Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Angelina Jolie Is Dr. Kay Scarpetta - Kind Of

First of all, why did I think Angelina Jolie was older than 33 years old? Doesn't she seem like she has been around forever? Hackers was like 15 years ago so you would think she would be older than 33. Maybe it is because she was married to the old guy who we try not to talk about anymore. Anyway, that isn't the point of the post, but doesn't it seem like she should be at least 40?

So, Angelina signed on to be Dr. Kay Scarpetta which is the main character in the series written by Patricia Cornwell. To me, this seemed like a pretty good choice. She can just crank out one of these movies every couple of years, rake in the bucks and lead a pretty good life. She has said in interviews she was not going to act as much, and a successful franchise allows you to do that.

The thing is, I really don't understand why even bother to use the name Kay Scarpetta and pay Patricia Cornwell the big bucks. Oh, I would understand if they were going to base the movies on one of her 16 books, but they aren't. Nope. They are just going to make up a story for each movie. They are paying big bucks just for the name. It seems to me you can invent your own franchise if you are going to be making up stories from scratch anyway.

Maybe fans of the books will like this better because each one of Cornwell's books won't be destroyed, but at the same time an original script and you might see things about the character that have never been in the books.

Whatever it is, look for Angelina to be doing this for the next five years.


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