Tuesday, April 07, 2009

No Harold & Kumar Part 3?

Say it ain't so. Sure, I know it is a huge privilege to do public service and serve your country, but I think Kal Penn is going a little too far. Kal has left the show House to go to work in the Obama administration. It sounds like a decent job acting as some kind of liaison between the public and the White House. I think what that means is that he gives tours. It sounds like it anyway. If you gave tours for a living, I think you would tell someone you were trying to impress that you were a liaison. Sounds cool and much better than tour guide in a polyester jacket.

So, I'm glad that Kal can show everyone around the White House, but I think that instead of explaining why it is called the Lincoln bedroom he would be better off serving the world by making a Harold & Kumar Part 3. If he just can't manage to muster the enthusiasm for that, then I would settle for a Van Wilder 3.


  1. He better have some sort of political background or something that qualifies him to work in the White House otherwise I will be :/

  2. Good for him for giving up the insane paycheques of Hollywood to go do something he believes in.

    More reason to like him, though I hope his sabbatical from acting isn't too long.

  3. Just read this somewhere else...I guess it's "admirable". But like you said, I'd rather see Harold and Kumar 3 or Van Wilder goes to Grad School.
    Considering that Obama is the "pop" president, appearing on late night talk shows, providing his NCAA bracket, connected to Hollywood, I think a good position for someone like Kal would be a liason to celebrities and movers and shakers. I doubt Kal has a big black book, or alot of celebrity connections, but he still has some celbrity attached to him that he can work.

  4. I'm betting Kal has a bigger black book than we realize.

    I also think the House episode last night totally jumped the shark.

  5. well, I am definitely :/. He is just an actor. GREAT

  6. I didn't know about this at all. I was floored at last night's House.

  7. He's a smart guy, and definitely qualified. He's been teaching media-related courses at Penn and has done grad work in int'l security at Stanford.

    On the other hand, I am BUMMED that there won't be a H&K3 for a long time. :(

  8. And he also worked for the Obama campaign, which gives him some political background.

    I say more power to him- he is giving up a large paycheck and cushy job to work in a thankless political job. I hope he finds what he wants.

  9. He taught film studies. That's a far cry from teaching international relations or a class on the effects of globalization on the world's LCD's.

  10. @maggiemei:

    I have voted since I turned 18, does that qualify me to work at the White House?

  11. Anonymous11:46 AM

    I haven't seen House yet since I record it but was surprise to see a clipping of it. The show never gave any indication about being suicidal so was surprise to hear that. They should have ended it in another way.

  12. Having been touched by 3 suicides of friends and coworkers (all with different reasons or no reason at all), I thought they ended it appropriately, for this show.

  13. Sue Ellen, he's working in public relations for them. They aren't making him Ambassador to Iraq or anything.

  14. Doesn't matter what capacity he's working in, it's the principle.

  15. It's not like his new job affects policy or anything. I say good for Kal and wish him nothing but the best.

  16. Kal has enough political experience for the position he's been hired for. Worked heavily for the campaigh and did International Relations from Stanford.

    Cool for him. He's genuinely pumped and excited to move to Washington DC and work at the White House.

    I'm sad not to see him act anymore, I really enjoy him. Oh well, as he said, "it's bittersweet".

  17. Anonymous12:50 PM

    I think it's great that he's as civic-minded a person as he is.
    While I haven't seen his resume, I have heard of the work he's done outside of acting, which would seem to serve him well in getting the position. I have also seen that questionnaire that you supposedly have to complete to work in the Obama administration.
    If he can pass that thing, well done!

  18. All I am saying is that it must be a hard pill to swallow for someone who spent 4-8 years studying, and paying for, a degree that's supposed to get you a job. Then in walks a "celebrity" and they get the job over you because...because why? Cause they are in Hollywood? I'm not sure. If he had degrees in political science, or was a lawyer or something then I would have nothing to say.

    It just bothers me is all.

  19. Good luck to him.

  20. Sue Ellen, it's not generally people who study 4-8 years who get the jobs in DC -- the well connected do. Congressional offices are staffed by the children of useful constituents. Poor, white, and no connections, even with an advanced degree from a good school, will get a person exactly nowhere in DC.

    It does stink. But Penn is only taking some campaign contributor's kid's job, so maybe that'll make it stink a little less for you.

  21. Anonymous2:28 PM

    There's no reason to believe that he's NOT the best person for the job.
    Hiring is incredibly subjective. Kal Penn could have been up against someone with a degree in PR whose personality wouldn't work with the staff already there.
    That sort of stuff does matter, as far as productivity goes. Plus, that leaves the person with the degree free to find a position in a more suitable environment for them.
    I have no way of knowing if this IS the case here, but I've no reason to doubt it, either.

  22. meh.

    don't give a crap.

  23. @Toni

    And it STILL bothers me. Some American Dream you've got over there.

  24. our chins hit the floor watching house last night. no idea he was heading for politics. being more excited about house than i am about politics, i'm pissed. i had at least hoped it was H&K 3, or some other huge project, since he was my favorite of the new team.

  25. Last night's House made me cry. I liked his character.

    It isn't like he's taking the job of Attorney General (yes, I know he isn't qualified)...I think he's just following something he's passionate about

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