Wednesday, March 04, 2009

WTF? Is Someone From The Outside Controlling The Chris & Rihanna Story?

At this point, I think there is something sinister going on or someone or something behind the scenes telling people what they should and should not do in regards to Chris & Rihanna. Yesterday, I was excited when I read what Usher had said after seeing all the photos of Chris Brown on jet skis and having a great time in Miami.

He basically came out in public and said everything all of you had been saying on here. Usher said that he was disappointed in the way Chris was acting and flexing his muscles and that he should show a little remorse. I thought it was exactly the right thing to say and definitely sent the right message. I didn't see anything wrong with it at all but someone did.

"I'm a little disappointed in this photo [of Chris Brown jet skiing and flexing his muscles]," "After the other photo [of Rihanna's bruised face] "C'mon, Chris. Have a little bit of remorse, man. The man's on jet skis? Like, just relaxing in Miami?"

Today, instead of celebrating his remarks and giving Usher the accolades he deserves, he instead released a statement apologizing for what he said. WTF? "The comments made during a recent recording session amongst friends were taken out of context and blown out of proportion. I apologize on behalf of myself and my friends if anyone was offended. The intentions were not to pass judgment and we meant no harm. I respect and wish the best for all parties involved."

Who would have been offended? Were any of you offended? I wasn't offended that he said it. I can't imagine anyone other than Chris Brown or Rihanna or the guy who let them have the house being offended? Who in their right mind would be offended that Usher thought Chris was being an a-hole and celebrating like he won? What? As soon as Riahnna took him back then he was allowed to go out and have fun and just forget about the whole thing? Usher was right. Usher was VERY right and honestly, I question his judgment about a lot of things but he has shown in the past few weeks that he is a really decent guy.

Someone got to Usher yesterday and obviously said that he was making Chris Brown look bad by his comments. Who doesn't want Chris Brown to look bad? Who is making money off Chris Brown? Now, I'm wondering if maybe there isn't some money floating around to some people to forget some things they saw or heard. Maybe this is why the reconciliation. I don't know, but I do know that Usher has nothing to apologize for and I want to know who told him that he needed to release a statement apologizing and for what?


  1. Chris Brown = $$$$
    Got to save that career.
    He'll fade away awhile and when all is forgotten. COMEBACK!!!

  2. I'm with you Enty: WTF?!!!

    As I said yesterday, no matter what really happened, even if Rihanna actually threw herself on his fists, he shouldn't be relaxing and having fun right now!

  3. Was he held upside down outside a window, à la Vanilla Ice? Dr. Dre a silent partner in Chris Brown's profits?

  4. i think its part of the don't tell mentality. Big money involved like Kari said. Sad sad sad. I never listened to any of their music before and certainly wouldn't start now.

  5. I agree with enty, something fishy is going on. why on earth else would he retract that statement?

    On a different note (though probably nobody cares) I commented on the Lauren Conrad post yesterday saying I would never buy her book and then someone else also called jenna made a post defending her and it may have sounded like who ever wrote the first post (me) was a crazy person. So just wanted to clear that up!

  6. They're staying at Diddy's house in Miami, yes? That's who Usher didn't want to piss off. His ex-boyfriend.

  7. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Methinks he's trying to not piss off anyone connected with Chris Brown. Paybacks can sometimes come in the sudden loss of collaborators when it comes time to release a single.

  8. This is so fucked up. A women gets beaten and all these mofo's don't have the balls to stand up and say it's wrong?

    Sad, sad, sad.

  9. Don't worry Jenna, even if people thought that, schizophrenic and/or multiple identities are all the rage on CDaN, LOL!

  10. what i dont get is how on earth chris would have that kind of money? considering how much more famous riri is, it doesnt make sense he would be the one with more money in that relationship, can someone explain that to me? Is it just a case of bad investments in her behalf?

  11. I saw this on ONTD yesterday. I can't tell if I'm more angry or depressed. It was so refreshing to hear someone take a stand on this, but I guess hoping for morality from celebrities is asking too much.

    I agree with what's already been said: Usher's backtracking because of money and not wanting to alienate any business contacts. I suspect those reasons are at least partly why Rihanna got back together with Chris.

  12. jenna- I noticed ur comment after clearing t u. I believe you had lower case j and the other Jenna had an uppercase J. Either way, I forget who posted what by the time i'm done reading comments and didn't even notice.

    Re: Usher- Too Bizarre... I'm surprised that CB has so much power in the industry.

    I can see him being the type to tell Rihanna that she'll never get a man as good as him and that he could replace her in an instant. And due to her past, she probably believes him.

  13. I also think people are being paid off. I had no idea Chris was the one with the money. This morning I saw a pic of Chris's car with Rihanna's blood on the seat.

  14. It's Jay-Z, betcha.

    Wasn't he Rihanna's "Svengali?"

    Soooo obvious that someone amongst the higher-ups holding the purse strings is orchestrating the whole thing, including talking Rihanna into taking--or seeming to take--Chris back.

  15. Has any one else seen the reports that Chris and RiRi have gotten married?!-Surely-not...

  16. ok my first sentence was supposed to be "I noticed ur comment yesterday, after you cleared that name problem up"

    Yeah I unno what happened there. Multi-tasking's a bitch.

  17. There's gotta be money involved here. It's shocking how little support is being held for Rihanna, especially after seeing that photo. And right before her 21st birthday. Morality plays little part in Hollywood, obviously. For once I actually respected Usher for that statement, but now that he took it back-well that's possibly more despicable than never having said it in the first place.

  18. I've been saying that something fishy is going on with this whole situation for a while.

    I especially took note when Kanye changed his story. Kanye like Usher was very sincere when he defended Rihanna.

    Something is being said to convince these people to publicly defend Chris.

    I'm going to keep quiet because the latest rumor is that Star is reporting that Rihanna and Chris got married.

    It may be gossip but some of the other stories that I've heard about this whole ordeal are pretty frustrating and irritating and certainly aren't in favor of Rihanna.

    I don't know what is the truth but based on recent events I certainly can't rule anything out.

  19. We will never know although I agree with the Jay-Z theory. Chris Brown will be back on Kids Choice Awards next year

  20. Just when I thought that maybe, just maybe, Usher wasn't a closeted dipshit after all, he retracts that statement. Someone must have threatened to release a video of him taking it up the ass by Michael Clarke Duncan or something....

  21. Sporky is Michael Clarke Duncan gay?

  22. not on my dollar - HELL YES! Very much so.

  23. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Just shows you these celebrities don't have the balls to stick to what they say.

  24. I was so proud of Usher for saying what he did, now I think he has no integrity for taking it back. Another asshole to add to this messed-up situation.

  25. Hey guys! Long time lurker, first time poster, just like most! Anyways, I too think something fishy is up, that someone is trying to protect Chris Brown. And if they did get married they're both idiots, because if they did it so she can't testify against him (wouldn't be the first couple, i'm sure) it doesn't matter, California can prosecute without her. It's the first truly progressive law from here I've heard in a while, because even if Riri is stupid enough to take him back, the state of California isn't going to let him do it to anyone else! I had so much empathy towards Rihanna when this story first came out, but now I feel nothing but anger and disappointment. I feel that the first time he did hit her it may have not been her fault, but if it happens again she's lost my sympathy. Many women do not have the resources to leave, especially if they married the abuser and have legal obligations to them, but I seriously doubt that was the case here. Sad, because she seems mildly talented but seems to have little self-respect and is teaching her fans the same thing. If some guy had done that to me, you can bet I would be the one calling the police on his ass after defending myself with my fists, pepperspray and the taser I hope to get. Oh, and girls, the SWAT guy who I've taken MMA classes with has told me stories about fights he's been in. If someone else starts it, you are allowed to beat the shit out of them in self-defence. Let's all learn to defend ourselves ladies, at least because some of the douches that hurt women might think twice after getting embarrassed and arrested after getting a beat down from a girl! And going back to why I'm posting here in the first place, I doubt Chris' $$$ will help keep him from getting his in jail, money isn't worth much there and those cute, sweet inmates are just so darn needy ; P

  26. I think it's clearly Clive Davis and all the old white guys at Sony/BMG, which owns Chris's label, JIVE, on which Chris is one of the very few artists who makes the label any money. Rihanna is on Island Def Jam and from what I've heard, they spend so much on A&R for her that she's spent most of her earnings paying them back.

    I have no doubt Clive Davis is behind this. He's a known misogynist, but beyond that, all he cares about is his money machines: Chris, Justin, and Britney.

  27. Sporky about MCD that is a complete shocker! I saw a picture of him with his girlfriend last year and they looked so cute together.

  28. Anonymous11:40 AM

    In Riri's defense, when you're 21 and people give you good advice, you just don't believe them. You have to learn things the hard way. You guys remember being 21, don't you?

    Also, supposedly she's pregnant.

  29. Until Jay-Z steps up and says publicly it's wrong to beat women, then i'm convinced he's behind this.

    everyone has an opinion about this but him...her mentor and moneymaker.

  30. i'm sure the about faces are happening due to pressure from the big record and money guys, but i also think rihanna agreed and wanted the dogs called off this jerk.

    i find the whole thing disgusting---these guys are sexist cowards and she's a fool. i still have hope for her though. none for them, i'm afraid.

  31. Lol Mooshki...

    Shady dealings.. Who is Chris connected to? Diddy likes to pretend he's The Mob, so it could be his influence...

  32. Anonymous11:54 AM

    btw, how can he have a "comeback"? When I see his hands in photos that I know caused so much damage to Riri, it makes me feel disgusted and slightly queasy.

    I wish he'd just go away for good.

  33. He bites it's not just his huge hands that make me queasy ...his mouth disturbs me as well so when I see pics of him smiling *blech*

  34. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Agreed, Tiffany. I didn't understand why his smile was bothering me so much also.

  35. "If someone else starts it, you are allowed to beat the shit out of them in self-defence."

    Sadly, I think this is how Chris is going to get out of the charges. :( If she did throw his phone, or whack him, or something, he can say she started it.

  36. No matter who is behind this, they aren't doing their homework. If this is about money, one need only look at the HUGE backlash against Brown and the vigilance of public AGAINST physically assaulting a woman to see that the people who stand to make the most money off of this are the ones who make public statements AGAINST what happened. I have zero respect for any of these so-called artists who would openly justify or even sit on the fence about this. Right now, every gangsta/hip hopper who seems to be supporting Brown is looking like simple, weak, useless garbage at this point. I'm thinking there is some kind of unspoken street cred thing going on here about it being acceptable to 'control your woman', but I can't figure out why anyone would think this kind of thing is okay. Nothing but a bunch of losers, and I can assure you that I will never buy anything any of them promote again.

    A real man would stand up and say no.

  37. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Kat, it is possible that the demographics of people who will boycott the Chris supporters are folks whose dollars the gangsta types disdain. I'd love to see some statistics of "street cred" vs. wholesomeness in terms of dollars earned.

    They may be failing to consider that parents (like me) ultimately control how the kids spend their money.

  38. I am lost here--is Chris Brown bigger than Usher?

  39. Good point bawana, but I have to say that I don't believe that they'd refuse money from anyone. Disdain or not, these are not people of great principle and I suspect they'll take the money from whichever hand is offering it.

  40. That's like the head of the RNC apologizing to Rush Limbaugh.

  41. That's like the head of the RNC apologizing to Rush Limbaugh.

  42. beat women or child is bad,wrong!
    go to jail,Chris Brown!

  43. there's an awful lot of spin-doctoring going on...i'm surprised no one has mentioned that rhianna didn't stay at doody's mansion on star island...she was checked in at the setai...

  44. Usher=pussy. Same with any of the others that recanted their opinions on the situation. I'd like to slap that smirk off of CB's face with a 2X4. If they are indeed trying to save CB's career, they are killing hers in the process. She had far more potential than CB. Now they both fucked their careers up. Oh well.

    As for the self defense of abuse, yes, you are allowed to defend yourself to a certain point. If someone slaps you in the face, you can't turn around and shoot them. In normal circumstances (ie: not rich and famous people), it would be obvious that whatever she did (if she did anything at all) that the defense by CB was excessive. She had way too much damage and he had nothing.

  45. Wasn't there a BI a couple months ago about Usher and Zac Efron in Paris? At least that is who everyone thought they were. It was around the time High School Musical was brainwas... I mean, released.

  46. I don't know guys, I'm hesitant to think Jay-Z is behind it when he came out and defended Rihanna, didn't he? He discovered her so I would think he would want to protect one of his biggest assets and wouldn't encourage her to go back to Brown. Also one of his bodyguards was supposedly hanging out in Florida with her. That being said, I can't say WHO is behind this, just doubting it's Jay-Z. And yes, Chris Brown is a way bigger star than Usher. I think he was one of the most prominent hip hop guys in terms of airplay, record sales, and endorsements. That's Wrigley's deal paid HUGE since it started out as just a single before it was revealed that it was a commercial.

  47. Thanks SFG--I don't follow hip hop, so I am clueless.

  48. laurella - There is a difference between a cop or someone on the government's payroll beating the shit out of someone 'in self defence', and a civilian doing it to another civilian.
    Yes, stories about the police taking matters into their own hands are quite common if you speak to the right people - shitty, but it happens.

    By your statement, if Rihanna slapped Chris he was entitled to beat her to a pulp and give her multiple bite wounds. This attitude shows a shocking amount of ignorance and entitlement.

    If women want equality, then we should treat men how we would like to be treated - it's not just one rule for us females, and another for the big bad men. If a woman beats the shit out of a man that slapped/hit her first, then she is morally and legally in the wrong (excessive force anyone?)

    Police exist for a reason, and if you can beat the shit out of someone, you can get the hell away from them and go somewhere safe (and i'm not talking about whatever you can dish out during self defence, to get them off you. I'm talking about your 'shame the bastard with a beatdown' idea).

    I think this is all talk on your side though. Not many women are physically strong or naturally violent enough to do this kind of thing.
    Also when it comes to domestic abuse, the woman is almost always made submissive with mental abuse before hand. They do not have the confidence or the self-respect to stand up for themselves in such a manner - many actually believe they deserve the violence (that it's their fault for failing in some way). It's not as simple as "showing the dickhead who's boss"...

  49. One might actually wonder if maybe Chris has something on Rhianna, something he or his allies were threatening to expose her with if she opted not to reconcile. I realize that half of all abused women tend to go back to their abuser, but this girl has the world at her feet. I can't imagine how it made sense to her to go back unless she had something more to lose by going.

    Just a thought.

  50. I saw a bunch of tabloids (the operative word here, I'm sure) today, claiming is is/ was pregnant.


  52. oh there's going to be a HUGE backlash if it happens again.. or she gets killed. Jive Records and Def Jam will all have to watch out b/c the public will turn on the entire record labels. When ppl are suffering economically they lash out at the entertainment industry hardcore when they burst their escapism bubbles. And right now RiRi is pops new princess daughter who just got beat up by who the public thought was a trustworthy prince. They (the money makers) should have cut him lose and created a new prince.

  53. Yes, Bawana. No matter what anyone is selling, if we don't buy it, the powers that be won't be making any money. This is how they'll learn the real impact of this whole mess.

  54. I'm thinking, too, that if there's a plea deal in the works, Chris's attys don't want to have to deal with any more bad press.
