Casey Aldridge Is A Lucky Man
You might think that the headline is a little misleading considering Casey Aldridge was in that terrible truck accident over the weekend, but with just a little bad luck he could have ended up like Nick Hogan. Casey was charged with careless operation of a motor vehicle, but if any of his four passengers had been killed in the accident he could be looking at serious jail time. Instead, through some kind of miracle, despite three people being ejected from the truck, he was the only one seriously hurt. Oh sure, he will probably get sued, but if his insurance won't pay up, then maybe Britney will lend him a few bucks.
The police said they didn't have any reason to suspect Casey was drinking and I don't either, but I do find it extremely interesting that no policeman actually talked to Casey until four hours after his crash and that is when they made their drinking determination. Ummm, like I said, I have no reason to suspect he was drinking, but doing an interview with him four hours after the fact is not going to give you the best indication as to whether he was under the influence of something.
I'm glad everyone is doing fine, and Casey should be grateful that this didn't turn out with him being the next Nick Hogan. By the way, how do you fit five people into that truck in the picture?