Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Jen & Courteney Break Up

Apparently Jennifer Aniston and Courteney Cox are no longer BFF. Oh, I'm sure it will blow over at some point, but for now David Arquette is probably loving his life. No more whiny Jennifer calling the house every five minutes or showing up unexpectedly to talk about her new movie or fake boyfriend or to steal the house weed.

Courteney Cox is one of the few Friends cast members I can actually stand and I even like her. God that was hard to say. I really loved Dirt, and I'm hoping for good things from her new show. Well, to try and get her show picked up by a network, she obviously wanted the best pilot possible and so asked Jennifer Aniston to be in it. According to The Globe, Jennifer said no. Of course, the Globe probably said that Elvis was still alive later in the issue, so believe what you want.

Because Jennifer said no, Courteney was devastated. Why? It is totally worth not having a show picked up if it gets Jennifer permanently out of your life. I don't recall Jennifer ever appearing in Dirt either. I think Jennifer only wants success for herself. If someone else is trying to succeed and it has a chance, she won't help. If a project is awful or a show, I think she would be happy to do it and will be the first to say, "sorry it didn't work out." Well, she should have a lot of experience with awfulness.

So Courteney, tell Jennifer to be gone and invite the entire Arquette clan over for a party. Can you imagine what it must be like to get drunk with the Arquette family? Patricia, Rosanna, Alexis and David? That has to be fun. I don't think Jennifer has had that in 20 years.


  1. Jennifer was on dirt.. She was a rival rag lady who tried to do something to Courtney.. don't remember what but they shared a kiss!

  2. Yeah, what FreeThinker said. I guess that means Jen won't be their third wheel on vacations anymore.

  3. yeah, i liked Dirt also. and Jenn was in a few eps. i don't believe this story from The Globe though.

  4. enty, Jennifer was on Dirt as the editor of the other gossip mag. They even had a little kiss that was all over the gossip blogs.



  5. Wasn't there some info a few months ago about Jen not being invited to go on vacation with Courteney? I thought they parted ways a while ago.

  6. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Don't like Aniston, always thought she was a lousy actress.

  7. My conspiracy theory: Jen wanted Courntey to ask her to be on the show so she could turn her down, and when she didn't, she had her flak make up this story.

    I LOVE the Arquettes. Every single one of 'em.

  8. LOL @ Enty's tag line.

  9. i like them both, but i really don't care about this one way or the other.

  10. I just wanted to add-Courteney looks HOT in that photo.

  11. oh, i'm SO at the arquette dinner. all nuts in their own unique ways.

    i really wish jennifer aniston would just go the fuck away.

  12. enty made a comment about this in the randoms the other day, remember?

  13. New Reality Show: I Want to be Invited to an Arquette House Party.

  14. I still think about Patricia Arquette in True Romance.. long live Alabama Whorley

  15. What about Rosanna in "After Hours?" God, that movie is good.

  16. Oh, great, yet another story about "poor Jennifer Aniston". Dumped now by her girlfriend. Ugh. I am so sick of hearing about her victim stories. I wish the Aniston media would just STOP.

  17. Alabama Worley is one of my favourite characters ever, in one of my favourite movies ever.

    I like Courteney Cox. She appears to be pretty normal. She's not a fantastic actress but she is good at what she does. It is hard to forget Monica Geller though...*L*

  18. 'true romance' also gave us my all time favorite performance by brad pitt as floyd.

    get some beer.....and some cleaning products.

  19. Yeah, I need to rent True Romance again. Love Gary Oldman, love all of them. Best role ever for Pitt, and his honey-bear bong.

  20. ...and I'm still haunted by the FFF pic of Alexis' unit. Sad, sad, sad...

  21. since enty likes cox, i guess we can rule her out of the cokehead mom of the year blinds.

  22. What would be like to have millions upon millions of dollars and even more coming in everyday in royalties for your extinct but syndicated show? It's just a battle of egos at this point isn't it?

  23. Mooshki said What about Rosanna in "After Hours?" God, that movie is good.

    100% agree-Great Film...I want to see Griffin Dunn in his own series not Trust Me, which was cancelled in the 1st season.

  24. She was on dirt there was a big deal with the kiss.
