Thursday, March 19, 2009

Vin Diesel Wrecks His Own Career... Again

Do you remember about ten years ago when Vin Diesel was the hottest actor on the planet? He had everything going for him, but because he was an a-hole and a diva and felt he was entitled to do what he wanted and when, studios stopped wanting to work with him and the film roles dried up and he ended up basically starring in any movie that would have him. Well, with Fast And The Furious 3, he got another chance and he is already blowing it.

According to the NY Post, Vin was supposed to be doing a press junket in LA on Sunday. One of those where you sit there and talk to reporters from a million organizations and tell them why your movie is so damn good. Well, instead of doing what he was supposed to be doing, Vin just stayed away and wouldn't take any calls until one of the studio executives managed to track him down. The executive probably threatened him, and Vin claimed he was sick. Vin did finally show up four hours late looking healthy.

The kicker is that his PR firm dropped him as a client because of what happened, and I have no doubts that studios will not be far behind. The studios are in the business of making money and the way you make that money is by doing press. Lots of it. Say what you want about Tom Cruise (short, strange, whacked out, Napoleon complex), he still does lots and lots of press. Did you realize that Mall Cop movie is still in the top ten movies. The movie is fairly bad, and has been out for two months but is still in the top 10 because Kevin James worked it hard.

Stars for the most part hate doing press, but even the densest usually know it is how money is made and how their paychecks will get larger. Studios will let you get away with drugs, crimes, tantrums, or any other boorish behavior except for one thing. You have to do press. You have to, or you won't be back. Vin obviously hasn't realized that yet. And now he has probably run out of chances.


  1. Well, this goes to show how intelligent he is. If I were paid the amount of money these people were I'd happily do the press thing just because I was so grateful.

    Enty, I think it's Fast and Furious 4 now....although who really cares.

  2. what is he, some kinda douche bag?

  3. I think he should be held as an example of what happens when you don't play nice. Hayden Pantyhairs should take note as I can certainly see her pulling this diva behavior.

  4. The sad thing is, after scientific studies, it didn't matter if Vinny did press for his movies anyways. They still suck and bomb.

    So, there ya go.

  5. merrick, yup. he's also a resident of Douche-a-chusetts. lives 2 doors down from pete wentz.

  6. Anonymous1:03 PM

    He should just go into gay porn and voiceovers. It's all he's good for.

  7. I don't think I've ever met a Vin movie I didn't enjoy. (Yes, I love bad movies.) This bums me out. What an idiot.

  8. I've never wanted anyone to crash and burn more than this blowhard. Maybe La Lohan. But only a little more.

  9. when ARE THESE A-HOLES GOING TO REALIZE THEY AREN'T SAVING THE WORLD OR CURING AIDS!! They are frickin actors... I hate answering the phone at my job but when the secretary is not at her desk I still do it - because I get paid for it!

    God this elitist , holier then thou, my shit doesn't stink crap is getting so old. When are these people gonna wake up and realize that they are entertainers and it's a job so just shut up and do it! No one...NO ONE deserves the right or has the privilege to act like a total a-hole. Your paycheck does not make you a better person then any other law abiding human being.

    SOrry for the rant but man this kinda stuff really pisses me off!

  10. I've never understood his appeal. He's ugly and has the worst voice - it's like nails on a chalkboard to me! He's one of the only actors whose movie I would avoid no matter how good it looked otherwise.

  11. I wonder why actors hate doing press? It sounds like it would be kinda fun, to me.

    Btw, isn't Vin Diesel way, way, way far back in the closet? Seems I've heard that.

  12. Nicole, I guess it's a matter of taste, because I love his voice. :) That and his arms. I have a thing for those arms. I definitely never thought he was a "rock scientist," but I didn't know he was quite this dumb.

  13. Figgy, I don't think so. I think he keeps tiptoeing out the closet door, but holds onto it with one pinky finger so he can rush back inside if absolutely necessary. :)

  14. Anonymous2:11 PM

    so if Hollywood turns their backs on him, will ENT reveal any blinds about him? Cuz I just KNOW he was the subject of one of them...had to be!

  15. Mooski, sorry to burst your bubble but he's on Dn's team.

  16. Douchebag.

    I can't believe he doesn't know that there are at least 10,000 action-type dudes in Hollywood right now who are better looking, better actors, and more than happy to act in anything, and do anything to have a career.

    Shit, I would act for free. Sign autographs, AND do all the press they want.

    Please do some reveals, Enty. He's a real tool.

  17. Total douche. not sorry to see the back of his big ugly head...
    'Don't let the door knock you on the way out, Vin!'

  18. He must be really REALLY delusional to think he doesn't desperately need to tow the line. He has totally faded into obscurity, and he thinks he's the shit? People like him are incredibly stupid and it makes for good laughs.

  19. If you paid me what they pay these idiots I would do Istar2 and make you think it was going to be the best thing you ever saw.

    Poor little Vinnie has to whore himself out and do press.
    Remind me how many people are out of work and are going to lose their homes while this moron gets a ticket to ride?

  20. Jax, I know, I just enjoy him from an aesthetic perspective. :)

  21. omg, wasnt there a blind abt an actor who couldnt do press cuz he was on that candy...??

  22. i think it's really irritating how so many people bust their asses at their jobs to barely get by in life, while some a-hole rakes in the dough and can't bring himself to fulfill an obligation he AGREED to to help him rake in all that dough.

    i used to like this guy, he's actually a decent actor, but with an attitude toward his job like that- screw him. hope he loses it all and doesn't get it back this time.

  23. I'm a little late to this party. But Hayden Pantyhairs is funny as shit!!!!

