Friday, April 03, 2009

JK Rowling Rules The World

Do you want to know how you can tell when you are famous at a level above anyone else? It really has nothing to do with money or if people know your name. Sure, that is one level of fame. Everyone knows who Paris Hilton is and she has made some money, but, she is just one of many fish in the celebrity sea. Sure, she is a little more diseased than the rest of the fish, and her colors are not as bright as the rest of the fish, but she is just there swimming with all the rest of the wannabes.

JK Rowling also knows what it is like to be famous. She is known all over the world and has gobs and gobs of money. So, what makes her different than all of the other celebrity fish swimming in the sea? She has world leaders lined up like a kid at Comic-Con wanting her autograph in books not only for their own children, but for themselves. According to The Telegraph, at a dinner prepared by Jamie Oliver, it was not Jamie who was the star, but instead, JK Rowling who sat there patiently and signed books for Barack Obama, the Russian President and his wife and several other world leaders who all stood patiently waiting their turn.

When you can literally stop the world in its tracks when you show up at a party, you have pretty much achieved a level of fame not many people will surpass. The only other time world leaders would be that excited to meet someone would be if they were a lobbyist handing out free money.


MontanaMarriott said...

J.K. Rowling is the baddest bitch, LOL

Maja With a J said...

I hope to one day achieve this level of fame.

I don't know for what yet, but it'll come to me, I'm sure.

David D. said...

She has also apparently handled her incredible success with dignity, modesty, confidence and a sense of humour.

Anonymous said...

David - and I think that's the key. I mean in addition to creating something that everyone can identify with.

Very cool, Enty.

Unknown said...

Johnny Depp would be able to make those world leaders beg at his feet. Even if they are straight.

CDAN Mod said...

this is a cool write up. from welfare mom to international best selling series author...

Kara said...

That's cute. I can picture all these powerful world leaders waiting for her.

The best part of that kind of fame, imo, is that she doesn't get mobbed by the press. She's famous, rich, but not necessarily recognizable by EVERYONE. That would be an awesome kind of fame to have!

nunaurbiz said...

Wow. That is truly amazing!

Anonymous said...

I love JK Rowling's story. Has she done a memoir and will there be a movie?
I see Cate Blanchett as her.

Mamacita said...

J.K.'s story is fascinating and wonderful and I am happy for her.

dbfreak said...

Oh she should definately write a memoir! I would actually be interested in reading it and memoirs aren't usually my thing.

And AnnMarie, I think you TOTALLY pegged the casting of her with Cate Blanchett - perfect.

jax said...

fuck i love this lady!

bionic bunny! said...

definitely A list!!

Judi said...

Total hero. LOVE her. Yep, BBunny - "A infinite number of pluses" list.

lmnop123 said...
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lmnop123 said...

She is certainly well deserving of her status. It's people like her who put a smile on my face and make me think everything is alright with this great big ole' world of ours.

You've done well for yourself Ms. Rowling. Quite well. Give yourself a pat on the back for me. :)

ahdaboom said...

every time i read about her success i think about the fact that at one point she lived in her car and how her ex husband is a total douche. it makes me smile that she overcame her circumstances and it's nice to read that she is happy now and enjoying her success.

Katja said...

i love her and LOVE that she is responsible for millions of people reading again!

she deserves every dime!

Jerry said...

from Quintessential Southerner... best selling series author...

I think this actually understates her importance. People will be reading the Harry Potter series 300 years from now. These aren't just novels, they're literature.


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