Rihanna Does Something Nice
Sure, the cynic in me wanted to say that Rihanna spending time with a leukemia patient was all for public sympathy and to make people like her again and talk about her without referring to the beating she suffered. But, the problem is after reading the article, it is pretty obvious that she really cared for the little girl with whom she spent time. Plus, she got People Magazine to write the article so you know it is going to be even more sappy and emotional. I think they put their best team of sympathy writers on the article.
Last week, when Rihanna left Hawaii to go to New York, it was specifically for the purpose of seeing this girl for one hour. One hour. That is crazy to fly all that way for just one hour. Well one hour turned into two which turned into three and would have been even longer but the girl fell asleep. When you read the article you can see the good Rihanna can do for a lot of girls and women who look up to her. Hopefully she will take advantage of that.