Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Kim Kardashian Insults Plus Sized Women

Kim Kardashian took to her blog yesterday and basically slammed any woman who is over a size 2. How did she do this? US Weekly ran the picture and caption you see above. They said that Kim Kardashian was curvy and that Forever 21's new plus sized line would be great for a woman who has curves like Kim.

Here is how Kim responded.

I feel that this clipping from Us Magazine is a bit misleading, so I wanted to comment on it.

I am a huge fan of Forever 21 and I'm very happy they have expanded their line to include a plus-size range, but I am not in that size category and this article makes it sound like I am! I am a curvy girl and I love my curves, but curvy and plus-sized are two very different things. I work really hard to maintain my curves while staying slim and healthy, so to be classed as a "fuller-figured woman" of extra large proportions is a little offensive.

For the record, I am a size 2, not 2XL.

So, first of all the only place she is a size 2 is in her mind or if the company that makes her clothes is lying to her. So, for her to tell people she is a size 2 when she clearly is not sends the wrong message to the idiots who actually do look up to her. Second of all, being a fuller figured woman should never be considered offensive. Is she saying that every woman who works out and is fuller figured is offensive? I'm a little confused.

There are lots of women and men in the world who work out and are still XL. Are they offensive to Kim? I hate to break this to you Kim, but if you could take yourself away from the mirror you would see there are other people in this world, and they don't all have to lie to themselves or to others to feel good about themselves.

I challenge you to show that you are first of all a size 2, and second of all to apologize to all of those people who do eat well, are healthy and are a size XL. Do you think they don't exist? How f**king dense are you?

As always, the comments on her blog are great, and this time most of them are against her which is a nice change from the fawning they usually do.


  1. if the earth has recently spun off its axis and all we know in the universe is now skewed- for example, size 2 is now equal to size 6, then maybe she's not a goddamned liar.

  2. Although very unfortunate, US weekly did not make a mistake in labeling her plus size (they meant that) because basically anyone over 105lbs soak and wet in Hollywood is considered plus size.

    It is unfortunate but she has to also realize that the silicon and motor oil that she injects into her cartoonish looking fake behind makes her look bigger than she really is.

  3. Anonymous10:58 AM

    I was hoping this would get discussed! If she is a size 2, then I am Barack Obama. Regardless it doesnt matter what size she is. She is insulting and obviously inept. Please go away!

  4. I'm pretty sure she did a video blog one time of her trying on pants to prove that she was the size she claims to be. Good god, some peoples' narcissism knows no bounds.

  5. ok i am so moving to hollyweird cause if she's a size 2...i'll be a triple 0.....instead of the size 8 that i really am.

  6. what a dumbass. They said she was a fan of Forever 21 not plus sized clothing.
    Personally I'd be more offended that they said I liked Forever 21.

  7. Who is the self-absorbed NOT size 2, talentless c-word that we have to keep listening to her constant yammering?

    {covering ears and singing loudly}

    Please, Enty - how about a moratorium on her, too?

  8. she is a size two. there was an article on her workout sessions and she toned down from a 6 to a 2. im a size two and i still have a bit of a booty.

  9. Kim-honey, you are not a size 2. It's cool to have curves, but either someone's altering those 2's for you or you're just lying to yourself. I'll guess size 6.

  10. She was okay until the last sentence of the 1st paragraph, which was obnoxious. Then the size 2 business was plain delusional.


  12. The comments on her blog are so incoherent and poorly-punctuated, I'm having trouble figuring out which ones are for and which ones are against.

  13. "Personally I'd be more offended that they said I liked Forever 21."

    LOL, it's true!

  14. Careful, shazzba - there are more of us lardasses out here than you skinny ass types.

    Eat a sammich.

    (And stop yelling. It's called "Caps Lock", and if you press it to make the little light go off, the yelling stops.)

  15. I'm a size 12, down from a 16, and DAMNED happy about it! At my absolute thinnest, which was really too thin, I was an 8. I looked skeletal.

  16. the sizing on clothes has changed because women want to say 'i'm a size 2.' a size 2 today is not a size 2 from maybe 10 years ago. anyone in retail will tell you that.
    it's why some lines come in sizes 1, 2 and 3. it appeals to the buyer to say 'i'm a one' instead of the old s, m, l deal. shit, even if you're bigger, you still can say 'i'm a 3.'

    it's all psychology and bullshit, in other words. kim is not a size 2, even by the new standards. it's sad that she can't just say so and be fine with it.

  17. let's be clear on something: Kim K, even though i can't stand her, is not a "lard ass" as Shazzba so eloquently yelled at everyone.

    she's just not being honest and THAT is the crime here. like enty said, she's sending the wrong message to people and that just makes her an ass.

  18. Well of course she's a size 2! Take a marker, write '2' on the label, and voila!

    I mean hell, I'm a 2 twice over!

  19. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Her waist might be a two but that ass isn't. You can only fit into a "two" at that size if its stretch jean material that hugs 'em. Most jean material is too restricting. Maybe she's wearing an Apple Bottoms two.

  20. the clothes she continually sells on ebay are usually 2's, and her jean size is a 27. so yeah, she is a 2.

  21. No way is she a 2. My daughter weighs 102 lbs, & is built like a toothpick, & she is a size 2.
    I don't know what size KK's ass is, but it is NOT a 2.
    Maybe she is selling her little sister's clothes on ebay, they are not hers.

  22. I'm with Shazzzba -- a size 2 isn't what it used to be.

    30 years ago I weighed 108 pounds and wore a size 9. What size would that be today??

  23. having been in the fashion industry for years in my former life i can tell you ladies, all fucking labels are different.
    every name carries a different cut than the next. you may be a size 2 in Dash,but in Old Navy you can be a 4 or a 6.

    don't blame the 'lardasses' because you can't find your siz,
    which is totally ignorant in thinking IMO...blame the industry.

  24. I think in the Lane Bryant sizing she might be a size 2. You just have to know where to shop. Lane Bryant and Chico's. My mom who is a size 8 wears a size 0 from Chico's. My mom is a lot skinnier than Kim.

  25. ChampagneBlonde, when I was in high school, waaaay back in the 80s, a 27 jean was a 7, 28 an 8, 29 a 9, so on so forth.

    So if a 27=2, then I guess I can call myself a 4. Which is delusional at best!

  26. Hopefully this marks the beginning of her 15th minute.

  27. lane bryant recently changed their sizing to 1, 2, 3, etc.
    and i used to deal in victoria's secret outdoor clothes on ebay. their XL is a lot different from, say, land's end.

    and folks, shazzba has always typed in caps. ever consider there might be a lock (hardware) problem?

  28. Enty, you deserve a big, fat, Chicken-in-a-Biskit flavored kiss for that!!!

    MWAH!!!!!!!!!!!! Love ya baby!

  29. That is some of the best passive-aggressive journalism I've ever seen.

  30. She could be a size two in expensive lycra outfits. That stuff stretches over anything.

    Still, her blog post makes me think she's way too insecure about her curves.

  31. I'm 6'2", curvy and slim, and the smallest size I wear is a 12. All this size 0, size 2 shit really gets me down.

  32. Anna, I'm 5'10" and only once have I ever squeezed myself into a 10, so I hear you. :) Tall girls represent!

  33. even without the lie or whatever about her size, i think she is really insulting to large, healthy women - just like enty says. I work out a lot, I am in much better shape than most people, but i am still a big girl - and what she says IS pretty offensive.

  34. God, i remember in the UK when a size 8 was considered skinny. That was only a few short years ago .. lol.. I was once the equivalent of a size 2, and that is thiiiiin, i was desperately unhealthy. Now i've had 2 children and i'm a uk 10 (a US 6/8??) but because i'm now alot more 'squidgy' than i used to be i find myself trying on a bigger size so that it skims my body rather than hug it, i've also recently aquired an ass on me (much to my husband's delight) and whilst my waist is a size 10, my derriere is certainly not.. so Ms K, i too challenge you to prove to us that you and that bottom of yours is REALLY a size 2 (and i don't mean the type of size 2 where you had to swap the labes, ok?)

  35. Sorry, she's more of a size 12. Even Catherine Zeta Jones tells you she's a size 8!. This bimbo says she's a size 2? A size 2 has a 26 inch waist.

  36. LOL....she is a trip. When is her 15 minutes going to be up?

  37. LOL....she is a trip. When is her 15 minutes going to be up?

  38. I am throwing in my vote that this girl is CRAZY!!!!

    She is at least a Size 6 US. AT LEAST. No way is she Size 2. My butt she is. She'd have to be VERY skinny and with her boobs and butt there is NO WAY she is or was as skinny as I was at my lightest as a Size 2

  39. Babs said...

    Please, Enty - how about a moratorium on her, too?

    I 2nd that!

  40. A 27w is a 2?

    Im a 2 and my waist is 24

    Her sister, Kourtney is probably a 2, plus for Kim's height, if she were a 2, she'd be skeletal

    Kim is a goddamned lie

    She is an 8, maybe in jeans...

    Maybe a 6 without the padded booty

    Would she have been insulted if they'd said she was a 0? No!

    She's so hypocritical with the "love your curves" bit, and then she writes a blog that puts a negative connotation on being "healthy"

    I mean she lives in Hwood, she has to know when they say "curvy", they mean "thick"

    She's a complete moron, no more of her please

    And I happen to dig F21, too!


  41. My daughter wore a size three jeans prior to her bout of anorexia that had her wearing 00 clothes. She is now a size one. She is about 5'2" to 5'3" and has always been very tiny. No big fat booty arriving ten minutes after the rest of her body. Someone is delusional about her size and her worth to the world.

  42. Oh who cares what size this delusional twit is. Really can we not just shove her somewhere and never hear fron her again.

  43. Agreed, JamieGirl. She needs to add ten to that size 2 b.s. She looks to be a 10 on top.

  44. This trick's claim to fame is a homemade porno, but what she finds 'offensive' is someone getting her size wrong?

  45. I agree with everything Babs said. ALL of it.

    Ugh. You know, I'm hardly a big gal by anyone's standards. I'm a solid size 6, typically, and I can acknowledge that I'm on the thin to slender side of things. So...I'm small. My point is: I KNOW THAT I'M SMALLER THAN KIM KARDASHIAN. Size two is fucking TINY. I don't know why these dumb whores aren't honest. That ass could NOT fit in anything smaller than a six, and even then, each ass cheek would be spilling, jiggling, desperately trying to bust free, etc.

    Kim, sweetie, I'd have you pegged as an 8. And there's NOTHING wrong with that, but you -- and your delusional little friend J-Love -- need to stop being bitches and start being honest. Of course, people who actually give a shit what this dumb twat has to say kinda deserve their body dysmorphia issues, if you ask me.

    Yes, Enty. A ban on Paris, Kim, AND Lindsay would be uber-appreciated. Thanks.

  46. I have to go with Lutefisk on this one..my fifteen year old is seriously built like a toothpick and is about 5'5" and 103 lbs. She is anywhere from a 0-2 depending on the designer. Theres no way that Kim is the same size as my daughter!

  47. and btw Anna...6'2"? Me-ow! Work it girl.. I would love to see you in a pair of stiletto's!

  48. While I agree there's no way Kim is a size 2 I can understand why she'd be offended because she isn't even close to being plus-size. Not that I'm judging those of us who are plus-size since I fit into that category.

  49. Regardless of whether I'm still considered slender being 5'5'' 130lbs at 44.75yrs old or not...


  50. But damn if I don't miss being really skinny. Sucks.

  51. this girl is so self involved---all she saw was plus size and her name next to it, and she thinks it's a bad thing. any person with a high school education can read the snippet and see that US Weekly says that she's a fan of forever21, not of plus size clothing. how can she like the plus size clothing if it isn't even available yet? her significances in society is really one of the downfall of American culture.

  52. This girl is too shallow. She should be thankful her pic is anywhere other than behind the sales counter wrapped in plastic consealing her tits and azz. "Cause that is all there is there.
