Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Cheat On Your Spouse; Abandon Your Kids; Get Record Ratings

It appears that scandal is good for the show Jon & Kate plus everyone else with whom they are having sex. It will probably come as no surprise to you, but every single house in America and Canada watched the premiere episode of their show last night. Entire cities were empty. Those without televisions went to the houses of neighbors who did. Homeless people combined tips so they could enjoy 25 cent chicken wings and pitchers of beer at Hooters while they showed off their Demi Moore teeth.

Yeah, it wasn't quite like that, but TLC did get almost 10 million people to sit in front of their television sets to watch the episode. Want some perspective? How many of you watched the season finale of Lost? You know the one on a regular network which everyone has for free? Show of hands. Umm, it wasn't enough. Jon & Kate beat the season finale of Lost, by about 500K people. Shows you what we love to see on television doesn't it?

I'm sure Kate is figuring out now how to best exploit this. Jon meanwhile is just searching for a way to be free, but to hang on to all that money.


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