Jessica Lange And Drew Barrymore Fight Over Awards
Apparently everyone thinks HBO is going to clean up at Emmy time with Grey Gardens which stars Jessica Lange and Drew Barrymore. The one tiny problem HBO had was convincing Jessica Lange to nominate herself for Supporting Actress rather than Actress. She didn't want to do it. I don't blame her. If someone is on screen the same amount of time, why should she throw herself into a category she doesn't want to be in just to please HBO and give Drew Barrymore a chance to win an Emmy.
For their part, HBO had this to say to Page Six, "Both performances have been widely praised and critically acclaimed. We are thrilled with the reception that 'Grey Gardens' has received. HBO would never presume to dictate which category an actor chooses for award submissions. We do engage in a dialogue with actors and filmmakers to facilitate the process, but the actor's decision is always final."
Yeah, Jessica's decision was final, but you can tell from the statement that they wanted to avoid any drama and to have the chance for each to go home a winner so they could claim it in advertising or whatever. Everyone thinks that Drew will win the Emmy for best actress, but Jessica Lange has won two Academy Awards so you just never know.