Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Bruce Springsteen Affair Details To Come To Light

I haven't really felt the need to post about the Bruce Springsteen affair up until now, because it is just kind of ho hum. But, the woman in the alleged affair went to court to try and get the divorce filings sealed from public view and failed. A judge ruled that "The family court is not unique in presiding over cases that involve enormous personal embarrassment. Openness is the norm, it is not the exception." That means those affair denials from Bruce and the woman might come back to bite them in the butt. Sure, the details alleged by the husband may or may not be true, but if there is nothing to hide, then why seal the records? The woman says it is to save her children from further embarrassment and harm. I understand that, but if she did have an affair with Bruce, maybe she should have thought about not only her children then, but also Bruce's children.

Oh, and Bruce isn't blameless here himself. I mean he has proven in the past that he is a cheater. That is how he ended up with his current wife. She was the other woman once herself. This should all get very interesting in the next few days.


  1. well, it's like i always say: it'll end how it started!

    look out brangelina.

  2. Did he meet her at a Walmart?

  3. Bruce and Patti have been together for 20+ years - I'm not sure you can establish a pattern of behavior re: his cheating. Besides, it was obvious that he and the first wife were very mismatched. It would be a shame if this marriage broke up, they seem to be really in love.

    Oh also - all that bored Jersey housewives do is talk, I've seen it firsthand. The Springsteens' current town of residence is full of rich bitches with too much time and too much money and gossip spreads like Britney Spears' legs around there.

    Having said that, this should be fun to watch *grabs popcorn*

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Once a cheater always a cheater.

  6. I'm sorry, but I liked his first wife. What was her name? Julianne Phillips? She seemed nice. And he FLAUNTED his affair. Even if the marriage isn't going to work out, you don't need to humilate the wife that way.

    So I think this is karma in a way.

  7. What ever happened to his first wife? Julianne Phillips? We should do one of those what ever happened to. . .? She really fell off the radar.

  8. So true margarita. My sister used to live one town over from Springsteen and she had a friend who taught at the kid's school. She used to laugh at all the other rich housewives and how they used to gossip and try to top each other. I miss NJ rich bitches.

  9. Now you are in my neck of the woods! I was going to the Pony, with my fake ID, when BS and the Jukes were a bar band. My sister is in his neighborhood...this is not the only affair he has had. He and the wife have been "living together but apart" for some time now. Remember the lake incident? margarita, you are right - Lil' Sis's neighborhood make DH look like Mr. Roger's neighborhood.

  10. So, I take it all you guys are as excited for the "Real Housewives of New Jersey" as I am? :)

  11. I'm from Exit 13 baby!

  12. I'm originally from Exit 88! I grew up. Moved away from the shore. So sad.

  13. mikey - What's the "lake incident"?

  14. Uh 20 years in faithfulness? Are you kidding? How bout 20 years of faithfulness? That did not happen, and this divorce proves it. That's exactly the way they met, and that's exactly the way they will end.

  15. Bryn - Short version - he has a house in the Lake Placid area. His daughter is a major horsewoman and trains/competes there frequently. His son was in a kayak on the lake, flipped and had to be rescued. Both parents were around for the horse competition but it was obvious to all that was the only reason they were both in Lake Placid, at the same time. They take turns. Anyway, the screaming following the overturned kayak was really ugly.

  16. I always wondered what happened to Julianne. I loved her show "Sisters."

  17. Exit 109- same exit as Bruce.. in fact..same town **cough cough cough** my family was there first!

  18. LOL "Bruce isn't totally blameless".

    What a joke - Bruce is totally to blame! The other woman didn't take a vow: he did.

  19. mikey - re: lake incident - wow, sounds like a lot of juicy gossip there. Sad for the kids though.

  20. mikey - interesting, I knew about the kayak incident but not about the screaming stuff. Sucks for the kids.

    I'm actually a bigger fan of Patti than I am of Bruce lately. Her last album was brilliant while his last few have been so-so.

  21. As I recall, the marriage to Julianne fell apart when she decided that her career was more important than the kids they both wanted prior to marriage.

    She was a gold digger and returned to obscurity as deserved.

  22. There are now reports that this wife was purposely showing up at locations where he'd be. Whatever happened in the past in his life, I think that this is a stalking situation. She doesn't it want it known how obsessed she is about him and that's why she wants the record sealed.

  23. I worked for Mr. S in the mid/late 80's. Julianne was a ridiculous wife for him and he finally found the one for him (at least at the time). He was and is a wonderful person, no matter what the rumors are. He has done so much good for people without wanting the glory for it so I won't believe anything bad about him unless I see it for myself.

  24. Bruce's music has meant a heck of a lot to me. I don't think there has been any proof shown of an affair so I won't believe it.

  25. Jesus Christ. I love his music too but some of you should hold onto your dignity with both hands -- bashing Julianne Phillips 20 years after she was cheated on and unnecessarily humiliated is pathetic. She was young and gorgeous and accepted a proposal. There's no evidence that she was a gold digger. The competing rumor is that she couldn't have kids, so that fail-safe "She wanted a career, not children! She tricked him! Who-ore!" comment is extra awesome if that's true.

    I'm a woman, and in my experience its more often than not women who post these crazypants "No! NO! Nothing under the Federal Rules of Evidence has been admitted! And this woman was a rich bitch stalking him from gym to gym in the Garden State! And I flove "Rosalita"! comments. What the fuckitty? Be a fan, not a lemming.

  26. I love "what the fuckitty". I sure could have used that a few times today.
