Friday, March 13, 2009

WTF? Jamie Kennedy & Jennifer Love Hewitt

I didn't really have much respect left for Jennifer Love Hewitt, but whatever I did have is completely gone. She was engaged to by all accounts a really nice guy who put up with all of her wacky crap for a very long time. Despite the fact that she probably had her mom sleeping in the same room with them, and dealing with Jennifer's continual whining on a daily basis he stuck it out only to be dumped.

And for whom was he dumped? Jamie Kennedy. Can you imagine how Ross McCall feels knowing that he lost out to Jamie Kennedy? I know I posted about it on Monday, but let me reiterate how unfunny he was and how much of a douchebag everyone in town thinks he is. Somehow though he managed to get Jennifer Love Hewitt. This morning on Ryan Seacrest, Jamie confessed they were a couple. Apparently working together everyday must have given him the chance to grind her down and suck up to her enough where he managed to win her heart, or the heart of her mother, or just managed to demean himself enough to where she would agree to go out with him.

I mean I could understand if she dumped Ross for some guy she felt she had a better connection with, but Jamie Kennedy? Seriously? Jamie Kennedy? With his history of hitting on every woman who comes within six feet of him, I wonder how many condoms she makes him wear. Didn't she make that LFO guy wear two or something?

On Seacrest's show Jamie said the two are in love. Actually he called it more than love. He did say they were not engaged. I'm just wondering how many months Jennifer was cheating on Ross, and you know Jamie didn't care at all.


  1. That LFO guy was on Howard Stern and he did say that Hewitt made him wear two condoms

    She also cheated on him countless times

  2. I couldn't stand watching last week's Ghost Whisperer knowing that they're doing the nasty. They look at each other like they want to rip each others clothes off. Puke!

  3. Ick. They deserve each other, I guess.

  4. ewww. she really will sleep with/date anybody!

  5. enty, you so have to stop listening to ryan on your way to the office.


  7. Why do people double up condoms?

    I thought it was well known that they are more likely to come off/break when you use 2 than when you use just the one.

  8. You know I'd love to stick up for Jamie since he's a hometown boy but I really don't think I have ever read anything good about him. He must really be a total douchebag...

    As for J-Love - her taste in men - John Mayer, Carson Daly , now Jamie - is atrocious!

  9. but then, who am I to talk.... mine is too. LOL

  10. irish, me too! hahaha.

  11. Anonymous3:48 PM

    she's gross, she just got lucky by having a nice body which she's now ruining by getting fat and looking like a dumpy old housewife (sorry housewives). that breakfast at tiffany's thing was so desperate and weird. can't stand her

  12. Anonymous10:21 PM

    He is an asshole of epic proportions.
    All the people he screwed over on his way "up" to the Z-list are going to have a really great time laughing their asses off when his "career" inevitably and totally implodes. (They are numerous.) What goes around comes around.

    I suspect this is just a rebound situation for JLH. She's an idiot for throwing away her relationship with McCall for The Douchebag of LA. Like Enty said, whatever little respect I had for JLH is long gone.

  13. Fox, not just his career - if he feels half of what he says he does for her, he's gonna have his heart ripped to shreds. And she'll have him off the show in 5 seconds flat when she's done with him. No way in hell they're going to mess with their ratings princess. Schadenfraude of the day - if they're that bad at hiding their "happy" feelings for each other on screen, we're going to get to watch them crash and burn as well.

  14. Fox, I thought his career already imploded. I admit my husband and I LOVED to watch the Jamie Kennedy Experiment (yes, we're old enough to remember Candid Camera). Next time I saw him was in that awful Mask sequel and I thought, that's it - he's done. He was on Robot Chicken a long time ago, but I don't thing he's been on there recently.

  15. When I said "career implodes", I meant specifically when his run on Ghost Whisperer ends. Which shouldn't be too long now.

  16. douchebag of l.a. and the united states, and he's a terrible actor, ghost whisperer was a great show until he came on and ruined it with his "acting", can't wait til j-love grows tired of him, she's producer of the show so she'll boot him faster than you can say douchemacalit.
