Patrick Stewart Needs To Take A Valium
Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellan are doing some kind of touring production of Waiting For Godot. I believe that is a smart people's version of Waiting For Guffman. I kid, I kid. Anyway, I guess Patrick and Ian are fairly uptight about their performances and want everything to be just perfect. On Monday night, after the play, fans were lined up to meet the actors and get their autographs.
Well according to Scotland's Daily Record, Patrick Stewart went ballistic on one of the fans waiting in line. His crime? He took a picture during the encore of the show. The encore as in the pair were taking a bow. The encore as in the play was over. The encore as in people were standing up and getting ready to leave. The encore as in it is not a required part of the show and is instead a gratuitous self indulgence for the actors and a way for the audience to participate.
Anyway. Stewart was signing a program when he spotted the guy who took a photograph during the encore and said, "Are you the a**ehole who was sitting at the front tonight? You know, what I really want to know is how you can sleep at night? I really hope you're pleased with yourself."
How can the guy sleep at night? He took a photo during an encore. I bet he sleeps pretty damn well thank you. I understand traditions of the theatre are different here compared to Scotland, but he makes it seem as if this guy has committed the greatest crime possible. It was a play. At the end. It was over. It isn't like he stood up during the performance to take a picture and told Patrick to move a little to the left so he could get I an and Patrick in the same shot. Calm down Patrick. Get Lt. Ohura and go to Vegas for the weekend or something.