Amy Winehouse In St. Lucia = Fail
Have you ever had one of those dreams where you are either at work or school and you are unprepared and and people are just staring at you. You wake up and you just say thank you repeatedly that it was in fact a dream.
Well, unfortunately for Amy Winehouse it wasn't a dream. Although like most dreams she probably won't remember what happened over the weekend in St. Lucia. If her performance was supposed to be a thank you to all the residents of the island for putting up with her, it turned into a more eff you situation or, that she is apathetic towards them at best.
You probably heard the concert ended early because of weather. Well, it still lasted about an hour. The longest, most painful hour ever in the history of a live performance. It got so bad that people were actually hoping Jessica and Ashlee Simpson would be surprise special guests.
After watching the entire hour of the show, I have decided that nothing is better than the beginning to give you and idea of what happened. Below is the first 4:31 of the concert. The best words I can use to describe when watching it is uncomfortable. You feel like you are actually witnessing a melt down. Oh, and her backup dancers just never give up.