Thursday, May 21, 2009

Bring George Clooney A Drink And He Will Date You

I drink a lot. I'm guessing I probably spend more time drinking than George Clooney. How is it that when I go drinking and hit on cocktail waitresses they call a bouncer or the cops, and when George Clooney hits on them they become his girlfriend. Yeah, I know the answer. It's because I drive my parent's mini-van.

Anyway, as you will recall George's last girlfriend was cocktail waitress Sarah Larson, who he met in Vegas, and now he is dating a Miami cocktail waitress and a model-wannabe Lucy Wolvert. I'm guessing at some point the whole wannabe model thing is going to turn into wannabe actress and that she will reach the 9 minute fame mark of her predecessor. I say 9 minutes because I think Sarah Larson has another 6 minutes left in her of her fame window. I don't think we have heard the last of her yet and that she will make one more comeback into our collective consciousness.

Of course George, being the quiet kind of guy he is wanted his new girlfriend to keep things quiet. Yeah, like that is going to happen. According to US Weekly she has pretty much told everyone she knows that she is dating George. She probably also thinks it will last.

I think, but I am not sure that Lucy is the former girlfriend of Landon Lueck who was on The Real World Philadelphia. I believe the picture I found is Landon and Lucy. Lucy is the woman on the far right.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. If they are just going to be beards, isn't it safer to date a closet case lesbian who has as much to lose?!! Alicia Keys anyone??

  3. I think Sarah Larson is dating Chicago Bear Brian Urlacher

  4. montana,

    i still hold out that georgie is bisexual, but a massive manwhore.

    ...and you know that a hollywood bosses would not want clooney to step out with a sista.

  5. Anonymous11:43 AM

    I really don't see the appeal on George Clooney. His acting is bad even the movie that he came out that won him the Oscar was very boring. I did watched what I could just to give him the benefit of the doubt but I ended up falling asleep.

  6. Landon will be much happier with himself when he admits he is gay. I think he is one of those torn because he is worried that his family will disown him. Poor dude.

  7. his acting is not great, see brad pitt, but his looks is his saving grace.

  8. Wow she is crazy beautiful!! I'm actually jealous a lil bit. Of George.
    If I was dating a big celeb, I'd be telling people too. Not calling up the newspapers, but... telling a shitload of people who MIGHT call up the newspapers.

    As for them lasting, i hate to speculate when I know nothing about the relationship, but judging by the beauty involved in this couple I'd say that it won't last long. Beautiful people get bored easily.

  9. LOL@ QS
    I know that's right lol

  10. Don't forget is immense charm, QS. That to me is his real ability! I just love his interviews, his movies, well, see: charm. :>

  11. elsie, i forgot that. it's like bill clinton is far from being attractive, but he makes up for it with his charming personality.

  12. Montana, Alicia Keys is not a lesbian. She is however a hardcore homerecker.

  13. Quint, did you see TMZ's pics of Billy Boy with his hand on Fran Drescher's ass a couple of days ago? He's still a player!

  14. My favorite part of George Clooney dating these no-name women is that when he walks the red carpet, all the interviewers just kiss her butt; it's hysterical! And they only do it because she's with George.

  15. I know how to keep a secret. What's his favorite drink? I'd like to be next before the inevitable slide of gravity hits George in a bad way. lol

  16. I'd sign up for twitter if I started dating George.

  17. you've never met bill clinton. i know a woman who's a rabid republican and she said when she met him, she got weak in the knees---she said he's got that way of making you feel like you're the only person in the room. you may not think he's attractive---i disagree---but he's got SOMETHING.

    sounds like enty knows something about la larsen that makes him think she's coming back out to torment us some more. clooney's taste in women is strange. seems like the only women he wants to hang out with are nobodies who aren't real bright. in other words, it's not about their minds.

  18. George Clooney is just, no. I don't think he's hot at all.

  19. Girl doesn't look old enough to serve alcohol.

  20. and coincidently Bush makes you feel like he's not even in the room with you.

  21. Alicia Keys did have a girlfriend a while ago but Clive Davis keeps his people WAY back in the closet (ask Whitney and Barry Manilow) Now, she is a homewrecker.

    I agree with the folks who think George is bi or just freaky. There are some crazy BI about him and Leo sharing hookers and sniffing each others undies. I think he dates these cocktail waitresses because he get an attractive companion with no real commitment.

  22. Enty, is this all I have to do? And I've been pining away for him for yearrrs. Actually, given the choice I'd take Hugh Laurie in an instant, but I'd love a short fling and a vacation in Italy.

    Oh, wait - he dates prepubescent girls. He obviously can't handle women.

  23. Hahaha! Hey, George! Wanna split a yoohoo?! LOL!

  24. When he was in St Louis filming recently a friend of mine worked on set (mainly saying "Mr Clooney, they are ready for you now) and said Clooney had a constant string of women visiting him.

    But on the other hand, he went in to the wine bar where my sister works a couple times while filming and she said he was the nicest guy in the world. He wanted to kick back, eat some dinner, drink some wine and read a book. He was polite to the people who approached him but everyone working at the wine bar tried to discourage people from bothering him. He also left a $200 tip on a less than $50 bill every time he came in.

  25. I agree with everyone who say he is charming - the man can make me smile even from the tv screen! He sure has got something...

  26. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Blech! I hate his "charmingness" He's gross.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. I think that he is bi or gay and that he has a secret disdain for women.

    Lainey claims that he sleeps with men.



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