Octomom Diapers Coming To A Store Near You
According to The Smoking Gun, Octomom has decided to trademark the name Octomom. Yep. In a filing last week with the Patent And Trademark Office, Nadya Suleman says that she wants to use the name to sell dresses, pants, shirts, and diapers. She also wants to use the name in connection with a reality show.
Yeah, anything to make a buck off her kids. I know how many of you dislike her and if that is a representative sample of the population in general, I'm wondering how many people would actually buy a product with the Octomom name on it. Would you want to be seen at your local dollar store buying Octomom pants or dresses for your little ones? Yeah, I didn't think so. I bet she is already trying to figure out what she is going to buy when she sells their 1st birthday pictures and if she will let the other 6 kids attend the party.