Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Jon Gosselin Has A New Kate

US Weekly found another cheater, and this time it is Jon Gosselin from Jon & Kate Plus 8. Apparently while Kate was out of town, Jon decided that instead of spending some quality time alone with his kids and doing some parental bonding, he would instead go out, get drunk and hang out with his girlfriend. OK, to be fair, he might have spent quality time with his children. He actually didn't go out until about 11pm so they were probably asleep. Hopefully he didn't leave them home alone.

US makes a huge deal about how Jon wasn't wearing his wedding ring. To me it just shows how ignorant he really is. He went to some bar that is really close to his house. I'm guessing that even though the average person in the world might not recognize him from his television show that he was probably noticed and recognized at a club near his house. Not wearing a wedding ring when the entire club knows you are married is just tool behavior. If the whole place knows you are married, whether they go home with you is not going to be dependent on whether you are wearing the ring.

For his part, Jon told US that "I went to Legends to speak to the owner. A friend of mine wanted to check out my car, so I let her drive it to her car," he says. "Yes, I have female friends -- but that is all she is. I'm not going to end my friendships just because I'm on TV."

He called this friend babe. Much easier when you are cheating with people if you just call them all babe and that way you don't have to worry about remembering names. When you already have 8 names to remember, babe kind of simplifies everything else.


  1. Well no one should be shocked by this because you can cut the tension with a knife when you watch interviews with Jon and Kate. She wants the fame and he wants to be regular. No matter how many kids are involved, if a man feels like he is trapped and is unhappy he will try and escape or act out and that is exactly what is happening. It would be nice if they worked things out for the sake of the kids but there has to be some compromise somewhere.

  2. In other breaking news, the sun rose today. :)

  3. This is not all that surprising. Kate seems to treat him like crap all the time. And not just in a playful, I'm-teasing-because-it's-what-we-do kind of thing, but seriously degrades him.

  4. He's wearing a wedding ring in this photo.

  5. Kate is a royal bitch to him. She goes beyond your usual nagging and complaining wife - watch the show. It's horrible. I cringe whenever I see them doing their little interview parts, or any other interaction for that matter. If it's that bad on T.V. how bad is it when no cameras are rolling?

  6. Kate - the ring in that picture is on his right hand.

  7. Yeah, because when you need to have a conversation with the owner, 11 pm in a loud bar is the place to have it. And yes, when some female friend of yours has been in the bar, probably drinking, this is the perfect time to let her drive your vehicle.

  8. What do you expect? He essentially married his mother. He's a young guy who married someone who probably said to him (after the twins were born), "I want more kids! This is the way we're going to do it!!"

    And like an idiot, he agreed.

    If I watch it, I watch it for the kids. I do m best to tune her the hell out. The kids are stinky cute, though..

    And Mooshki - LOL!! - Marry me..

  9. I'm on Jons side.
    Because seriously. something similar happened to me last week. I went to a bar with a bunch of friends, they ditched me, and I sat in a car, trying to sober up with a guy friend (friend from high school). Cops came, and now I look like a whore.

  10. Oh good, now we can look forward to marathons of Kate Plus Eight On Welfare.

  11. i don't condone cheating but if i was married to this shrew it would be ON. she raises control freak to an art form.

    that poor poor bastard.
    if they didn't have a tv show and all those kids, they'd be divorced by now. and prob should be.

    she's one of those women who check right out of wifehood to be a mom and then wonder why her marriage is in the shitter.

  12. As much as I hate cheaters, I honestly don't blame the poor schmuck. He's married to one of the biggest shrews in history.

  13. And in addition to being a shrew, she has the worst 80s "funky" haircut ever. I'd divorce her for that alone.

  14. Jax, if Kate's doing mom-hood, I am seriously concerned for her kids! The woman gave up being a wife and mom, to being a class A control freak shrew!

    No way I'd parent my kid the way she does hers. She's got those kids so wound up, they freak out all the time! That one twin girl is seriously going to be on suicide watch when she hits her teens, SUCH high anxiety all the time.

    Learned behaviour. If I was Jon, I'd be getting drunk as a hamster every night to avoid that.

  15. Don't assume he's cheating; maybe they are separated. If he is cheating, he's an ass and really bad at it. Kate's a bitch with a really bad 'do, but cheating and getting caught is pretty lame.

  16. And that Maddie kid of theirs is a major brat and needs discipline.

  17. I read something about him cheating a couple months ago. He was supposedly visiting his mother, got drunk at a college party and went home with 3 chicks or something.

    It's not shocking since Kate treats him like one of the kids. I just feel bad for the kids. Now they can google dad and find out cheated on their mom. YAY!

  18. I rarely watch their show or TLC for that matter, but I did just last week.

    It was the episode where TLC paid for them to fly to Hawaii to get "re-married". I guess Kate had originally wanted to do that 9 years ago, but they had to stay home because family & friends couldn't afford to do the trip. She seemed a bit bitter about that fact, and determined to have THIS wedding HER way.

    They were there a week and invited his Hawaiian relatives to the wedding. It was wierd watching Jon meet his family right before the ceremony on camera. Never visited any of them the rest of the week, just let them show up to the party. Probably saw them as seat fillers.

  19. But, you know...

    Not playing devil's advocate, really, but he bugs me just as much as she does. You see, he tolerates the way she speaks to him, and furthermore, he seems like a bit of a lazy frat boy who just realized he has a gigantic family and he is panicking. While she is extremely abrasive at times, and very much a control freak, you can't BE a control freak if you're in a relationship with someone with a backbone.

    Right now, fooling around when he has eight children, no matter what the marital problems are, shows a lack of maturity and a break with reality.

    Sorry Jon, you're coming off like a giant a-hole in my book. If your wife is a shrew, screwing around and behaving so disrespectfully isn't going to fix much.

  20. Mady acts out, but I wouldn't call her a brat. She is one seriously stressed out little girl literally crying out for attention. She's also picking up on the way Kate talks to people. Hannah too. I feel very sorry for the children in that household.

  21. UGHHH could you imagine the child support he would have to pay...because you know that douche of a wife is going to take him for everything he's got.

  22. This is one of those strange shows that I hate, but when I flip channels and hit on it - I'm glued. It's like watching a train wreck. Those poor kids never stood a chance, including the twins. Kate is so self-centered and has always been. Ug.

  23. I too read about Jon's cheating a few months ago, and now this. And the excuse is very lame.

    Yes, Kate's a beotch but cheating is not justified by her behavior --the kids will ultimately suffer for it, not Kate.

  24. "Mommy and Daddy are getting remarried because we love each other and we are going to be together forever and ever, because that's what mommies and daddies do"

    oh really Kate?

    Mady is a grade A brat, sorry if you disagree but she is and Kate feeds it. Ya, no one expects to have 6 lil bros and sis all at ojnce, but get over it, they are 6 for god's sake. get that kid in therapy.
    the one i feel for is Cara. she seems so quiet and sweet and has to deal with all Mady's shit constantly.

  25. I don't know what the story is behind this; I know that Jon and Kate fight a lot, but it would be really stupid for Jon to go out to a local bar, just like Enty said.

    And Allycat, I don't believe the college story. I'm in college, and I know that if anyone even remotely famous showed up to a party would get photographed to death. The pictures would be bragging rights and more importantly, they could be sold off. To have photographic evidence of a reality star cheating on his also quasi-famous wife? That could fetch a couple thousand dollars. So until I see those pictures, I don't believe he went to that college party.

    Has anyone seen pictures of Jon at the party?

  26. Sorry Jax, still disagree about Mady. Being constantly filmed has put the kids under a tremendous amount of stress. And you know that Cara and Mady deal with a lot of crap at school about it. Poor Cara has become completely withdrawn. Don't even get me started about how the sextuplets have been baby-fied to make for better TV. They're still wearing bibs!

  27. Ok, it may have been a college bar.

    Actually, what I was trying to convey is that this isn't the first time rumors of him cheating have been around.

  28. sounds like he rifled through the house while kate was out of town, located his balls and took them back.

  29. I'd like to know what college girls would actually cheat with this guy. Gross!!! Even with the beer goggles on and 21 I wouldn't let this old man near my tatas.

  30. Kate acts terrible to Mady -- I thought she was a brat at first but she's just looking for attention. She is ignored most of the time, unless Kate is mocking her or telling her how wonderful Cara is.

    Also, I think she throws the tantrum to get barred from going to different activities, which means she doesn't have to be filmed and gets some time by herself.

  31. i saw one of the shows a few months ago, and couldn't believe it when she bullied the film crew into replacing a window blind. i felt really bad for the daddy, and didn't understand what the fascination with the show was.
    most of my friends are male, and i do tend to call people "honey". if he cheated, though, i can't judge.

  32. I totally agree with calling all the people you are cheating with babe. "Oh you" works well too. So I have heard.

  33. sorry Paisley, we'll have to disagree because I watch this show and none of the other kids are nearly as temperamental as Mady.
    She throws a hissy and they ignore her, so would I.
    why reward bad behavior and set an example for 7 other kids?
    nip that shit in the bud!
    IMO of course.

  34. I'm with Kat. While I can see Kate is a control freak, I can also see that she's going out of her mind trying to keep the household functioning and he's one of those attention-optional parents, mostly in his own world. Nobody's behaving perfectly here, but Kate is probably a bitch because she's desperate for help and exhausted.

  35. This show boils my blood and the one kid Maddy is a grade-A, certifiable, annoying brat. The mom is a rabid, biotch from hell and the dad seems nice enough but a little clueless. He got trapped by this blonde banshee and needs to release some steam.
    No one should watch this crap. It's rewarding this family for depleting the Earth's resources.
    Boo! Hiss! Next!!!

  36. Enty, so glad you covered this. I really enjoy the show and hope Jon & Kate make it but given how she treats him (though he does seem rather passive-aggressive) and the stress they are under with the 8 kids & filiming, I'll be surprised. Kate does say she wants people to see how they really are...and that, of course, means we criticize.

  37. Kate IS a BITCH but Jon is a total asshole. I don't care how bad your marriage is, you don't CHEAT when you have children. Either seek therapy or divorce. Also, I completely agree about Maddy being a total BRAT. Cara is such a little sweetheart, I'm shocked they are twins, they are like night and day. Kate feeds into Maddy's shit fits. It's irritating as hell

  38. I see Kara and Mady as twins who got too much of one emotion. What I mean is that Cara seems to be super calm (TV read: boring) and Mady seems to be super sensitive (TV read: bitchy). And Jax my dear - when the kids act like that I blame the parents 100%. My biggest accomplishment as a mom was when my childrens' friends' parents told me that we don't mind having your kids sleep over because they are good kids. Kate needs a good slapping. I also think those kids are suffering now from being on the air. Give them some damn privacy, please!
