How To Lose $30M in 3 Years
Normally you would think that if you spend $30M over the course of three years that you would have something tangible in return to show for it. A house, cars, clothes, a yacht, something. I mean, Brewster's Millions, notwithstanding, you just can't blow $1M a month every month for three years and get nothing in return.
Well, according to music producer Scott Storch, that is exactly what he did. Over the past three years he spent $30M on cocaine. He spent other money on other things, but $30M of his money went to the drug. He wiped himself out financially. I can't fathom spending $250K a week on a drug. That is a little over $1,000 an hour 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for 3 years that you spent on a drug.
That just blows my mind.
Scott says that he is now in recovery. Umm, yeah, but I wonder if he would have been in recovery yet if he had not run through all his money. It is an interesting theory. Did he hit rock bottom or did the fact he didn't have any money left make him hit rock bottom?
He told MTV, "I'm taking it back to square one (going back into the studio). I found myself slipping a little bit. I got involved in doing drugs. I had to get myself into recovery. Being in the life that I was living - very fast-moving, option to do anything you want, go anywhere you wanna go - it definitely takes its toll on you, and you lose your concept of reality. I had to get it under control. I had to take it back to the beginning and back to the Hit Factory (studio), where I made a lot of my hits."
Good luck to the guy. I remember when Britney was in her shaved head phase she was spending a lot of time with Scott. They were probably knitting together. Maybe taking a cross-stitch class.