Friday, March 13, 2009

Your Turn

It's that time of the week again. Once again this week, the anonymous commenting feature has been turned back on so everyone can contribute and also can spill what they know without anyone knowing it. This week what I want to know is your juiciest gossip story. No, not about you. We already kind of did that last week. No, this week I want you to relate the best gossip you have ever heard from your friends or family.

Did the neighbor down the street film porn in their house? Was the woman across the street sleeping with her neighbor's son? Did your uncle actually get a sex change? Everyone has gossip. Let's hear it.


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Anonymous said...

Dang, I have no celeb gossip to pass on and everything shocking I know seems so very tame compared to other non-celeb stuff that has been posted.

The most gossipy thing I can think of is that my male friend had affairs with three married women and broke up three marriages. All the women are divorced now and he isn't with anyone. You would never know it by looking at him or even talking to him, he doesn't seem like a cheating scumbag and enabler. I love him very much and this is the one thing about him I'll NEVER understand. I could speculate all day long about why he does it, but I am pretty sure it will happen again. He says he has learned his lesson (the third time was especially traumatic) but I doubt it.

Anonymous said...

This guy I'm interested in or was, revealed to me that he would meet girls online and after a few weeks, go on week long vacations to have sex with them. I quickly realized I would become another notch on his post and ceased contact immediately. I hope someone recognizes this serial f*cker.

Anonymous said...

posting for updates

Genesis said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Singer/actress was beaten consistently by her musician boyfriend for the 8 months they were together. She finally dumped him but he continued contacting and harassing her. About 10 months later, she starts seeing an actor, but it didn't stop the musician. Within a few months, she's p.g. with the actor's child. Only then, after more than a year, does the musician leave her alone.

Anonymous said...

I used to work with Jennifer Hudson's ex boyfriend. He was a sneaky scumbag and his uncle was known for sexually harassing women on the job.

Anonymous said...

Here's mine...Jerry Springer style.

My step-brother John married Rachel and they had my nephew, Michael. When Michael was three it was discovered Rachel was cheating with a friend of John's, Stan. John leaves Rachel and she gets together with Stan, and they have a kid - Jonathan. When Jonathan was barely a year old, Stan proclaims his love for Cindy, Rachel's 14 year old NIECE...Stan was in his late 30's at the time (PIG.)

Stan and Cindy now have a little girl of their own. He's in his 40's and she's in her late teens. Rachel had a third son with another man who is an abusive alcoholic. My heart breaks for Michael, who lives in constant anxiety over the whole situation. You'd think Rachel would have figured out you can't tie a man down by having his kid...dumb bitch.

I'm saddened to say John is somewhere in Brazil...heavy addiction to drugs. Fortunately, my stepfather has been wonderful to Michael, his only grandchild.

Anonymous said...

Lead actor in a film that included lots of kids is married w/ children. Everyday, in front of his young co-stars, he had a different girl brought to his trailer. Didn't take long for the kids to understand that these girls were not his wife and exactly what was going on in the trailer - rocking almost off its wheels.

Anonymous said...

On a long boozy cross country flight, I sat next to a woman who worked in a prominant LA plastic surgeon's office. She told me that something went horribly wrong with Goldie Hawn's facelift a number of years ago and some muscles around her mouth got severed.

Now her smile is permanently lopsided, and I'll bet that's the reason why her hair will be covering her face for the next 40 years, just like it did in her glory days.

Back in the early 90's, one of my friends went to NYC for a girls' weekend and they all met Donald Trump at some event they went to. He asked them all several times if any of them 'fooled around'. This was during the time when the media was heavily covering his split with Ivana to hook up with Marla Maples.

My cousin went backstage at a Cheap Trick concert in the small town we lived in. She was very pretty and was often compared to Jaclyn Smith, primarily due to her hair. She smoked a joint with Tom Peterson and made out pretty heavily with him in a dressing room. She denies effing him, but went at least to 3rd base. He decided she was worth seeing again, so he used to call her at home every night on tour and begged her to take a road trip to see him while he was in the region.

Problem was, she was still in high school. But he didn't know it, since she lied her ass off. She kept the roach as a souvenier in her changepurse for years.

Anonymous said...

My great-grandfather died while screwing his mistress on the beach in Montauk. Now I own a house right there and I think about it sometimes. HI GRANDPA!

Anonymous said...

@3:28 PM One tiny, maybe not helpful clue: The huffer and the stoner have a movie coming out in the not-too-distant future. I think it's the first time they've been in a film together.

Anonymous said...

I used to work at a mexican restaurant that this "golden couple" use to frequent about once a week. The wife was very sweet but neurotic. When I or anyone else used to serve them we ususally would observe the same things.
Whenever the husband would order she would complain about him not supporting her being healthy and he should eat the same thing she ate. She always had baked chicken and salad with a margarita while the husband enjoyed to try different items all of the time.
For about a year he would usually just order whatever she had but when he would tell her no and that he wanted something else, she would be on the verge of tears and seem very shaky. Eventually he would always change to what she ate because he couldn't stand to see her so upset. We were NOT suprised when they split up.

Anonymous said...

4:31 I know that is Jennifer and Brad.

Wow she is a freak, huh?

Anonymous said...

First time this story has been told publicly: World famous older actor is into poo. A local hooker began tattling. He found her in a club and beat the crap out of her - from one end of the club to the other. Of course, the police were never called. No one outside this neighborhood of this capital city knows.

sassafrass said...

This is some juicy shit!

Anonymous said...

George Clooney?

Anonymous said...

When I was a very little girl (about 3) I walked in on my father carrying my nanny...yes carrying her. I remember telling mom about it. A short time later I remember my nanny coming home with a baby...a little girl.

My mom left my father and we moved out of state. The nanny and my mom kept in touch for a short period through the years.

As an adult I found out the little girl is likely my half sister, but this was never confirmed. What is more disturbing about this whole thing is that my nanny had mild physical disabilities, and the thought of my father abusing her is just horrible. She was overweight, and my mom was so naive she didn't realize she was pregnant until my grandmother realized it. My father tried to kick her out of the house and my mother flat out refused.

Now I know why my nanny was so attached to me for so many years, and why she cried when I held her little girl...

25 years later, I went to see my father after finding out he was dying of cancer. I hadn't seen him in 10 years, and when he asked me if I'd kept in touch with my nanny and the little girl I just knew it was true. He never admitted it, but it was quite obvious he was remorseful and I just felt so sick at the thought of what he did to my nanny.

I haven't seen or heard from my nanny or her daughter in at least 20 years. I have no clue where they are and in all honesty, don't really want to.

Anonymous said...

I was married to a sex addict for 20 years and had NO CLUE (he was a gifted liar). One of his "girls" was my niece (still unconfirmed) and when we got divorced (b/c I found a sex tape) he married one of his "girls" and then had a baby with her. I'm ruined emotionally over it, and can't trust men now at all....loads of therapy. Those of you you say your lives are boring, be thankful.

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:40 - Are you guessing Clooney for 4:36 blind? If so, the answer is no. Think MUCH older - and I should have added that this actor is foreign. Sorry. It's a huge detail.

captivagrl said...

I'm really enjoying these!

Anonymous said...

Omar Sharif?

RocketQueen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Judi said...

These are GREAT! I feel bad about those that involve family members. Some of these are really sad. Hugs all around.

Anonymous said...

1:53PM. You're are right on one of the three. I think the scariest thing is that she/he was most likely killed by one of her clients. She made a lot of money in NYC, lived on Columbus Circle. Sadly, she was very successful in her chosen field. Is it really safe here to give out names to a dangerous blind item that involved murder. There is no statute of limitations, after all. A hint - either an Academy Award winner or nominee for one of the three.

Judi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Sean Connery?

Judi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Genesis said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

if a person is on hormones, they're a transsexual, not a transvestite. Transvestite are men who dress as women, not people born in the wrong body and correcting that error.

Also, what famous TS is a star of the stage with recurring roles on television? I certainly don't know Candace Cayne to be a stage star.

Judi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

And what's with the he/she comments regarding transgender women and men. A transgender woman is a she and a transgender man is a he. It's really not rocket science. Let's show some maturity and respect people.

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:49 - No, but almost the same generation. Probably just a bit older than Sharif. And, no, not Delon - and that's a clue.
Anon 4:52 - Not Connery. Less know in the US.

Anon 4:51 - You scared me with your seriousness so I deleted my comments in order to preserve anonymity. But I think it'd be prudent NOT to give any names re your blind.

Anonymous said...

Claude Brasseur?

Anonymous said...

Our nephew left the state at age 18, due to trouble with his father, The family was told he was working and well, so we never questioned his being out of contact with us............My nephew was a transvetite. While in drag he then sold his ass to men. During one of these transactions he was mistreated and snapped, brutally murdering the "John". One month later he was caught, subsequently he plead guilty on the charge. He was sentenced to 40 years in prison. Right about year 2, not being able to face the next 38 years, and at the age of 21, he hung himself in his cell. Before all this happened, he was a Good boy, a High school graduate, and had NEVER been in trouble with the law. Imagine our horror at finding out all this information, after we buried him.

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:00 - Not Brasseur, who is actually lovely. Correct generation though.

Dripping sarcasm - It's a beautiful world, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

I was at a listening party in Atlanta for George Clinton.Howard E Rollins, who was on "In the Heat of the Night" showed up in drag.... dressed all in white. Wig, white skirt and jacket, heels, not very pretty. Built like a tank.

Jackson Browne is the biggest ass I have ever met. Meeting him totally ruined his music for me. I could totally see him beating Darryl Hannah.

Anonymous said...

5:04, don't say it's Belmondo!!

Anonymous said...

Kim Delaney had her rehersal dinner(1984) at The Depot in Chestnut Hill(Philadelphia). They tipped less than 10 percent and they were a pain in the ass. She had just snagged the NYPD role.

Anonymous said...

Friend of mine had a meeting with Robert Plant.
They were at a restaurant, in a booth, having lunch. An older woman kept looking over at them and got the nerve to come up and ask for an autograph. Mr Plant was happy to oblige. When he handed the paper back to the woman, she looked at him and asked "who are you? I thought you were Gene Wilder." He laughed.

Anonymous said...

Jean-Paul Belmondo?

Anonymous said...

LOL, Anon 5:10!!! Very good natured of Plant. :-D

Anon 5:07 - Okay, I won't.

Anonymous said...

Anom 1:39

Catherine Zeta Jones! I knew that bitch was lying about more than her age!

Anonymous said...

4:57PM. My friend lived her over half her life as a woman. In a dress or blue jeans, you would look at her and think drop-dead gorgeous woman. Hips, boobs, ass. Had silicone in her chest, hips and but. A beautiful face with or without make-up as well. She was a transvestite, not a transexual. I put in the she/he for those who did not know what she actually was. I always called her "she" as she lived her life as a woman/in drag. It wasn't just a weekend, fun-type of diversion.

Anonymous said...

When I was in 6th grade, a 7th grader got pregnant. Went away and came back with "a baby brother". I don't think that baby brother ever knew that his "sister" is his mom. This was about 25 years ago.

A friend's dad had an affair and had a son out of it. My friend and her siblings and their mom know about the other son and vice-versa. But they don't acknowledge each other as being related. Only the dad doesn't know that everyone else knows about his affair and his son.

mygeorgie said...

For God sake's people, if you are using anon.....give names!

This is like a year's worth of blinds. Enty does this so it isn't so much work :(

Anonymous said...

Speaking of David Lee Roth, many years ago when I was a little college student, I used to hang out at Danceteria, a then very popular dance club. This was the 1980s and Van Halen was VERY popular. One summer evening I was hanging out on the roof (which they called Wuthering Heights) when in walks David Lee Roth actually obnoxious and loud. Soon he disrupts the lovely atmosphere on the roof by opening up his fly and taking a leak right there. The bounce, a tall, thin blonde punk, walked up to him and said, "I don't care who you are--but you can't do that here." From which DLR when promptly thrown out. Great moment.

Also, other gossip I heard. Original MTV vj Martha Quinn went down on Sting. Old friend of a friend got the crabs from Leif Garrett. Ten years ago, my ex-bf closed a condo in Manhattan for Tim Allen and his then boy toy. So much for Mr. Hetero. And most surprising, a old friend of mine and her then bf used to double date with an up and coming film actress (who never broke it big) and her various boyfriends/dates. This was the 1980s. Anyway, my pal told me her friend mostly dated actors and of all the actors her friend dated, the nicest, most intelligent, most thoughtful and sensitive was (I swear to god--don't laugh)...Tom Cruise! Yep. She insisted on it. (And trust me she is no scientologist--although I'm not sure he was so gung ho at the time he dated her pal). She told me the worst of all the guys her friend dated was (no surprise)...Eric Roberts.

Anonymous said...

billy crudup for liking the trannies.

i read somewhere that sean connery is VERY old school with the females...slapping them around from time to time.

Anonymous said...

My uncle's ex-wife murdered her boyfriend. They were both drugged out of their minds, and she claimed to not remember doing it.

My family, who hated her, actually believed she was telling the truth. Quite possibly for the first time in her life.

She pled guilty to manslaughter, did her time and disappeared into whichever meth trailor park from hell accepted her first.

Anonymous said...

5:12 How about Robin Williams, Eddie Murphy and Joe Pesci?

Anonymous said...

I used to have a police scanner that was rigged to pick up cell phone conversations. Well, I would hear the same people over and over and in this small town, it was easy to figure out who was who. There was this married (not to each other) man and woman, who were pillars of my church, that were carrying on an affair. Their hypocricy and double life sickened me, so I instituted a campaign of harrassment by mailing her postcards (to her work) that alluded to the affair. I even once called them at an out of town hotel where they were rondevousing. Oh, what fun. I gave it up when they figured out that someone could hear their cell phone conversations. I found out later that lots of people knew about their affair. Oh, what swine they are.

Anonymous said...

A woman in our neighborhood found out her husband was cheating and shot him in the joy chunks, right in the front yard.

He lived, but no more joy chunks.

Anonymous said...

I saw Eric Roberts in Battery Park once. My eyes got real big when I realized who it was, and when he realized I recognized him he practiclly ran away. Needless to say I had no desire to follow.

Hey is the huffer Paul Rudd? Stoner Jason Segal?

Anonymous said...

This isn't really gossip, but I once taught a girl that ended up being porn actress Sunshine (or is it Sunrise) Adams. She was a sweet girl, but her family was pretty dicey.

sassafrass said...

A kindness-

I was on a flight from the midwest to Durham, NC for a job interview on a little 50 passenger flight. I noticed after taking my seat (I was close to the back) 3 guys jumping around seat to seat and I thought they were drunk and being stupid.

Well, finally one of the guys took a seat next to me and the flight attendant asked for a pic with him and said the pilot wanted a pic with him as well. I was thinking to myself who this guy was and I had no idea. The plane takes off and the attendants ask if anyone wants drinks. I said I had no cash and guy next to me says he would buy. I thought that was nice and declined but he insisted, matter of fact, he said he would buy drinks for everyone who did not have cash or exact cash for anyone within close radius of us.

I was suspicious at this point and asked him who he was, he told me where I would know him from and then I did recognize him. I told him wow I was sitting next to a star. He humbly giggled and continued to read his book about Richard Pryor.

He was on his way to a stand-up gig in NC and was from the city we were flying out of visiting his mother. His shuffling of seats was due to his being claustrophobic and he didn't want his assigned window seat.

He is Micheal Epps. A tremendously funny guy, down to earth and very very nice midwest person. His one scene he said I would recognize him from is at the end of Hancock where he calls him 'asshole'. I didn't get the job, but I remember his kindness and have his autograph on a post-it note.

Anonymous said...

Older foreign actor into poo and beat up the hooker - Gerard Depardieu?

Would totally believe Joe Pesci for the one of the three who murdered the tranny.

And the Sean Connery rumor about hitting woman was kind of started by Barbara Walters, if I remember correctly in the late '70s, maybe '80s, anyway at the height of the Woman's Rights, Ms. Magazine era. In an interview with her, he said that he would hit a woman for the same reason he would hit a man. Not that he did hit women, but that he wouldn't be sexist in that regard. I don't believe he is a serial woman beater. Anyway, Babba Wawa was incensed at the mere thought and went on a rampage about it, even though it was probably as "equal rights" as Connery's about to get.

sassafrass said...

Will someone enlighten me about this whole 'update' situation, please?

Anonymous said...

I used to deliver reports to this co-worker who made it impossible for anyone to see what he was doing. He set up his cubicle so that piles of paper would be higher than the cubicle wall, file cabinets would be in front of his desk, etc. He got his computer fixed one day and quit the very day when the techs found child porn on it (but they never reported him). Years later, I find his name on some parenting forum where he rants against pedophiles. A few years after that, I find out he married a woman who has kids and used to run a company for kid products (the company is now mainly organic, eco-friendly products).

mooshki said...

Sassafrass, if you look right below the box where you type in your comment, there's a check box that says "Email follow-up comments to..." If you check that box and then post a comment, you'll get an email if a new comment is posted to the thread.

2:37, I don’t think most of us actually dislike Ben Affleck, we just like to make fun of him. After all, a liking for strippers isn't exactly shocking behavior for a man. :)

3:52 #1, that’s a fun one!

Anonymous said...

anon @ 3:11

that makes me sad. i hope you find out the truth someday. not knowing what happened to someone must be truly awful...

Anonymous said...

sassafrass, the only thing i know is to click on the newest tab to get the latest comments...

Anonymous said...

re: 12:07 - the European actor - I am guessing someone from the Batman franchise, can you give a hint about the actor's age?

LauraM said...

follow ups, please...

Anonymous said...

To get updates: You must log in as blogger to check off box, "Receive updates". Can't be done as anon. It will send to your registered email.

Genesis said...

For the comic book thing, I'm gonna say Eric Bana. The Hulk.

Anonymous said...

Re: 4:36
"First time this story has been told publicly: World famous older actor is into poo. A local hooker began tattling. He found her in a club and beat the crap out of her - from one end of the club to the other. Of course, the police were never called. No one outside this neighborhood of this capital city knows."

I think Belmondo.

sassafrass said...

Mooshki, thank you. I was blind but now I see...

Anonymous said...

Eric Bana is Australian, not European.

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:56 - Not Depardieu.

Anonymous said...

That early on Darly Hannah comment: I lived in Telluride back in the 80s and it was known then. The place was a ski town then not a resort.

Anonymous said...

Aunt works for a plastic surgeon. Anyway, this is his story to my aunt; he has an office / and operates 1 day a week in hospital where Ms Nicole Kidman was previously a patient. Word is in the local doctor community there is no way that she can have a child, something medical (no, it's not because she has a penis) makes it physically impossible to have one. So her and Keith took one of her sister's eggs, Keith's sperm and a surrogate and faked her pregnancy. This is the reason why she did not give birth to Sunday Rose in Sydney, surrogates are illegal over here.

The story is that they are in the midsts of doing this again right now.

By the way, my aunt does not read gossip in magazines or online, so it's very funny that she was telling me this story.

Anonymous said...

No guesses on the 4:18 and 4:25 blinds?

Judi said...

Whoa - good one, Anon 6:47!

Anonymous said...

1) My Dad was engaged to another woman (she dumped him) before he met my Mom. When I was 13, the former fiancee and her family moved to our community and my brother and I became friends with their kids (same ages). I eavesdropped as Dad told Mom Funny thing is how much she looks like my Mother. Almost twins. To this day, my Dad pretends he doesn't know her.

2)There's a man-about-town in my large city who's straight...well, straight here. Gay in NYC. Met Louie in NYC and learned we had a common acquaintance. He regaled me with stories about their nights out over the years and confided that man-about-town had a penchant for ultra sleazy guys. Louie was stunned to learn that this guy is a super stud with the ladies in my city because he thought he was 100% gay. Man-about-town freaked when he learned I knew Louie and tried to suss out if I knew about his down-low deeds. I never let on and never told anyone either.

3) I went to college & hung out with a famous comedian/actor (had two tv shows & and does films). He used to tell us his sexual fantasies in extremely graphic detail. Always had crowd around him at lunch. Most memorable was his fantasy of performing oral on Suzanne Somers while she had her period. Claimed that it was one of his favorite acts in real life (this was pre-AIDS).

And no, I'm not identifying the actor. He's a good guy and I'm only into outing jerks.

sassafrass said...

I wonder how many of these "anonymous" comments are Enty?

Anonymous said...

@ 6:47 - I was told from Nicole's manager once that she medically could not have children. Why the hell he'd tell me this very private thing is beyond me, but I believed him. Isn't Lindsay Lohan doing a movie about faking a pregnancy? Can't be too hard to do, right?

sassafrass said...

Totally off topic: Isn't our resident Kanonymous a contestant on Wheel of Fortune in a couple days? I hope I have not missed it. Purple shirt?

Genesis said...

Oh yeah! lol idk why I forgot hes an aussie, my bad

Anonymous said...

Shared an elevator once with Josh Duhamel and his fiance at the time (not Fergie). New Years Eve event at a hotel in Long Island, NY. He was on All My Children and the NYE party featured appearances by some soap stars.
Very tall, gorgeous.

Ms. said...

Well said.

Anonymous said...

My Great Aunt married, a Yankee-scandal for the time because she was a Virginian blueblood-he was just the most fun man you ever wanted to be around. He was an accountant who worked for people in New York, Nevada and Miami. They would make trips to Cuba and then later overseas. We would get cards of their adventures and at Christmas time, she would send these wonderful gifts to the neices and nephews and their kids always something cool! They were together forever and just one of those really awesome couples. He passed away of cancer-I cannot remember because I was so young. Anywhosy-the white trash relatives tried to be all friendly to her when she was older, and all of them thought that they were going to be getting a little jingle in their pockets when she passed. (The rumor was that he was an accountant for some of the old school Mob guys of the 40's 50's and 60's. Aunt Thelma and Uncle Lou would laugh when the story would come up.) Well, they did-she left them all exactly $100 in shiney new pennies to be given to each person who lied, stole, or tried to buy her love. Yall she puts in her will- "You sorry excuses lied to me, stole things to pay for your booze and your smoke, and you bastards ain't getting a dime of my money. I loved each one of you equal and your parents are rolling in their graves with what you have turned into". We all thought she left the bulk of her estate to the University of VA and to NYU where Uncle Lou went. She did, but there was more bulk-When I turned 34, I received a letter from a law firm in Richmond. Aunt Thelma had a trust to go to certain great nieces and nephews when they were 34. If you had graduated high school, either went to college or the military, stayed out of trouble with the law and had never been in jail, you received a gift. You could not talk about it to anyone or you had to forfeit your gift-I inherited over $700,000 and my sister who is 9 years older than me did too. The only way I know is because I accidently seen her savings statement when she and my brother in law paid for our fathers funeral. Even my mother does not know because she was one of the people who got $100 in pennies.
Moral of my story-be nice to everyone you meet and it WILL come back to you

Anonymous said...

@ 5:56 - Sean's wife (Micheline?) has spoken about Sean slapping her.

sassafrass said...

Another kindness Crosby Stills Nash:

Back in the late 80s my sister and I wanted to see them and had no tickets so we sat there for hours on the curb outside of the venue.

A few hours pass and this guy approaches us saying we can get front row if we suck his dick. We look at each other like 'what' the fuck is he saying {young girls and not interested in greasy roadies}.

A little while later a guy comes to us and says he heard what that cockbite had said to us and introduces himself as Stephen Stills road manager and says they are appalled at that guys behavior. He gives us 5th row seats and back stage passes. We were so fuckin' excited!

Afterwards, we went back stage and Stephen had heard about our plight and said "come on up girls" he was so cool. We drove in the bus to his hotel, went up to his room to get some fucking killer buds, smoked up, went down to the bar for a couple drinks, went back upstairs for him to change (discreetly), went down to his bus with a full on recording studio.

Smoked and drank and heard stuff he was planning for the upcoming reunion with Young. Stephen Stills was very kind that night and so were his road manager and all others associated with him. He did comment David Crosby was pretty fresh on the get clean bus and that was why he was not partying with him.

Anonymous said...

The Nicole Kidman posts remind me that J-Lo has a similar sitch. She's tried to get pregnant from every single husband and bf. Husbands 1 & 2 know the truth behind why she can't get pregnant, it's a serious medical issue from what I understand. Someone already outed that her twins were IVF in a post I think in one of Enty's You Turns, even though J-Lo denies it. It's true, they are in vitro. They did use her eggs though. There is controversy over if she used a secret surrogate or carried the twins herself. I've heard conflicting stories.

Also, she does BKT (Brazilian Keratin Treatment) on her hair, to straighten it and soften its texture, and has done so for years. This process uses formaldehyde traditionally, although now (for the past 2 years or so) there is an alternative chemical being used instead. It is said that she now has a medical issue b/c of the amounts of it that has seeped into her body from all the years of using the formaldehyde version. This isn't said to have anything to do w/ her fertility issues, but supposedly something altogether different. Heard this from a close friend of her sister Linda.

Anonymous said...

#1-- From my friend who works in the fashion industry:

While working on a project for this famous American designer, she was lucky enough to be invited to be invited to his/her house for an afternoon. While getting a tour of the insane pad, she sees a framed set of hand-written lyrics to a famous song by a very beloved deceased rock star. She's impressed, as she didn't know that (m)any people had access to the rock star's notoriously locked-down estate. The designer tells her the story surrounding the lyrics: that he/she had become friends with the rock star's spouse, who's pretty (in)famous in their own right. The spouse has had a lot of well-publicized ups and downs, stemming from lawsuits, family drama, bad relationships to past mental/social problems to alleged drug abuse problems. But the designer was a true friend, stuck by the spouse's side, and had even considered the spouse a muse/influence on the designer's collections. One day, the designer gets a crazy, frantic and indignant phone call from the rock star's spouse, demanding that the designer give back the lyrics because he/she decided that the designer "manipulated" them into giving them away. The truth is that the spouse was running out of money, and wanted to auction off the lyrics along with a ton of other items from the rock star's private estate. The designer, super-angry and insulted, told off the rock star spouse, reminded them of how the designer had publicly supported the spouse through a number of bad situations, and basically had clothed them and loaned the spouse money for a number of years when no one else would. The designer refused to give back the lyrics and the designer and spouse obviously are not close anymore, hence the reason you do not see the spouse in the designer's front row to this day.

Anonymous said...

Ann Margaret-one of the nicest people you could ever imagine. I got to fly with her from Shreveport to Dallas. She is as pretty in person as she is on the screen. Very classy and went through the airline screeners just like everyone else.

Anonymous said...

Just want updates;)

Anonymous said...

7:29 - Sounds like Courtney Love.
Don't know the designer.

Ice Angel said...

Good family gossip, but like to share:

My grandfather and grandmother went on a blind date with her sister and her then-boyfriend. It was a Friday night. They talked all night. Grandpa had to leave the very next day, as he was serving in World War I and had only been out on leave.

Well these 2 crazy kids went ahead and got married first thing on Saturday morning! He left shortly after and BEFORE they could even consummate the marriage. They had to wait 6 months to be together in the family way.

He was an Irish Protestant and she was a German Catholic. His parents disowned him because he converted for her and neither set of p's was happy about the surprise wedding!

They had 9 children, 7 of whom survived to adulthood, one was my dad. Grandpa died in 1962, she died in 1986. Not long before she passed away, my uncle was talking to her and glanced at a picture of Granpa when he was a young man and commented on how handsome he was. He asked her if she still missed him.

She looked at him dead in the eye and said very clearly: EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!

They are now together forever.

Anonymous said...

I have 3. #1 When I was in college, one of my aquaintances slept with Kevin Costner while he was filming Bull Durham. He was married with kids. She was 19. #2 So disappointing, I warn. Maya Angelou, not a nice woman, not at all down to earth. Very divalike according to people who have worked directly with her in DC. Many demands a la jLo. #3 Blond Atlanta based anchor, totallly slept and stole her way to the well...middle. Probably the most amoral person I have ever had the displeasure of meeting.

Anonymous said...

So funny. I know someone who slept with Kevin Costner when he was married the first time too. Total pig but gave her his gold necklace as a "souveneir."

stiffkittens said...

sassafrass - If you click the 'empty button/box' under the comments box marked "Email follow-up comments to..." it'll send all the messages in one (continuously updated) email to your email account. Let me know if that made no sense at all lol...

Anonymous said...

More gossip from the Big Apple:

#2-- my college buddy worked as a studio engineer at a very famous, now closed recording studio in midtown Manhattan. He told me that you'd be surprised and shocked how many singers cannot actually sing! One diva mentioned in the comments section is completely a "studio artist" aka she has all of her singing corrected by computer programs and engineer magic (a tape of her singing got leaked to the internet, and her label threatened any and everyone who dared to post it on their blogs-- needless to say, it got removed). Another singer used to have a dancing coach come in to teach her how to NOT dance, because she was so uncoordinated-- that's why she stands perfectly still or simply poses while she sings.

Also, the studio had its own 24/7 on call "Dr. Feelgood" who came to the studio with an HUGE old-school hard-shell Samsonite suitcase filled with any and every drug and prescription pill known to man. His nose candy was 100% pure and uncut , and his weed was organic, completely hydroponic, and priced accordingly.

#3-- This is one that I experienced myself: the first major music industry party I went to was for a super-famous Brit pop band who was celebrating their latest album (you'd immediately know the name of the band, but you may not know the names of the band members). The lead singer was known as a big partier, but imagine my shock upon entering the ladies bathroom and finding him slumped out on one of the toilet seats, about to pass out and fall on the floor. I woke him up, got him to drink some water, and boosted him up enough to get out the door. Sadly, all I got was a "thanks, love." Would have loved to have gotten some tickets to a concert or something!

Anonymous said...

How lucky to have that love!

Genesis said...

haha souvenir?! someone's full of themselves

sassafrass said...

Ice Angel, that is a love story for the books.

Judi said...

Hmmm. Comments don't seem to be posting.

Judi said...

Trying again.
Cheers for Aunt Thelma and Anon 7:39's Grandma!! Brilliant and wonderful!! ~sniff~

Miranda said...

This anonymous Friday commenting stuff has been AMAZING! Thank you to all the posters for their stories (both good and bad) and thanks to Enty for letting it happen :)

I don't have really good gossip at all. There was the high school teacher who slept with the student. Oh, and the guy who married my parents went crazy and killed his wife with a shot gun shortly after he performed my parents' marriage ceremony. My mother always questioned whether her marriage was legal after that :)

sassafrass said...

Stiffkittens, I got it. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

From 1925 until 1974, my grandma's cousin ran a mid-sized city and an entire state just south of that city in New England. Grandpa, her husband, had a bad temper and was notoriously anti-family, so they had no contact with this cousin. I found out just a few years ago. Yikes!

Anonymous said...

I worked at a company a couple of years ago and this girl transferred from another department into mine. She was divorced and had kids, but the kids lived with their father because he had been awarded sole custody. We thought that was strange because it's pretty unusual for the father to be granted sole custody in my state. What really didn't make sense to us though was that she had moved to our city to be with her boyfriend - a 10 hour drive from her kids. Other than that she was really sweet and we just couldn't figure out why she would move so far away from her kids. We knew she loved them very much, and having kids ourselves just couldn't imagine not being able to see and hold them every day. She gave us some story about how the jury at her divorce gave the kids to her ex because he convinced them that she had cheated on him. We didn't buy it for a second...

A few months later she confided the real story of her divorce. When she was in college she seduced her underage stepbrother, and her husband used that statutory rape charge against her in the divorce! When it came out during the trial she left town out of shame. We had known there was something more to her story, but we never expected that.

stiffkittens said...

sassafrass - Opps, it would be a good idea for me to read all of the posts before chiming in next time lol

Anonymous said...

getting updates...

Anonymous said...'s a really interesting in laws had a friend of the family that was a priest. He married all of their kids and, of course, was planning to marry us. Well, he ended up not making it due to some "business" he was taking care of. He was a high ranking military captain, so we figured it had something to do with that.

Well....come to find out that he was one of THE top guys investigating the allegations of sex abuse by priests and helped bring down Cardinal Law. He ended up being on a lot of the news shows, like Meet the Press, etc...

He had been on the fast track to Cardinal-hood himself, but now it seems unlikely that is in his future. He has spent countless hours and years counseling victims and their families.

A true hero.

Anonymous said...

Maya Angelou behaved poorly in Toronto too. She was sitting in on auditions (forget which film) and turned off everyone who interacted with her.

Anonymous said...

Sad about Maya...especially since my daughter is kind of named after her...

Anonymous said...

Just to generate some interest in guessing, in the blind at 4:18, the males are A+ and A++ and American. The female is A+ in name recognition and foreign.
In the 4:25 blind, this guy is A++ list and hasn't acted in a few years.
Maybe this helps?

mooshki said...

To the Anons looking for email updates - unfortunately, you have to be logged in to your account when you comment or it won't work.

Anonymous said...

More more more... I love spreading the scoop!

#4: My gorgeous friend slept with a famous, respected English actor after meeting him while working at a then well-known NYC restaurant (she was a hostess). He was a very patient lover, VERY well-endowed, and apparently majorly fantastic in the sack. They got together for a while, as he was in town working with the tone deaf diva I mentioned in #2. And apparently yes, the diva and the actor DID have a mini-affair while they were working together (they both were in well-known and long-term relationships while they were messing around, but the actor said he knew the diva was just into him because of his talent below the belt, ahem).

#5: The same gorgeous friend worked an event for a blockbuster movie for an Oscar-nominated actress from the British Isles (she may or may not have won the, ok, let's establish that she did win it). Even though she is known publicly for being uber-glamorous and accustomed to luxury, behind closed doors and in private circumstances, this actress is from working-class roots and was refreshingly down to Earth. She invited her whole family for this premiere party-- she flew them all over on her dime, drank like a fish, smoked like a chimney, swore like a sailor, and sang pub songs all night long with her friends and family. My friend said that even though we may read gossip about this actress being hoity-toity and aloof, she will always cherish seeing this woman let down her guard and enjoying herself with her family.

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:13, he sure is a hero! Wow!

Judi said...

#5 has got to be Kate Winslet, no?

#4, mmmm.... A hung Brit actor.

Judi said...

Or #5 could be Helen Mirren?

Anonymous said...


For your number 4, are you referring to Ralph Fiennes and Jennifer Lopez when they were filming 'Maid In Manhattan'?

Anonymous said...

>>#4: My gorgeous friend slept with a famous, respected English actor after meeting him while working at a then well-known NYC restaurant (she was a hostess). He was a very patient lover, VERY well-endowed, and apparently majorly fantastic in the sack. They got together for a while, as he was in town working with the tone deaf diva I mentioned in #2. And apparently yes, the diva and the actor DID have a mini-affair while they were working together (they both were in well-known and long-term relationships while they were messing around, but the actor said he knew the diva was just into him because of his talent below the belt, ahem).>>

Ralph Fiennes? and J.Lo the tone deaf diva???

Pamela S. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Pamela S. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

1987, I think, Trocadero in Philadelphia. GNR concert just before they broke big. Great show.

As we were leaving, someone was tapping me on the shoulder saying "excuse me miss". I turn around and it was Axl Rose. He's very short and scrawny. He asked us if we wanted to hang out.

We went around the corner to the Best Western or whatever and hung out and watched the World Series with GNR and Cinderella. Left early cuz I had school the next day.

Slash was very nice. Duff was shooting up and Axl was an angry little man. An awful sidenote: Just recently found out my friend I was with that nite committed suicide.

Anonymous said...

I grew up in a small Italian town just outside Chicago. I cannot tell you how many people I knew that had relatives that "disappeared" from a pizza place or two.

I knew more "connected" people than I could ever want to know. I was always afraid to tell the wrong person that some guy treated me bad or something out of fear that they would have someone "take care of it." I've had people offer things like that on way too many occassions.

While most people in my town thought it was cool, I always felt so uncomfortable around it and am so glad to be far away from there now!

Anonymous said...

1987, I think, Trocadero in Philadelphia. GNR concert just before they broke big. Great show.

As we were leaving, someone was tapping me on the shoulder saying "excuse me miss". I turn around and it was Axl Rose. He's very short and scrawny. He asked us if we wanted to hang out.

We went around the corner to the Best Western or whatever and hung out and watched the World Series with GNR and Cinderella. Left early cuz I had school the next day.

Slash was very nice. Duff was shooting up and Axl was an angry little man. An awful sidenote: Just recently found out my friend I was with that nite committed suicide.

Anonymous said...

Great guesses Anons 8:28.
I'm sorry about your friend, Pamela.

Anonymous said...

#5 Could totally be Catherine Zeta Jones.

Anonymous said...

I miswrote - sorry about your friend, Anon 8:32.

Anonymous said...

Just copying down, as these haven't been guessed:

>>Singer/actress was beaten consistently by her musician boyfriend for the 8 months they were together. She finally dumped him but he continued contacting and harassing her. About 10 months later, she starts seeing an actor, but it didn't stop the musician. Within a few months, she's p.g. with the actor's child. Only then, after more than a year, does the musician leave her alone.

>>Lead actor in a film that included lots of kids is married w/ children. Everyday, in front of his young co-stars, he had a different girl brought to his trailer. Didn't take long for the kids to understand that these girls were not his wife and exactly what was going on in the trailer - rocking almost off its wheels.>>

>>Just to generate some interest in guessing, in the blind at 4:18, the males are A+ and A++ and American. The female is A+ in name recognition and foreign.
In the 4:25 blind, this guy is A++ list and hasn't acted in a few years.
Maybe this helps?>>

Anonymous said...

Just copying down, as these haven't been guessed:

>>Singer/actress was beaten consistently by her musician boyfriend for the 8 months they were together. She finally dumped him but he continued contacting and harassing her. About 10 months later, she starts seeing an actor, but it didn't stop the musician. Within a few months, she's p.g. with the actor's child. Only then, after more than a year, does the musician leave her alone.

>>Lead actor in a film that included lots of kids is married w/ children. Everyday, in front of his young co-stars, he had a different girl brought to his trailer. Didn't take long for the kids to understand that these girls were not his wife and exactly what was going on in the trailer - rocking almost off its wheels.>>

>>Just to generate some interest in guessing, in the blind at 4:18, the males are A+ and A++ and American. The female is A+ in name recognition and foreign.
In the 4:25 blind, this guy is A++ list and hasn't acted in a few years.
Maybe this helps?>>

Anonymous said...

Former neighbors included a husband, a wife, their daughter and son - and the wife's boyfriend. The husband told other neighbors that he wished his wife wasn't "so needy." They moved several years ago. Poor kids.

Maja With a J said...

I don't really have anything juicy to add, but why on EARTH are you guys not using names when you can be anonymous??? This was an interesting post but all the blind items are kind of turning me off *L*

Anonymous said...

I had two married couple friends. The husbands were best friends since childhood. The one couple broke up, so the second couple let the best friend dude live with them while he found an apartment. The wife started staying up late to console her husband's friend who was divorcing and they ended up having an affair under her husband's nose. Instead of the the friend moving out and into his own place as planned, the girl's husband moved out and she still lives in their house with his best friend, who is now her boyfriend.

Anonymous said...

Kelly Ripa has had a LOT of plastic surgery and is much older than she claims to be. Find her on a few obscure websites for a dance show called Dancin' on Air or Dance Party USA.

surfer said...

These stories are amazing.

I was thinking for # 4 Hugh Grant, as he was in a long-term relationship with Elizabeth Hurley. And for # 5, my first thought was Nicole Kidman because of the words "uber glamourous," but this definitely sounds like Kate Winslet.

Anonymous said...

Because of the level of celebrity, and that these stories are unknown. I'd rather try to give enough clues for people to guess. Once the names are shown here, everyone will get them.

Anonymous said...

A girl I worked with told me about how her friend, a pretty girl who worked for some kind of P.R company met John Cusack during some kind of event a few years ago. He apparently thought she was as pretty as most people tend to, and he asked her if she'd like to go out with him. She excitedly accepted, and they arranged to meet later that night. They later met on a ferry, and she was surprised to note that he was wearing biking gloves, which he wore for the entire date. While looking at the water and sunset, he told her that he had to make something clear. 'Just so you know, don't get too serious here. You're one of many'.

The thing which bothered her the most was that she was stuck on the ferry with him and couldn't get off until it docked a couple hours later. No, she did not sleep with him, and the urge she might have had to do so at the beginning of the night quickly vanished when he opened his mouth.

Anonymous said...

Weird, Anon 8:45. What a turn off.

sassafrass said...

Clicking update box is a pain in the ass. I should have followed previous blogger advice to just hit REFRESH. Save yourself!

Anonymous said...

I've been hearing the 'gay rumours' about Tom Cruise forever. Frankly, who hasn't? And, of course, I believed them. Then, I met a guy, many years ago, who was T.C's bodyguard while he was filming 'Days of Thunder'. Naturally, I asked about T.C's widely reported gayness, and he laughed and said 'Uh, no. Quite the opposite, actually.' According to him, Tom, who was married to Mimi Rogers at the time, quite regularly entertained ladies in his trailer, while simultaneously romancing Nicole Kidman. Eventually, he got serious about Nicole and got rid of everyone else, including Mimi, but not once did this guy see Tom with another male, nor did he ever hear Tom allude to being attracted to men. Gotta say, I was a little surprised to hear it.

Same guy also did some work for Maria Conchita Alonso, and he ended up having sex with her. Apparently she's a little nuts, and very experimental in bed.

Anonymous said...

I vote for Catherine Zeta Jones for #5, too...

Anonymous said...

the 6th grade teacher at my children's "la-tee-da" stuck up private school was "let go" 4 weeks ago for inappropriate text messaging and emailing a male student. teacher was male too.

sassafrass said...

You know what Anonymous 8:42? My sister is a neighbor of Kelly for 8 years and says she is gorgeous without makeup and has never mentioned she has had work. She says she is beautiful and not a stitch of makeup ever.

Anonymous said...

I'll do some reveals... not too proud to share!

#1: good job, whomever guessed Miss Love. You'll have to figure out the designer, as that one is too easy/juicy.

#5: CZJ is correct. Nice to hear that Miss Zeta is good old timey broad who likes to knock a few drinks back and probably go with me to a dive bar!

Keep guessing, folks!

And I have more, 'cuz I'm bored and too tired to go out on a Friday night:

#6-- this one I'm going to name names, as I think this is gross: I lived down the hall from a model apartment many years ago, filled with very young "starter models," aka girls fresh in the industry who are shipped over by themselves and live by themselves UNSUPERVISED. I would say that honestly the oldest girl was MAYBE 17/18. Well, guess who liked to prowl on the girls in that apartment? Stephen Dorff, who I know for a fact was sleeping with a number of the young girls in that apartment.

One girl that we became really protective of (because she told us she was proudly an anorexic in order to become a model: she ate celery dipped in fat free spray butter-- just for the "taste") got into a lengthy and sad hookup period with him... and she was only 15.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous @8:32 pm: Sounds like Elmwood Park, no?

Anonymous said...

I think Kelly Ripa is in her late 30's early 40's and never got the impression she's said otherwise. Plus, she was on All My Children when (I believe from what I remember her looking like) she was a teenager, and it was the 80's.

watcher said...

My late grandmother's name was "Elva". The family was of Swedish ancestry. It does seen that "Elva" is a genuine female name in the Swedish language, but it also means the number 11. At her funeral, we found out that my grandmother was, coincidentally, the eleventh child.

Anonymous said...

In my early teens, I met a girl who lived with her mother and step-father. Her step-father was also her biological uncle. Her biological father and mother were divorced, but bio dad lived around the corner.

The girl said that her bio parents just didn't get along, but her dad thought that his brother and the mom would get along well. And they did.

Anonymous said...

Rumor confirmed: I just learned my WWII war hero grandfather killed his exwife in a rage after he came back from the war and discovered she'd let their son wander away while she was sleeping with another man, and the child, unattended, fell out a window and became mentally handicapped. Served time. I was shocked. I'd been lied to. I'd been told he'd divorced her after he came back from the war and discovered their twin daughters (whom she'd been pregnant with when he left) had been adopted out. The daughter part was true but no one had mentioned that he'd strangled her while she was in the bath tub. They say he got little time in prison because it was a crime of passion and because he was quite a decorated war hero. I'd heard he spent time in prison, a vague rumor, but I'd been led to believe it was something petty. I had no idea. NO idea.

A teacher in my high school ran off with a student who was his TA. She was 18 at the time but who knows how old she was when they first hooked up. Ironically, her last name was Lawless. We spoke of it in whispers long after she left (she was four grades above me), as her brother was in my graduating class.

My next door neighbors where I grew up were rumored to have a meth lab and/or be dealing all kinds of drugs. I swear I saw some drop offs and pick ups. It was also suspected that they murdered my dog (poison with their fucking drugs when he wouldnt stop barking at their bonfire party)

A close friend in seventh grade deliberately seduced her cousin and got pregnant, had the kid. Utter trash, that one.

The patriarch of a major family at the church I grew up in came on to my mother and my dad nearly broke his neck. Didn't find that one out til recently. My ex, the man's son, turned himself in for arson years ago and since leaving prison is suddenly gay. Or so my dad says.

My uncle is a famous child rapist. There are rumors that my aunt, his full blooded sister, is "that way". Their dad, my father's father (also a child molester), would perform all kinds of atrocities on the entire family. There are also rumors that the uncle raped my adopted aunt.

My ex's grandfather was a prominent figure in our town for having "predicted" a number of destruction weather patterns and for, well, being so damn old. He owned a local store and would often visit children in the schools to talk about whatever, small business ownership, the weather, blah blah. Well, come to find out he'd molested and raped his own daughter repeatedly, and it was suspected that he'd done the same to his grand daughter. I never got enough to go on to lodge a formal complaint, though. No way the mom or sister would have cooperated.

THE biggest rumor back in my town was that a kid named Jason had blown a goat. That poor child. It'd been made up by a fellow miscreant in juvie.

Its also rumored that the entire town's chlamydia epidemic stems from the alternative school where all the losers gather.

There is also legend of a secret trailer park made up of lesbians, where only one man (the manager) is allowed to tread.

I found out years after leaving high school that THE sweetest little snot faced popular girl was rumored to have fucked just about every jock in the school.

There was a rumor going around that finally was confirmed: the Thai restaurant in town was serving dog meat to Korean customers who asked on special request.

Two teachers in my middle school who were married but looked like Uber Lesbians were rumored to be playing clit hockey but it was never confirmed.

I'm sure I'll think of more.

I love my life. As fucked up as it is, at least I have good stories. Just really fucking sucks about my grandfather. He was a wonderful wonderful wonderful find out he killed his ex wife just devastated me. You think you know someone.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Cusack's QUITE the charmer, isn't he?
Sadly, the more I hear about him, the easier it is to reconcile his friendship with that jackass Piven.

Sis said...

My dad had affairs with three of my moms nieces (my cousins from my moms side of the family) and then married one. Ugh...

His wife/my cousin compliments herself on their long marriage but then has the so-called decency to "take it back" when she realizes she also includes the time they were seeing each other when both were still married.

Triple ugh...

Anonymous said...

Back in high school. I was sitting at the back of the class during a biology or sex-ed class or something that raised the issue of reproduction.

The girl in front of me turned around and said to me that she was living on her own and going to school, but her younger siblings had been put in what we called "foster care". But the foster Dad was abusing the kids, sexually, I think, and was blackmailing her some way while she was trying to get her siblings out of foster care. I don't remember all the details.

I came from such a sheltered household that I barely knew sex existed. I spoke to the (male) teacher later that day, to try to get her some help. I never knew the outcome.

Anonymous said...

I have a gay friend who used to be a producer for charity events. Often he would get stars of hit tv shows to donate their time for this worthy cause (this was in the late eighties). For this particular event he was contacted by a Hollywood agent (this agent is known for screwing his male clients). This agent sent a photo of a handsome young man who at the time was trying to break in the biz and had very little exposure. My friend initially was not interested as this young man was an unknown. However the agent persisted as this actor needed all the exposure he could get and according to my friend, this guy was gorgeous; so he agreed to have this virtually unknown but handsome actor be part of the event. This actor was flown into town and did the event. Afterwards the actor and my friend ended up in a motel room where they had sex. This actor is now one of the most famous in the world and is married to a very famous actress.

Anonymous said...

#5 at 8:20
I like the Catherine Zeta Jones guess. I think Kate Winslet is known FOR being down-to-earth.

Anonymous said...

Woops! My eyes are getting tired and I missed the CZJ reveal.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
watcher said...

Me again, from 9:06pm. Same deceased grandmother.

She dreamed of a vacation in Hawaii. But she spent her life in the warm summers and cold winters of somewhere in Canada. More specifically in the Prairies. She was a young woman during the Great Depression. She could make a dime stretch to a dollar, my mom said. You've met people like this who've experience extraordinary hardship and never complain about it.

Anyway, a few years before her death, but not early enough for her to be well enough to travel to Hawaii, she inherited what was a lot of money for the time. 6 figures.

Lawyers in California concluded that my grandmother was the closest living relative to a man who died intestate (no will) in a nursing home with no known relatives. None of us knew he existed.

My grandmother got it all. She told very few people. She was worried that some of her other relatives might think that they were more closely related, and fight her for the money. After all, my grandmother was the youngest child of 11, and the product of a second marriage. The family trees could be quite complicated, given the lack of modern medical care.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:18pm I'll guess Brad Pitt for the unknown actor in the late 80's. Although he's not technically married to Jolie, many people just assume they are because of the kids. Some even speculate that they're secretly married.

Anonymous said...

In 1982, I think we made it our summer's goal to meet Rick Springfield.
We spent a night at a studio with the band and were riding back to the hotel the next morning in a Volvo wagon. At around 7:00 in downtown Minneapolis, a guy looks over at us and says, "Is that Springfield?" We nod yes (there were like 8 of us in the car), and the guys grins, basically gives a big wave and says, "Yo...BRUCE..." We didn't let him live that one down for a while. And by the way, Rick was certainly gorgeous, but does not exactly have a sparkling personality. Not rude or an A$$, just not exciting.
Oh, and Tim Pierce used to play some of what appeared to be Rick's guitar solos backstage. Which I never figured out because he was known as a guitar player in Australia before he came here to make it as a pretty boy.
Oh, and the guys kidded around about his "soldier" calling it the German fire helmet---you get the picture....

Anonymous said...

Non of my family reads this site so i dont care.....
My mom and uncle (who is married to my dad's sister) had an affair when my mom and dad were married. My family moved out here from Michigan and when my mom and dad lived with my my dad's sister and her husband thats when the affair started.
My mom told me one night when she was drunk- i was a teenager. She and my uncle still talk sometimes.
My aunt and uncle are still togerher and sometimes when i am desperate for money i think about blackmailing him....
but i would never do that, probably never...
on second thought i am going to keep this

Judi said...

Yeah, you're right, AnnMarie. Mirren, too.
Eeek, BadFish! That's a lot of stories. Sorry about your granddad.
Anon 9:18, can you give any more clues? Maybe about the wife?

Anonymous said...

Heh sorry if it was too many, I just thought I'd entertain y'all! :) We're all here for the smut after all, right?

Anonymous said...

My married aunt Jane was diagnosed as bi-polar after the birth of her third child. She started drinking profusely and smoking pot at a local hick-bar, coming home at all-hours of the night, and sleeping with one of her drinking buddies.

She lost her job, and was expected by my uncle to stay at home with the kids during the day.

Unfortunately, he came home one day to find the neighbors waiting on the porch with my 5 year old cousin, whom they had found walking the dog down the street ALONE. My 2 year old cousin had been left in his high chair since breakfast and my 4 year old cousin was locked with Jane in her room, waching soaps for what we can only assume was the entire day.

Needless to say, it was either my uncle in law quit his job (whch would have left them homeless), or my grandma come to babysit her daughter and grandsons. Which is what happened.

My aunt continued her affair until my grandma moved in and squashed it--the other man would actually call the house for my aunt until my grandma answered and tore him a new one!!

Fortunately Jane is now on lithium and her wonderful husband stayed with her. She is very lucky, although I really feel for my uncle. She is a total zombie on her meds, not at all the same Jane she was pre-kid #3. Makes me feel bad for Britney...

Anonymous said...

To 8:17 with the daughter kind of named after Maya, if you are in the HTX I think I know who you are! Try to guess which one is mine....


Anonymous said...

I was living and working in London, UK in the early 1990s. Walking with a friend in Covent Garden near the tube station late one night.

My friend said "That was John Malkovich." I didn't believe her, so turned around and we followed, and yes it was. He looked really bad, like a homeless person.

Around the same time, I saw him in the play "Slip of the Tongue". Same guy, hard to believe it.

Anonymous said...

My brother owns and operates a small business. In the early 1980s he employed this guy named Perry. Perry had a new years eve party in 1984 to which he invited everyone, and my oldest sister wanted to go and wanted me to go with her. It was a typical party in a small town, alcohol and pot aplenty. Two of Perry's "family members" lived with him. One was a cute young girl of 15 who had recently had a baby and the baby was there at the party, which I thought was too weird. Instead of being embarrassed that this girl had had a baby so young, Perry was actually proud, showing the baby off to everyone. A few months later, the baby died of SIDS. A few years later, I heard that Perry was the biological father of the baby.

All that happened in 1984. In 2007, Perry was arrested and initially charged with 7000 counts of rape and sodomy. The female relative, now in her late 30s, told the police Perry had abused her from the she was 6 until she was 22. The baby's body was exhumed for DNA testing, and yes, Perry was the father.

What's really sad is that a lot of people seem to have known or suspected what was going on, and no one ever did anything about it. I only met the girl once, maybe twice, but after hearing the rumors I wonder if I should have reported it, even though I wasn't that much older than the girl. If I had, Perry probably would have hunted me down and killed me. I saw him get angry once, and he was scary.

Anonymous said...

In the 80's, I worked on Ventura Boulevard near Universal Studios. I had employees that also went to school at a studio make-up school taught by a guy named Damon, From googling, I'm guessing that it was Damon Charles. Anyway, they claimed that he told them these 4 things:
#1: There was an actress at the time who was actually a man. I alway wondered if he was referring to Jamie Lee and her rumored issue.
#2: Supposedly there was also an actor at the time who was female passing for male (and supposedly these are both household names)
#3: fat Elvis had his t!tties taped under his arms and a six-pack and some ab definition was airbrushd onto his torso
#4: he SWORE Mae West was a guy, he had supposedly seen him running naked on a beach at night

Numbers 1, and 2 are what brought me to this site--trying to figure those out led me to the midst of the Timmy/Shimmy shenanigans

Anonymous said...

There was a family that lived down the street when I was in high school. There was the mom, dad and daughter when they first moved in. The mom was a call girl. She would have several men visit her throughout the day while her husband was at work and the little girl ran around the neighborhood looking for somewhere to play because she couldn't go home. If the wife was still busy with a guy when her husband got home from work, he would sit on the front porch until the guy left. I think a lot of her clients were neighborhood husbands.

Then a new family moved in across the street and the husband started to visit the hooker wife. When the other guys wife found out about her husband visiting the hooker wife she went over one day and stabbed her. I was coming home from school as the cops were hauling her out in handcuffs. The hooker wife survived and both families eventually moved away . The wife that did the stabbing got probation. Oh, and the hooker wife got pregnant with a different neighbors baby. He wasn't married tho. I think her husband finally took the kids and divorced her.

Judi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Whoa! Isn't it incredible what people do?

Bumping this one for more clues:
>>Lead actor in a film that included lots of kids is married w/ children. Everyday, in front of his young co-stars, he had a different girl brought to his trailer. Didn't take long for the kids to understand that these girls were not his wife and exactly what was going on in the trailer - rocking almost off its wheels.>>

This guy hasn't acted in a few years.
The film in question was released in 1990.
Gives credence to stories of harassment that were not really disproved but downplayed.

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:25 Was it Arnold Schwarzenegger in Kindergarten Cop? Ewwwwwwwwwwww

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:31 - Hence my desire NOT to name names.

Anonymous said...

In 1991 I had a large corporate client who championed a charitable cause for which they hired Danny Glover to be its spokesperson. My job was to obtain media interviews for him, which required lots of time with him at his hotel. At the time, he was "happily married" and he had women a different women come to the hotel every night. Plus, he was a huge prick about the work, for which he was paid a HUGE SUM. I loved his "image" prior to the project---loathed him afterward and since. (Guess his wife finally figured it out, 'cause they did get divorced, but it was a very long marriage.)

Anonymous said...

and for the other:

>>Singer/actress was beaten consistently by her musician boyfriend for the 8 months they were together. She finally dumped him but he continued contacting and harassing her. About 10 months later, she starts seeing an actor, but it didn't stop the musician. Within a few months, she's p.g. with the actor's child. Only then, after more than a year, does the musician leave her alone.

The males are A+ and A++ and American. The female is A+ in name recognition and foreign.
The musician hooked up with an A actress a few years back. Only lasted a couple of months. The story above goes far to explain why this actress then left (fled?) to her home country, didn't work/hibernated for a year, lost weight, then started dating a famous guy who she married fairly quickly, even though he's a known manslut. They have a child. Makes me wonder at what point the abusive musician finally backed off. When she married or when she had her child?

stiffkittens said...

The closest people i can think of are Vanessa Paradis, Johnny Depp and Lenny Kravitz.
What other big name 'married to an actor with a child' actresses have had singing careers?

Anonymous said...

Impressive, SK!

Anonymous said...

A former coworker used to work in the film industry and had some interesting stories. I'm not sure if any of them are true, but here are a few:

- Betty White is a big, old lesbian. Her husband was gay and they both bearded for each other and would pick up partners for each other.

- Arsenio Hall is gay, she said she saw this first hand.

- Tales from a hooker friend of hers; Danny Thomas was into the poo and did some NASTY things with prostitutes. Beyond nasty, I can't even put it into writing. He also wanted hookers to walk over him with stilettos.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Johnny Depp and Vanessa Paradis are not married, yet. They're supposedly marrying next month.

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:14pm - i'm pretty sure I know who you're referring to, because I almost became a notch on his bedpost too...would love to get in touch with you to confirm...

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:14pm - just as a follow up to my last post, you can get in touch with me at if you like...would LOVE to get confirmation on my suspicions on this one.

Anonymous said...

To Anon @ 5:17: A friend worked with him in what is probably his most memorable movie and has said he used to disappear from set for hours on end with a short man. Very strange. My friend has said that he is very nice and thoughtful too. I can't hate on him really. Also, the actress in that movie apparently got naked wasted at the wrap party. Haha!

Anonymous said...

@ 8:54 #1 Is that you, Tom? LMAO!

Anonymous said...

Whoah! Bad Fish @ 9.09

Peyton Place had NOTHIN' on your hometown! You need to write a book!

Anonymous said...

My mother went in to visit the lady next door because she was very upset about something. Turns out that her husband had got the girl living opposite pregnant....
.the twelve years old girl opposite!

Genesis said...

Man, Fuck Perry! He sounds like a straight knobhead! As for John Pukesack, I always knew he was strange....

Anonymous said...

This feature leaves me mesmerized. I'll be here all day reading them.

Anonymous said...

I work as a specialist doctor in a small community hospital. One of th ER doctors who is married with 3 children had an affair with one of the ER nurses DURING his shift (he worked only nights and so did she). His wife just found out about it this past summer when the woman came forward to her with the child who was a product of the affair - who is 6 years old. He knew about it the whole time and was paying her off under the table, working 3 jobs to support his extended "family". I heard that a dealership called to ask her how she liked her new minivan and they hadn't bought one for their family, but he did buy one for the baby mama... which should have tipped the wife off.

One of other specialist doctors (not the same specialty) in this hospital also impregnated at least 3 nurses from the floors, and all of them have playdates together with their similarly-aged children. Condom much?

My husband and I (also a specialist doctor) used to have rockin call-room sex back in the day before we were married (which makes watching it on Gray's Anatomy that much weirder).

Anonymous said...

Is the singer Prince? He has a history of beating women.

Is the huffer Paul Rudd?

These really are juicy.

Anonymous said...

Judi_ i figured out the actor in the movie with lots of kids. haven't finished reading the comments, so i don't know if it was guessed yet.
gotta be schwarzenegger. movie was "kindergarten cop"(1990). got it right away, but distracted by all this juicy stuff!

Anonymous said...

Is the comic book actor from Europe Ruger Hauer?

Anonymous said...

My maternal grandfathers grandfather was born in the royal castle, the queens quarters, and sent up north three weeks old. The county he was sent to is famous for good hunting games among the royalties. They went there a lot, still do.

The family he was left with where really poor, but mysteriously then had money all their lives, and my great grandfather got god education paid. They named him after our capital too, which is far away from the place up north.

Me and my sister look a lot like some of the princesses people sometimes tell us. ;) I don'tknow, I met them and at least they are nice people.

Anonymous said...

When my sister was a newlywed she lived across the street from a family that had a pregnant mom and her 13yr daughter with another guy,and the husband/stepdad . So while the mom was in the hospital for a few days for the birth, the husband knocked up his stepdaughter. The wife also had another baby less than a year after the last one. I wonder if the cycle continued.

Anonymous said...

It's an open secret that this director is a transsexual, and when he finally outed himself at the airport(flying back to LA from Australia), the crew weren't shocked at his appearance, they were just appalled at his clothing choices. Unfortunately he went through all that trouble to dress like Bea Arthur's character Maude. Yuck! Perhaps his/her dom/lesbian gf should smack some sense into him.

Anonymous said...

A family I am very close to has an older sister who left home early and went into the military. She lived in another part of the country for a few years after getting out of the military, then came home bulimic and addicted to pain pills. She got a job at a doctor's office but got caught stealing prescriptions to sell on the street and/or get drugs for herself. She left the country for a while because the authorities were after her (she also got tons of credit cards in her mom's name and racked up hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt). She came back again years later, a pregnant alcoholic. The baby of course, was born with fetal alcohol syndrome. The woman's parents are now raising the baby, and the woman lives with them in a very teenage-like existence (she is watched like a hawk), which really sucks for her, because she is now in her late forties.

Anonymous said...

@Anon 2:08 heh heh you never know. I do have a lot of amazing stories and I fully intend to write a book someday. That means none of you can steal ideas from my post! (lol i kid i know y'all won't.)

Anonymous said...

ooh I just thought of another one. My seventh grade teacher was the subject of rumors after a few people claimed to have seen him on America's Most Wanted for lots of drug related offenses.

Anonymous said...

The last few years of my dad's life, he claimed that his oldest brother had told him (the youngest) that his "sister" was actually his mother and he couldn't tell anybody for 20 years after the oldest brother died. He was also told the name of the rumored father. Now anyone who could confirm it is dead. His rumored mother (my aunt or grandma??) was a pretty meek old maid who lived at home all her life, so it is hard to imagine that she got into that kind of trouble, but I guess maybe she was kept at home because of the "shame".
Interestingly, my father's name is Charles Amos, but always went by his nickname which was Pete. Where did that come from?? Supposed that his grandma always called him that. Hmm, the name of his rumored father...


Anonymous said...

I think almost all posters here have enough interesting stories to fill a book...

Anonymous said...

I dont know why I remember these so late. A gay teacher at my old school would send naked pics and dirty texts to a student, who then complained to his/my drama teacher who in turn told the man to quit before he gets fired and convicted as a sex offender. I heard he took a job at an elementary school.

He was also on an episode of cheaters doing a horrible job of acting.

Anonymous said...

I have it on good authority that Britney Spears' youngest child is NOT K-Fed's.

Anonymous said...

The transexual you mean transvestite? Or has Larry Wachowski actually gone in for the big snip? The hormone use is readily apparent, as is the cross dressing since he's been amping that up over the past three or four years...

Anonymous said...

Britney's kids...those two boys look sooooo much alike, though.

Anonymous said...

checking for updates

Anonymous said...

-Old Drama teacher - Coke/pot-head
-New Drama teacher - Husband killed himself because he hated being married to her (his words as found on his suicide note) and she was kind of crazy when we met her so 2+2. She was in Robocop as an extra, her claim to fame. I think that's kinda cool though.
-Soccer Coaches both male both gay. The hotter one worked as a bartender in a gay bar and had topless pictures on myspace, Mentioned them to a friend, next day they were gone lol
-One of the assistant principles is a homophobe, hated everything and everyone gay. Our school was known as "The Skittle School" so someone up there stuck it to her.
-Every head principal before I attended said school stole fundraising money. My favorite principal didn't but he was caught trying to pick up a hooker and it was all over the news for the next 2 weeks.
(A teacher and I liked each other but never did anything about it because it's plain illegal.)
-My algebra teacher was fired for harassing the female students, I was one of them. (He wasn't the one I liked)
-Special ed teacher was caught just last year driving God knows how fast and erratic on the freeway apparently he was a coke-head as well.
[More to come the minute I remember them]

Anonymous said...
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