Michelle Pfieffer Is Out Of Touch
You can tell it has been quite some time since Michelle Pfieffer was the object of media attention. She used to be though. Before the internet, Michelle was pretty popular with the tabloids. Probably around her Catwoman days. That was probably her peak tabloid fame.
Anyway, Michelle gave an interview to The Guardian, where she basically said she doesn't think any stars today invite the attention of the paparazzi. I know, but she appears to be serious.
"When I see what young actors have to endure - I don't believe it when people say, they bring it on themselves. I just want to strangle people when they say that."
"You can't convince me that this is something they are choosing. It is hard enough to process fame when you're at that age."
See, Michelle can't believe it is something they are choosing because she still has the mindset that you only become famous through your work, and not for any other reason. Oh, sure in her world you might get famous for 15 minutes if you do something heroic like Sully did by landing the plane, but that is the only exception.
I don't think she understands there is manufactured fame now based on nothing more than an illusion of fame which you were able to turn into actual fame and can only be accomplished by doing exactly what Michelle doesn't think they are doing.
I really can't believe that Michelle is so naive about all of this. It is either that though or she is out of touch with this new phenomenon. Maybe she just wants to have her picture taken again. But no matter what, she was in Grease 2. You can't take that from her. Well, you could, but it would require a lot of editing.