Friday, March 13, 2009

Would Britney Spears Live In Afghanistan?

Since Britney Spears doesn't seem to be able to stop wanting to be with Adnan Ghalib, I was just wondering if she would be willing to follow him to Afghanistan if he gets deported there. I always thought he was British, but The Sun is saying that he may in fact be an Afghani citizen which is where he moved when he was five years old.

Adnan is facing all kinds of charges for allegedly using his car as a battering ram against a process server last month. If Adnan is convicted of the charges he currently he is alleged to have committed, he would serve his sentence and then be deported back to the country where he has citizenship. Although he was born in the UK, he and his family moved to Afghanistan.

The thought of Adnan forced to live in Afghanistan makes me laugh, but could you imagine Britney Spears living there? "Where's the fried catfish ya'll?"


  1. Do they have fried chicken and cheetos in Afghanistan?

  2. Afghanistan doesn't even have a McDonald's! No wonder they're so unhappy!

  3. Well, at least now they'll have paparazzi.

  4. It would be one of the best things to happen to Brit Brit in years. Bye Good landing strip douche!

  5. Anonymous11:38 AM

    This has great potential.
    "Bin Laden. We'll get you Bin Laden.
    Heck, we'll DELIVER him!
    Just please, PLEASE take her and that photographing mob back."

  6. She would look good in a burka. No alcohol, no women driving or out in public without a male relative - oh please get Brit to Afganistan!

  7. you know harriet, i doubt she'd move there because they DON'T have paparazzi. or cheetos. or catfish.

    she'd just marry him and move to britain or something. they're in love, ya'll!

  8. i shudder everytime i look at that landing strip on his face. britney can't possibly want to get w/ that, does she?! =O

  9. I believe that because he was born in the UK, he's still a UK subject, no matter where he ends up living. Not sure though. Their laws are different than ours. Anyone here know for sure?

  10. Judi, I'd guess he was eligible for UK citizenship, but he (or his parents) might not have officially claimed it. And I doubt they'd grant him citizenship if he asked now. :)

  11. I'd pay to see Britney stumbling around in a burka.
