Monday, April 13, 2009

Hey Today Show. Stop Kissing Butt And Ask A Question

LeAnn Rimes was on The Today show this morning. She was on the show to promote her new book. So, in return for giving her national publicity and increased book sales, Today got what in return? Nothing. They didn't ask her one question about her affair. They didn't even try and evasively ask a question about it.

It isn't like they didn't have opportunities either. They did. At one point LeAnn said that people are fascinated about her personal life. I don't really agree with that, but whatever. She then could have been led into discussing why her personal life has been in the news lately. They could have asked anything, but instead they just let her talk about what she wanted to talk about and gave her softball questions.

These people want to come on the show because it sells books. You are already doing them one favor. You don't need to do another by not asking questions. When a "news" show does this all they are doing is being a publicist for the actress or actor or singer. It would be like if that ship captain who got rescued yesterday came on the show tomorrow and they spent the entire segment talking about his favorite recipes at sea.


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