Wednesday, March 04, 2009

You Know It's Bad When People Magazine Doesn't Like It

People Magazine is not really in the review business. Reviews unless they are unfailingly positive and glowing tend to make someone upset. If you do enough of this you don't get interviews or exclusives or any of the other things that can help you sell magazines.

So, when People says that Britney's concert last night wasn't that great, what they are really trying to say kindly is that it sucked. I have read three reviews and even the most positive and glowing review said that Britney seems disengaged which I read as it seems like a chore to her and that she isn't having any fun. No one thinks she is even singing one word which is fine but then they want great dancing and they are not getting that either. Apparently she didn't even say hello to her fans. This is the first concert tour in five years and she didn't even say one word? How rude is that?

If she makes it through the end of March without a cancellation I will be shocked. A lot of the mistakes from last night can be corrected, but enthusiasm and wanting to be there are only going to get worse with each show, not better. The dancing will probably become more lethargic.

The good news is that everyone thinks Britney looks hot. Not as hot or as fun as she used to be. It was kind of like she was performing in a fog.

The People review is above. If you want to read the Reuters review and some comments from really disappointed fans, click here

If you want to read the one almost positive review I found from the LA Times, click here.

The clip below is considered the best performance of the night by all the reviews.


Anonymous said...

Someone needs to lock her in that cage with a hungry lion. I hope her concert and tour fails horribly. She is a talentless fake who only has a good marketing team.

mooshki said...

That's not exactly a big surprise, but it's sad. Jamie may be good at keeping her semi-sane, but forcing her into this tour against her will was a very bad idea.

Audrey said...

I'm disappointed in Lainey - she was glowing about the concert even thought she wasn't there. I'm wondering if she or her tv show are being pressured to say positive things about Britney.

shakey said...

Dance little monkey, dance.

This is just sad.

Goodgrief said...

I don't even know her personally, and I think she should have waited at least a year before taking on a comeback tour. I will be surprised if she can finish the tour. And what about K-Fed being paid some big bucks to watch the kids while she is performing. Looks like he left them to the nannies and he went out partying.

phaballa said...

I think she will get better and better as the tour goes on. What she's lacking right now isn't ability or desire, it's confidence. Consider that a year ago, she was committed to a psych ward--the fact that she performed for 90 minutes in front of thousands of people live is a huge deal.

Being a performer is a lot about believing in yourself. And now that she knows she can do it, it'll get better and hopefully, she can regain her confidence.

I also wish people would stop talking about her "fog" because I suspect her seeming disconnect has a lot more to do with psych meds than anything else, and you can't exactly blame the girl for wanting to be sane.

McDooks said...

If that clip of her merely going through the motions is considered the best part of her show....

Jungle007 said...

If that was the best dancing she did, she is wayy out of it. I could evn do better, even with my big prego bump wiggling around.

Even more sad is the report that her boys are with her on this tour.
'Guess K-Fed's busy with his new girl an being a super-dad is no longer his top priority.

mooshki said...

Andrea, you're right that a lot of people don't realize the lack of energy comes from her meds, but from what I've heard, she didn't want to do the tour, she was pressured into it. It would be nice if you were right, though. :)

canadachick said...

just let her fade into obscurity and be a mom...find a new gravy train Spears family....maybe JamieLynn's spawn can be the next money maker.....britney's done.

Jungle007 said...

Can anyone tell me what she is doing in that top pic?

It looks like she's doing the "jerking-off" gestures.

Jungle007 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, this is what the meds will do to ya. She shouldn't have to sacrifice her sanity for her career, or vice versa. :(

captivagrl said...

this is too soon. she's not ready. with her childhood though this is all she knows how to do.

palealebrew10 said...

Yep, this happened way too fast. She should be focused more on getting in touch with herself and her clarity before embarking on such a strenuous tour. It's sad that she was pressured into it so fast but I guess the wanted to clear up her reputation as fast as they could. It doesn't work that way, unfortunately. And meds will suck the energy out of one for sure. Anyone happen to know which ones she's taking? I'm curious.

I stil love Britney. I will always love Britney-she was pushed into the limelight too soon and too much and kinda makes you wonder if she really is able to know herself without the paparazzi following her and "confidantes" selling her out.

And on another note-I was thinking about the Milli Vanilli blind item last night while listening to her "Womanizer" song. It doesn't sound like her. In fact none of her "Circus" album does. anyone else think this could be her, because unfortunately, it wouldn't really shock me.

mooshki said...

PaleAle, she's a popular guess. It's very obvious that not all of the vocals on her albums are her.

HannahPalindrome said...

I cannot stand Britney Spears!!! Ugh! Go Away! I met her before she became CRAZY, and she's a Bitch!!! I never liked her music, and after meeting her I really didn't like her as a person. You would think the girl found the cure for cancer. She had that air of entitlement. Please. Sit.Down.Bitch. I met her through friends. I could understand her attitude if I was asking for her autograph, but I was introduced to her at a party. If Britney was at the same level as Whitney (before the crack) can be as bitchy as you want.

AynBeaDavisAsMalice said...

I was at the concert last night. Britney was great. No, she didn't sing. So what. Either does Madonna or Janet. The Bollywood number is fabulous.

Sporky said...

It still amazes me that the ticket buyers actually thought she would sing live. She is a MESS. As someone stated above, "Dance monkey, dance". She is a medicated, sad, exploited little monkey who is being forced to gyrate to the organ-grinder music to keep the gravy train chugging along. It's sad and infurariating at the same time.

Anonymous said...

The lack of enthusiasm could be the meds, but it could also be the fact that she doesn't seem to be interested in being a performer anymore. She likes being a celebrity, and who wouldn't enjoy just getting paid by walking down the street.

Miley will do the same in about 9 years.

Sporky said...


See? It makes me so mad I can't even spell it correctly!!

Babs said...

Isn't this girl's 15 minutes over yet?

warmislandsun said...

I am glad someone who went to the concert liked it. At most, her fans will be happy, at least, she is getting more publicity for the tour. I still cannot believe that people are paying so much money to see her concert, especially if she can't even sing one song live.

stiffkittens said...

Exactly Sporky. Who wants to bet on an overdose in a hotel room?

She don't need the money or fame - what does it mean to her if she goes and kills herself from the pressure. Her dad should have allowed her a normal life for once.

AynBeaDavisAsMalice said...

Dissappointment epressed in the reviews is based on the fact that the hometown crowd expected Britney to interact with us. She didn't. In her defense, there is so much going on on stage-clowns, dancers, acrobatics-she only has time to run from number to number. I noticed some of the reviews were based on the published set list and not what was performed. For example, she was suposed to sing Circus again as part of the encore, as reported by the Mtv concert review. She only performed Womanizer. There was a weird flub where someone missed a cue and not all the dancing was dancing but, instead, strutting. The big dance numbers were great and worth the cheap seat ticket price that we paid to see her last night.

nancer said...

this young woman is ruined. her parents took care of that years ago. i really wish she would just go back home and get herself a big double-wide and live her life. she'd have some great stories to tell and could teach her kids some valuable lessons.
i still think this story will have a very bad ending one day.

jax said...

there is no excuse for ignoring the 20 000 people in front of your stage after they shilled out a LOT of money to see you.
sorry, that is beyond rude. it's unacceptable.

and again people do NOT buy her tickets off Craigslist, scalpers don't give refunds on cancelled concerts.

Anonymous said...

I read on another site that she is lip-psynching.
This is logical, as her recorded voice is electronically manipulated to a degree that she cannot replicate live.
(And the manipulated version sounds like Betty Boop as a robot.)
Janis must be rolling over in her grave.

audrey said...

I feel sorry for her. She isn't ready for this, and is being pushed into it because she has to start paying all those bills somehow. I agree, if this tour doesn't fall apart before the end of the month I will be totally shocked.

KMG852 said...

I was also at the concert last night and thought it was great and worth every penny I paid to see her. Who gives a shit if all she did was say thank you to New Orleans at the end? It was very entertaining and the Bollywood stuff wasn't the best, her Hit Me Baby One More Time towards the end was hands down the best song she performed in my opinion. And no offense but what dumbass goes to a Britney concert and thinks they are going to see live singing? You go there for the show and to be entertained and she definitely did that! All these negative reviews are pissing me off, I was there it was great...the worst part was having to sit through the circus clowns while they transitioned to the next thing, but Britney and the energy level were there.

McDooks said...

I couldn't agree more with what Jax said. It is just rude and disrespectful not to greet your fans. Especially after all of the fuckery before her dad took over. She should be kissing her fans' asses that they bothered to show up at all.

McDooks said...

And if people are "idiots" for expecting her to actually SING, then WHY does she bother to make the fake-live tracks to lyp-synch to and wear that dumb microphone? Who's the idiot again???

Kristen Lopez said...

I'm going to see her in April and frankly what I've seen has looked entertaining. To me, I don't really expect her to belt out the music, to me it's about the experience. It's almost like a big Vegas act brought to my hometown. Call me shallow for not expecting more but I just want to be entertained and from what I've seen she'll deliver. I'm keeping my fingers crossed she won't cancel since these tickets cost me a pretty penny.

Jenny S said...

This woman had a massive nervous break down less than a year ago and now she is making albums and touring? I think she seems disengaged because, well, she isn't engaged. She needed time to be a person, not a performer. Learn to be a mom, be with her children instead of being pimped out as a money making machine for her family. It's gross how she has been pushed to work and perform when she is still fragile.

Picasso One said...

Britney can't sing worth a shit.


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