Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Airline Fees Have Nothing On Nine Inch Nails

Airlines have started charging a fee for just about everything. Checked bags, seat assignments, food, and a whole lot more. In fact, I saw that Spirit Airlines is going to start charging a fee for you to buy their ticket anyplace other than in the airport. Considering that no one really buys a ticket at the airport, it basically amounts to a fee for the privilege of giving them some of your money. Whatever.

Apparently Nine Inch Nails loves airline fees and surcharges and making sure their fans get hosed as much as possible. Instead of making things easier or less expensive for their fans during the recession, Trent Reznor and company have decided to screw all of you over.

How so? Well, when you go to the NIN website, you can download their new album Strobe Light. Of course you have to pay $18.98 to get a copy, but that is not my problem. My issue with Trent and the other money hungry a-holes who advise them is that if you choose to download the album off their site they are going to charge you an extra $10 which they are calling a digital delivery convenience fee. Ummm. I'm confused. If I buy a CD at a store it is much more expensive for the record company than if I just download it digitally. There are packaging and marketing costs. They might have side deals with the retailer which cuts into the margins on the albums. Distribution expenses. So many additional expenses.

You would think that instead of paying $18.98 online which is the same price as the store, the band would actually knock a few bucks off for the money you are saving. Nope. Instead they want to make sure their most loyal fans pay extra. If you are a die hard NIN fan and want the new album now and don't want to go to the store, they are going to screw you over by making you pay an extra $10 for the privilege. This seems to me to be a way to drive all your fans to look for the album for free in other places. Why am I going to pay you an extra $10 for something that is probably already saving you $10? How effing greedy do you have to be?

Thanks Kelly


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