Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Who Is Getting The Octomom Checks?

With Nadya Suleman basically selling any piece of herself or her children that she can, I'm wondering where all the money is going. I thought it was going to the new house she is moving into this week, but it turns out her dad is the one buying the house. Ummm, isn't this the same dad who had no money at all and was going to have to go to Iraq to make enough to help care for the kids? So, how is it that dad has all of this money now? How is it that dad could come up with the scratch for a $600K home with no job and no money in his pocket a few months ago?

I'm thinking that maybe dad is the one who is getting the checks for what Nadya is selling. Now a news organization can say they didn't pay Nadya anything for her story. We obviously know she is getting something or she wouldn't be doing it, but maybe the checks are payable to dad. If the checks are payable to dad, then Nadya can still collect disability, food stamps, free medical insurance from the state, and welfare. If the money were paid directly to Nadya, all of that would vanish in a second and the state might even try and get back some of the money they spent.

Now though, the news people are happy because they can tell the truth. Daddy is happy because he doesn't have to go to Iraq, and Nadya is happy because she can keep scamming the government and keep getting the attention.


  1. okay i totally read that headline as Who's getting her CHEEKS.....and the pictures of the babies below.....Ent your version makes way more sense..

  2. i saw about thirty minutes of dr phil, and all i can say is wow.

    so the next time some freaky doctor for some odd reason does this to another woman, will the groundhog be so enthusiastic to help out.

    this will be so interesting about 5 years from now.

  3. That makes total sense. Also Daddy would have had to pay cash for that house because no bank institution would lend money to anyone that has defaulted on their last house. So obviously she was paid big bucks from somewhere and it was put in daddy's name, so she could continue screwing the state of California. She owes everyone in the state of California or who has naively contributed to her 'fund' a nice BIG KISS, don't we all like a kiss while we are being screwed.

  4. Technically, dad didn't default on the last house. It was owned by octograndma. Octograndma and octograndpa have been "divorced" for about 10 years. I'm sure they did it for some weird, possibly shady, financial reasons.

    But it's been reported that octomom has made a least a few hundred thousand through photo licensing agreements in the US and overseas. If that money is going into her father's name, I hope someone is investigating it. I'd love to see this family's tax returns.

  5. Anonymous11:14 AM

    She's certainly ingenious.

  6. Can we please stop giving this woman any more publicity?!?! pretty please?

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Ugh. Everytime I see her smug, weird plastic face, I want to break my computer or TV screen. Nothing is going to stop her self-righteous behavior at this point.

  9. Octomom says she's leasing this house with option to buy.

    Her father did an interview on Oprah. That could have easily been the down payment for the house.

  10. i'm assuming she's doing what she feels she has to do in order to secure a future for her 87 kids. i don't know that i can fault her for that. i can fault her for scamming the govt, that's just wrong, wrong, wrong, but securing a home for her brood? they have to live somewhere, and if said housing is in her father's name, so be it. what do we propose she do? whoring herself out to the media is the means to her end. it would be worse if she were still in that pollyanna reverie of denial (like she was in the first few interviews).

  11. i also like how the house she is now leasing has four bedrooms. i mean, the house her father is leasing. Good luck fitting them all in!

  12. Well, this would explain OctoPapi's backtracking from what he had said on Oprah. He defended his daughter on GMA yesterday.

  13. I disagree with you Pookie. It's not like she just accidently got pregnant with multiples. She spent $100,000 to get knocked up when she already had 6 kids. She just wants to see a huge return on her investment.

  14. i think at this point people need to lay off the octo-mom. was it irresponisble what she did, sure, but the bottom line is that now you have a single mother with 8 newborns and 6 other young children. stop judging her, and help her, because all the critizing and scrutizing her isn't going to help raise the kids. there are far worse people in the world, and far worse people scamming the government (does congress/senate ring a bell. so quit your bitching and do what you can if not for octo then for the babies and her kids who never asked for this.

  15. Money laundering..

    In US law it is the practice of engaging in financial transactions to conceal the identity, source, or destination of illegally gained money.

    Isn't that, like, a federal crime?

  16. As crazy as Octomom is, she is smart
    enough to know how to collect money & a house, while everyone else is unemployed & losing their homes.
    It is a pity there are 14 kids involved, because I would really like to see her get what she deserves.

  17. I think the best thing would be for the kids to be adopted out. Then octomom could get whats coming to her. I think the kids would better off without her influence. She will not doubt teach them the tricks of the trade. Thats 14 adults raised by this woman. If they go on to have 14 or more kids of their own and of course they will have been taught to make sure some have disabilities because they are worth more, that is 196 children plus their parents that will be possibly living off the government or handouts from other people. Where as if they were adopted out they have a chance to lead productive lives and not go into the "family business".

  18. i will judge her all i want, thank you. she's sucking off the public tit which gives us the RIGHT to judge her.
    where did she get the money for the in vitro? did we pay for that too?
    i'm SICK SICK SICK of people saying 'it's done. we need to help her.' FUCK her.
    those kids need a stable home and they won't have one with this fruitcake. i hope the state investigates her, her parents, the financial situation, and arrives at that conclusion.

  19. Anonymous1:51 PM

    I heard she used her father's CREDIT--that's why its in his name. Its her money. Sources are saying its pouring in from "everywhere". She got a quarter of a mil from doing interviews in the UK, and 25,000 per interview after that.


  21. What Nancer said.

  22. Nadya tells THE INSIDER how her older children are handling the birth of the octuplets, "Externalizing their anger. Internalizing it. They become more withdrawn and get a little more sad. One of my kids for a while, I noticed he didn't want to deal with the reality of what's going on. I noticed some tears coming down his face. I held him for ten minutes and he held me back and that's all he needed."

    Now that's good parenting.

  23. this twat is working the fuck outta that system.

    for shame you UGLY BIOTCH!
    next time spend the coin to fix your busted face, not alter it.

    of course she's getting money pouring in, it's on all the stations! there is always going to be some bleeding heart willing to enable her crap.

  24. Mooshki, he's lucky he got 10 mins without going through a pre-interview, her publicist, personal assistant and Dr. Phil.

  25. Yeah, I'll judge this dumb whore, too. I'll scorn her the same way I do every shitty, selfish, piece of shit parent who cares more about furthering her own fucking emotional agenda than actually being being a good, present, kind and caring mom.

    You CANNOT give enough attention to fourteen children. Period.

  26. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Please, SOMEbody tell me this woman is being investigated by the state for her mental problems and seemingly fraudulent lifestyle. PLEASE!

  27. i hate dr. phil, but since he just came on, i guess i'll watch the show.
    he seems way too sympathetic towards her for my taste.

  28. I think you are right on about her needing to keep collecting government hand outs. The house was bought in the Dad's name for two reasons: 1) because if you own a home then it is assumed you do not need state subsidy; 2) if she is financing any of the mortgage she probably has credit problems and needed someone to buy it for her.

  29. First of all, Dr. Phil is horrible. I knew that before, but geez, he sure proved it to me today. While listening to her 911 tape, where she threatened repeatedly to kill herself because one of her kids was missing, she laughed, he said he didn't really hear anything wrong. Wouldn't any parent be freaking out? Uh, yeah, but the 911 operator pointed out that she needed to stop saying that so her other kids didn't hear her. Part of being a parent is keeping it together in a time of crisis.
    Second, why should I help her or her children? There are millions of people in poverty who have their two kids, lost their jobs, can't make ends meet but I am supposed to send money to her so she and her 14 IVF children can live comfortably? Perhaps she can stand in line with those folks while they go to food and clothing banks?
    I used to work in social services, helping people find local resources. One day, while i was pregnant, I got a call from a 19 year old girl who needed shelter for herself, a small child and her preemie twins as they were being discharged from the hospital. It was around Christmas, and there was no room at the inn. Sadly, the world punishes women for making poor choices with their procreation and the world punishes those children. Why should this witch, who has wasted her money that she didn't have on facial surgery and IVF, move to the head of the line?

  30. "Now though, the news people are happy because they can tell the truth. Daddy is happy because he doesn't have to go to Iraq, and Nadya is happy because she can keep scamming the government and keep getting the attention."

    I'm not happy!

  31. Goodgrief - That was way too much math for me!

  32. Dr Phil is a douche and I don't think it's news that this broad is nuts... next story!
