Thursday, April 23, 2009

Ben Widdicombe Blind Item

Which well-known NYC style scribe messed up a TV pilot when he tried to perk up for the camera by doing a line of cocaine? Turns out the baggie of leftover party drugs in his sock drawer was ketamine, which had the opposite effect.


  1. uuuuummmm...Tim Gunn? i don't know much about stlye stuff...maybe the 'what not to wear guy' who's name escapes me(but i know it will pop into my head as soon as i push 'publish comment'

  2. Does Tim Gunn or that other guy write fashion articles/books? I think it's probably an NYC fashion journalist or something along those lines, not a t.v personality

  3. yeah, see, that's why i get lost. i'm a SAHM of 4 little kids in Washington state...not always up on the New York fashion if there was a blind item about Dora the Explorer, i would be ALL over it!

  4. BITE YOUR TONGUE!!! My beloved Tim Gunn would NEVER do such a thing! :)

  5. Tim Gunn's "stick up ass" syndrome wouldn't allow that kind of tom foolery, I don't believe.

  6. yeah, i don't really think he would do such a thing, either

  7. FYI Mrs.M5-you were thinking of Clinton Kelly ;)

  8. wouldn't the equal amount of ketamine do more than make you a little drowsy???
    not really that familiar with it, but heard it's damn powerful stuff.

  9. oooo, thanks Yellow Rose, i appreciate that, it would have driven me crazy...i guess i could have googled it! hahah

  10. @bionicbunny!

    If it was one line of ketamine? It would make you drunk-stumbly for about 40 minutes, then it would wear off, no big deal. More than one line of ketamine, well, you'd be disassociating from reality ... but still, 40-60 minutes tops.

    Not that I speak from experience ... drugs are bad, kids! :)

  11. My guess: Simon Doonan. Loooove his dishy books!

  12. What about Carson Kressley? Found this on Wiki:

    "In September 2008, Kressley shot a pilot for his own daytime talk show on Lifetime."

    Maybe? Is he based in NYC?

  13. And to answer my own question, according to Wiki, Carson does live in NYC.

    Never watched any of his shows; does he seem like the cokey type?

  14. Carson is a good guess, but what does he write?

  15. I'm a part of Team Gunn.

  16. Hell nah, my man TG wouldn't do this crap. Carson maybe.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Carson is also a horse person - Ketamine is commonly used as a horse tranquelizer...

  19. Judi,
    That was my 1st thought.

  20. Dunno who it is, but his tripping out on Special K is on video somewhere and I WANNA SEE IT!!!!

  21. I still love him and would lick his toilet clean for the chance to lick him.
