Thursday, April 30, 2009

Hugh Jackman Supports Madonna's Adoption

Hugh Jackman can probably get himself a quickie from Madonna after what he said about her, and how he fully supports her adoption of Mercy from Malawi. In an interview with The Sun, Hugh slammed the way Australia handles adoptions of children coming from any country other than Australia.

“The adoption laws in Australia are too restrictive. Of course, checks need to be made. But they had a very negative approach. It was like they were trying to discourage you."

I got the feeling from Hugh's interview that if you don't have a lot of money, power, and time that you would have a very difficult time in adopting a child from another country.

"There are 130 million orphans in the world - who is looking after them? If you are a citizen of the world, on some level they are all our responsibility. And if you have got parents who want to adopt and there are children who need a home, it seems like a no-brainer. There are not that many children in Australia who need adopting, so we looked internationally and that is what is difficult.”

Barriers and red tape were thrown up in front of them, but in the end they did manage to adopt two children.

He did save his best for last though. He said he is sickened by people who think Madonna is just doing this for a publicity stunt. Well, I am still on the fence Hugh so you might have to go ahead and be half sick. He says that “I challenge anyone who thinks you adopt a kid for a publicity stunt. Any parent knows that would have to be the most intensive publicity stunt in the world. I am sure she is coming from a good place.”

Well, I'm sure she will kiss you for that and probably more if you want it. I understand what he is saying and I would agree with him 99% of the time in regards to most people, but this is Madonna and so I am still not 100% convinced. Time will tell.


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