Paula Abdul Says She Has Never Been Drunk
Tomorrow night, "Nightline" is airing an interview with Paula Abdul and contrary to most celebrity interviews the ABC reporter actually asked Paula some very tough questions which required direct answers.
“So let me just ask you the question straight up. Absolutely crystal clear you have not abused prescription drugs?”
“Never,” Abdul said.
“You have not consumed alcohol before going on the air?”
“Never. I’ve never been drunk in my life.” I don’t like it. It’s not my thing. Spending money on clothes and shoes, that’s another thing.”
Ummm, yeah. I know what you are thinking. Is she just that crazy, is she lying, what is her definition of drunk exactly? Does she only consider herself drunk if she has to crawl to get anywhere?
Kudos to Nightline for asking this great followup question. Take note all of you morning show anchors and reporters.
“[On your reality show] There are so many times where you don’t look like you are really there. You’re eyes are closing, you’re head is falling back.”
“Because I’m falling asleep and a camera is on me,” Abdul explained. “I don’t have anything that is shameful. I don’t have anything to be embarrassed about that was not accurate documentation of my life.”
That is the strangest explanation I have heard. She just falls asleep randomly? Narcolepsy?
During the interview she also made it sound like Idol wasn't going to renew her contract for next year. I think all of us saw that coming about a year ago, so no big surprise there. Seriously? Never drunk? Come on.