Washington DC Is The New Los Angeles
I blame C.S.I. for the phenomenon known as put the name of a city in a show so there will be a built in audience for the show. I guess you have noticed there is no C.S.I Fargo, because as lovely as that city is, they probably are not going to boost the ratings much. Call a show C.S.I Miami and you get a nice bump. People want to see places in movies and television they know. It makes them watch more and talk about it more. It's free advertising and it works great. I'm fine with it.
But, since the success of C.S.I., that formula has spread to other television formats where it just becomes awful. Whitney Port moves to New York - Awful. The Hills type show based in Washington DC. - Awful. Soon to be a Real Housewives of Washington DC. Probably really good. Hey, I watch it. I don't talk about it on here much, but I watch it. If there is a marathon on, I can get sucked in for the 8 hours it's on. There seems to be this push to try and capitalize on the attention being focused on Washington DC since the election. I can understand that, but sometimes I think you need to leave the idea in LA. The Hills works because we expect them to be pretentious, conceited, superficial, spoiled and selfish because they live in LA. Those same attributes don't really translate to Washington DC.
Now though comes the ultimate reach to expand a show beyond Hollywood. Take a look at what came out today.
Shooting an untitled pilot for a reality series on Vh1 in Washington DC - about an A-List Celebrity Stylist moving from Beverly Hills to Washington to be closer to the WHITE HOUSE. He's taking over the hair world, and he's talented beyond belief.
Seeking - BIG PERSONALITY women to get a free hairstyle done by an A-List Celebrity Hairstylist. You'll leave looking FAB. People pay big bucks to get their hair done by him, but you'll get it for FREE!!
[2 WOMEN] Women who are fun and cute w/ big personalities who want their hair done for free.
[WOMAN] Low income. Did you lose your job, and entering a new field, but need a NEW LOOK?? Do you work for the government? Are you sick of looking drab? Want to look fab???
[CELEBRITY] Are you a celebrity, socialite, style editor living in Washington and want a free hairdo? Must have an OVER-THE-TOP PERSONALITY.
Seriously? And they want to be close to the White House because? I think Bravo pretty much has the hair stylist market cornered. Any show that is looking for someone who is fab, fab, and must be fab and over the top is going to be the most annoying show ever. Unless of course Spencer got his beautician's license.