visit him in his trailer. Ever. From the second he walks into the trailer he takes off his clothes. If you come to his trailer he doesn't cover himself or make any efforts to be modest. It is full frontal the entire time. He isn't lewd about it, he just goes naked until he is needed on the set again.

#4 - This B-/C+ actor from a hit network drama who has had a very famous girlfriend in the past year, thinks he has a life coach that he hired last year. What he really has is a tabloid reporter who is writing a book about the show and the people on it.


  1. These are gooood. Thanks Ent. I suck at this shizz though, so come on people! Make some guesses!

  2. Great Blindies! Too hard for me though but wondering if #3 could be Woody Allen. Eeew ...

  3. LMS&M, that was my guess.

  4. 2 - Orlando Jones/Rules of Engagement
    3 - movie of the week? Like V, Day After Tomorrow, etc.? Can't think of any such movie these days, let alone 10 of them.
    4 - No idea. I don't think any current dramas warrant books, other than Lost, Heroes, L&O and the CSIs. And I can't name anyone from those shows who had a famous girlfriend.

  5. i know all my guess are false but i like these ideas:
    1# jerry bruckeimer: too bad movies!
    2# wilmer valderrama:womanizer!
    3# david fincher: i admire more his movies than i love it!
    4# ex-boyfriend of Jennifer Aniston: i like the idea!

  6. Milo Ventimiglia for #4?

  7. #2 Blair Underwood? Had roles on Sex and the City, Dirty Sexy Money, and the "bubble" comedy being The New Adventures of Old Christine.

    #3 Gavin Hood, director of "Wolverine." I read an interview with him, seems to be a very...interesting guy. Very much into the "soul" of a person and whatnot.

  8. @little miss smoke and mirror: i like your idea!
    @choice: your idea is scary! LOL

  9. There's been some drama behind the scenes at Brothers & Sisters, and there are a lot of successful actors on it. Dirt on Rob Lowe, Calista (and Harrison), Sally Field, for example, would probably sell books, not to mention the dirt on Balthazar and Sienna. Plus, the show has a solid following of viewers and has had showrunner drama ever since it started (with cast members drawing lines in the sand and taking sides). It's EP is Ken Olin and his wife Patricia Wetting are also on it.

    The more I think it through, the more I like my BGetty guess.

  10. LMSM - It's a great guess!

  11. #3 - This director has had a top ten movie of the week this year.

    Movie of the week is tv. Going with Jon Turtletaub from Harper's Island.

  12. I'll say it again ... you guys are GOOD!

  13. LMSM: really good guess... I think you're right on that one for sure

  14. Could #1 be Michael Mann?

  15. Agree--B Getty guess for #4, no clue on any others.

  16. What about Giovanni Ribisi for #2? He shows up every now and then on "My Name Is Earl."

  17. what's a 'top ten movie of the week' mean? i haven't seen a movie of the week on TV in a long time. does he mean top ten at the box office??

  18. lmao @ #4 Nevermind that it made me choke on my coffee :)

  19. Maybe Enty meant his movie was in the top ten for one week this year? So it wasn't a number one movie, but still a wide release?

  20. I took that to mean that he directed a movie that was in the top 10 for the week this year. Didn't even consider television, and that doesn't really narrow it down much. How many movies came out this year that were top 10 box office for at least a week?

  21. ... if ANY *producer/director/"actor"/"crew member"* sells and/or supplies *illegal drugs* ("Em"cluding falsely-obtained prescribed meds) to ANYONE on a movie/tv "set"... then SCREW "arrests" - *he/she/it* should 'JUST' be taken outside by Law "Em"forcement Officical(s) to a conveni"Em"t wall and then PROMPTLY "Em"XECUTED on SITE... BLAM!... BLAM!... BLAM!... BLAM!... *etc*...

    ... obviously... if *that "Blind Item"* is "true" then *it's* ABSOLUTE PROOF that the so-called "War on *Drugs*" is a COMPLETE and TOTAL *PHRAUD*.

    ... 'NUFF "SAID".

  22. that's what i think he meant too, lisa.
    it gives a shitload of movies to pick from if that's it.

  23. Shite, classalpha, you just confused me like Ted C....

    I have no ideas. I suck at guessing BI's. But it IS muy interesante to see what some of you have to say....

  24. Anonymous4:31 PM

    #1 would crack me up if its Bruckheimer. He attaches his name to EVERYTHING but you never get the impression that he actually *does* anything.

  25. "What about Giovanni Ribisi for #2? He shows up every now and then on "My Name Is Earl."

    And also was on Friends briefly. Any other shows?

  26. classalpha - do you think it's cooler if you spell 'fraud' as "phraud" and put stars around it? That's some BENJAMIN BUTTONS SHIT!!

  27. Anonymous4:42 PM

    #4 I don't know who the actor is, but that reporter is a rotten human being for doing that to him and his co-workers.
    I hope someone who knows him (or he, himself) sees this and fires that person pronto.

    That said, I think the only hit network drama I watch is "Lost," and I don't think anyone meets the criteria, exactly.

  28. these are pretty damn good.

  29. I always think a Kennedy for #1! Like that psycho Shriver guy!

  30. I LOVE the Blair Underwood guess for #2.

    The only problem I have with B. Getty for #4 is that it looks like he's been written out of the show - maybe just temporary - but maybe there is another option. I just haven't thought of it yet.

  31. ... "coolness" has NOTHING TO DO WITH my *typing*. I type "PHRAUD" because *it* makes more "sense"... being the mis-spelled 'WORD' IS "Em"HERENTLY FRAUDULENT... and the a$$terisks I "use" are for verbal "Em"phasis only... 'JUST' like saying "you"... vs. ... *you*... compr"Em"de`?

  32. "I" don't *understand* your "crazy-ass" quotations AND *asterisks*. "you"'re giving *ME* a.... headache!!$$%^(#(&#@^@(^

  33. If that's how you emphasize things in writing, HOW THE FUCK DO YOU SPEAK???

  34. AnnMarie, if #4 is Getty, then karma has an exquisite sense of irony. I can't feel sorry for that cheating SOB.

    Anyone have a clue what the hell classalpha is trying to express? How does one pronounce $? Nevermind... not interesting enough to ponder.

  35. By the way enty, thank you SO MUCH for not allowing anonymous comments.

  36. #1 has to be Jon Peters.

  37. I'm guessing 1 and 4 will never be revealed. 1 - a little too dangerous, 4 - very embarrassing for the actor. 2 will come out eventually, pardon any pun. Maybe 3 as well.

    I like the Bruckheimer and Balthazar guesses.

  38. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Lisa, haHA, darn good point. : )

  39. ^... and WHAT THE PHUCK IS "gurl"? Can't *you* 'JUST' SPELL 'GIRL'... *you DUMBA$$/cubicle-dwelling/ILLITERATE/MORONIC TWIT*?

    ... this Country (and the World) is ABSOLUTELY "Em"FECTED by un-"Em"ducated "Em"BECILES... ALL "thanks" to *the "mind"-CONTROLLING JEW-coddling/QUEER-hiding/WH0RE-mongering/DRUG-pushing MEDIA machine* aka Hollyweird.


    ... 'NUFF SAID.

  40. WOW. will have to come back later and think on these.

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. I'm sick enough of seeing the English language ass-raped on a daily basis as it is.

    If your un-embellished thoughts aren't worth reading, they're hardly going to be worth the effort to decipher.

  43. From what I can tell, classalpha's illusions regarding the "War on Drugs" were shattered, and he/she is taking it out on the English language. Yes, classalpha, it was always a fraud, and we don't actually gun down drug dealers in the streets. The rest of us figured that out in 1986. Just so you aren't caught off guard in 20 years, the "War on Terror" is laughable as well.

    Btw, I'm definitely buying whatever book #4's life coach is penning.

  44. Man, I hope #4 is Grey's Anatomy. Y'all know how fascinated I am by what goes on on that set. And Enty, I still want to know if Heigl was your late-night pickup. :)

  45. i like the jon peters guess. i hadn't thought of him in years. but wasn't he barbra streisand's hairdresser? then suddenly he's a big producer???

  46. 4 can't be Grey's all the men on that show are married or Gay. So none of them would have a very famous GF because none of them would cheat publicly.

  47. Oops, forgot that part. Oh well, it was a nice dream while it lasted...

  48. "Castle" got renewed! Another season of Nathan Fillion! Woohoo, party time!

  49. Number 3 could be my little boy. Gets off the bus from school, comes inside, becomes Nakey . Most frequent quote from me "BOXERS ON!!!". God help me when he learns that nudist colonies exist.

  50. 3# does something athletes do frequently, though with far less publicity.

    he uses the fastest way to air his skin, to get loose of his jock itch. he´s probably married, she´ll visit soon so he needs the recovery speed.


    oh, the eternal casting couch stories.


  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. #3 kevin james

  53. I think PollyPureBred got #2 right with Eric Stoltz. The man needs a vasectomy.

  54. And all along, I thought "life coach" was Hollywood code for "dope dealer."

  55. Katie, what cynicism! :P

  56. I saw an interview of Balthazar Ghetty in Jimmy Kimmel where he says that he was still on the show. He even said that he still gets paid even if he's not in any of the episodes.

    With that said, he certainly is a solid guess for #4

  57. classalpha is a waste of space.


    Racist comments about Jews, fucked up messages... yup, a waste of space. Period.

  58. No one is a complete waste of space. Can always be used as a bad example. Besides, I thought classalpha was really good in Braveheart.

  59. classalpha seems a little disoriented. and fairly racist. thankfully we can speed past those posts. and never, ever invite her (?) to a break....the list of places I'd rather not socialize with her is without end.

    Now back to the important issues of the day. Blair Underwood seems a great guess for # 2, he really has been everywhere. I like BGetty forr #4 as well. #1 - I'm reasearching. But the field is so wide!!!!

  60. For #4 what about Naveen Andrews from Lost, famous GF Barbara Hershey?

  61. Wait! Wait! I know this one!

    ClassAlpha is Patrick Bateman.

  62. OFF TOPIC - apologies -
    I intended to watch Farrah Fawcett's story Friday night and missed it (kid issues). Does anyone know when it might be replayed???

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. @ Mooshki: Yay! *hugs* Long time no see, chica.

    I mostly lurk, but I wanted to let you all know that I love this site and all your guesses.

  65. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Diana - i know this is late, but the repeat of Farrah's Story was on Oxygen this weekend. maybe they'll play it again??

  66. Diana--I found it in its entirety yesterday on NBC's website.
