Thursday, April 23, 2009

Madonna's Rep Tries To Explain About The Horse & The Pap

Over the weekend when Madonna fell from her horse, there were the initial reports that she was dumped by the horse because a photographer had spooked the horse. Why? Because that is what Madonna's publicist released to the media. Apparently Madonna or someone told this to her and so she released it that way. Later, when the media started digging they found out the pap had never been mentioned in the police reports and Madonna had never mentioned it to the police. So, why did the story come out?

Well, according to Madonna's publicist, "Madonna was barely conscious and had fainted twice, right after the fall and when she was in the ambulance.

"She only remembers giving the police her name. They never asked her what happened. This could have been a very dangerous situation and we're just all grateful that she wasn't hurt more seriously."

It could have been dangerous and I'm glad she is ok, but someone passed along the story about the pap almost immediately after it happened. So, if Madonna who was barely conscious and had fainted twice, but managed to work out the next day didn't say it, then who did?

This story that she only remembers giving her name to the police is really convenient for everyone isn't it? Then throw in the fact we should be grateful she is alive and then you feel sorry for questioning anything about the whole story.


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