I Would Love To Hear What Britney Spears Has To Say
If you believe Jamie Spears and everything he says or does, then you can understand why he is spending massive amounts of Britney Spears' money to keep Sam Lufti away from her. Yesterday was another day in the hearing to determine whether Sam Lufti is going to have to continue staying away from Britney, or if he can get that restraining order lifted and have contact with her. The last time the two sides were in court we heard all about the cell phone that was confiscated from Britney's purse. Well yesterday, Sam Lufti's sister testified that she was the person who snuck the phone to Britney.
According to Christina Lufti, Britney called Christina in mid January asking for her help and for a phone. Britney arranged with Christina where to meet and the phone was handed over to Britney in a hotel sauna. January is only a couple of months ago. I'm assuming that Britney is taking her medication or whatever else she is supposed to be doing and yet she is still reaching out to Sam and to Adnan and to Christina. Why is she doing that? Well, according to one lawyer it is because Britney feels like she is in prison which she has said before.
On the other hand, Britney's former lawyer Blair Berk testified that Britney wanted Sam put in jail for what he was doing to her. At this point I don't know what is true and what isn't. What I would love to have happen is for a judge to rule that Britney is competent enough to testify about what she thinks and feels because right now we just have Jamie vs Sam.
Jamie brought Britney back from the edge of self-destruction. I'm not arguing with that at all. I am wondering though if the public self-destruction has just been traded for some private self-destruction we can't see and that the end result will be the same. If someone feels they are in jail and will never get out no matter what they do, that has to lead to frustration or resignation or an explosion.
The next date of the hearing is April 21.