Wednesday, March 04, 2009

What Do You Think?

There was a story in the New York Daily News that at a party last weekend in Miami, Khloe & Kourtney Kardashian were on a balcony above a crowd of people at a club. Suddenly during one of the songs, the two sisters dropped about $3,000 in dollar bills down into the crowd below.

First of all, if someone had been hurt during the scramble for the cash, this would be an entirely different kind of post and the Kardashian sisters would be looking at some lawsuits directed at them. Depending on how many people were hurt there could have also been some criminal charges filed as well. But, there were no injuries and so instead we can discuss if this was just them having fun, their way of buying everyone a drink, or if they were just throwing it all down on to the crowd to show they have way too much money and don't need it.

I'm mixed about this. I think they are idiots and so I am going to say they were just doing it for fun. It was obviously planned as the entire sum of money was in $1 bills. I don't think they thought about what would happen if someone did get hurt. Was it better than spending $3000 on themselves for booze? Well the reports I have read about the weekend said they spent about $5000 on booze in two hours so don't think they didn't get their drink on.

I just think they had a great time watching people scrambling around to pick up a few dollars off the ground and knowing they were responsible for the commotion. I just can't decide if they were being arrogant or just were trying to be nice. I also wonder whether it would have been better if they had donated the $3000 to an organization that could have put it to much better use in the Miami area.


  1. Part of Obama's stimulis package I believe.

  2. Since they don't strike me as the charitable type, I think they did it have some fun and a good laugh in an arrogant sort of way.

  3. They probably did it to get into the lime light so they could remain relevant.....and it worked....for a minute.

  4. Anonymous12:45 PM

    "I just think they had a great time watching people scrambling around to pick up a few dollars off the ground and knowing they were responsible for the commotion."

    1 : exaggerating or disposed to exaggerate one's own worth or importance often by an overbearing manner.

    It may not have been INTENTIONALLY arrogant, but it was arrogant nonetheless.

  5. Yeah this was some sort of arrogant snobbery on their part. I agree, they want to make a difference how about donating that money to a charitable organization?

    BTW I know their dad was a famous Hollywood attorney but that doesn't make him a millionaire, does anyone know what is the source of their riches?

  6. source of their money = prositution

  7. Montana, the OJ case made Robert Kardashian THE entertainment lawyer. I bet he billed $10,000 an hour after that. :)

  8. While I do think the Kardashian family consists of a bunch of obnoxious famewhores, I don't think this was really done out of arrogance. Just spreading the joy whilst not sober. I'll give them a pass on this one.

  9. 'hey,i know! let's drop money down there and watch the poor people scramble for it. come on. it will be so funny!'

    like that.

  10. Is there an Armenian custom of throwing money around like that -- e.g., at weddings?

    Reason I ask, my brother was married to an Afghan woman and I went to many Afghan weddings, engagement parties, etc. and at times the older family members would shower cash onto the floor for the little kids to pick up. I remember some of the little kids (like 5-6 years old) raking in $50 or $60 each at my brother's wedding.

  11. No, people, remember they were surrounded by wealthy clubgoers... I don't get any Marie Antoinette vibes from this.

  12. no enty...the dirt, as per friends that were there (not me), was that this was at young jeezy's party at plunge (the rooftop club at the gansevoort on south beach), and that they did throw $ into the crowd, but that it was a flop b/c it was in the section that isn't covered and the wind caught it and basically sent it downward either onto the sand on one end or collins avenue on the other. it was a huge fail.

  13. robert kardashian made BIG money in the music/entertainment busines. he started out as a music/entertainment lawyer and became a bigwig. he hadnt practiced law in YEARS when he took the OJ case PRO BONO. He did it to help his friend.

  14. wait a minute. how do you know these were 'wealthy clubgoers?' not everyone who goes to clubs has a lot of money. maybe the people weren't poor and homeless, but i still think they did this for their own amusement. i don't see this as a benevolent gesture because of the people involved.
    great humanitarians? the kardASSians? no way.

  15. First post from a lurker but, in light of the current economic situation, commenting on this particular behavior seems worthy of the time it will take to make the comment.

    The circumstances are eerily reminiscent of a story Joe Biden tells of his father.

    In his 20s, Biden Pere had it all - he sailed yachts, rode to the hounds, drove fast cars, and flew airplanes. Ten years and a few business reversals later, however, this formerly wealthy man was living with a wife and four children in a two-bedroom apartment and selling used cars for a living.

    One year at the dealership Christmas party the owner decided to amuse himself by spilling out a bucket of silver dollars on the dance floor and watching his workers scramble to scoop up the coins. Joe Sr. reportedly "gathered up his wife and walked out, never to return."

    “The thing he couldn’t stand,” the vice president writes in his book Promises to Keep, “was people who lorded it over the less fortunate... And he couldn’t stand people who abused power of any kind.”

    If the Kardashians had any intention of being "nice," they could easily have given their money away in a manner that would not only have been far more effective, but would have ensured the dignity of the recipients. The reward for doing that, however, comes only in the form of quiet satisfaction as opposed to the tawdry entertainment and publicity value the Kardashians sought and received.

    As a result, I think their actions fit rather firmly in the "Cash From Trash" category.

  16. Janepod- t
    They claim to be Armenian, but besides the last name, the culture as completely escaped them. Especially with the death of their father. They even have work done on their "Armenian Noses". They claim it never happened.

    Regardless, this is arrogant. If they wanted to do something nice for Miami, they would have donated it to a homeless shelter.

  17. Tax Lawyer, love the story. If only people in the public eye had that kind of sense and dignity these days.

  18. They were just making it rain, is all. I wish someone would do that the next time I'M in a club! While I'm highly skeptical of anything anyone in this family does, I guess I'll be the lone person in the "give them a break" club. :)

  19. I agree with Katherine, although I do find them to be uber douche-y.

    They were being hip-hop. Trying to show off their wealth, which is not at all unusual in the hip-hop community, although it is the epitome of arrogance.

  20. Tax Lawyer - Great first post! I agree fully with your analogy. They clearly had to set this up in advance - not just as a spur of the moment drunken act. They were not only showing off their wealth (at a time when money is tight for most), but making people scurry on the floor for their thrown away dollar bills. That is such a disgusting way to treat people. I hope they remember this when they have nothing.

  21. You'd have to drop 300 10$ bills to buy anyone a drink at Miami niteclub.
    And that would be tap beer or weel drinks!

    I can only hope that someday when all the rehabs visits have drained their money they will be clipping coupons and fondly wish for the 3 grand back.
