Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Today's Blind Items

This actress is C list now. Back in the day she was probably a B lister with some very famous boyfriends who were A listers when they dated. Our actress was also around for one of the most famous moments in Hollywood history. You might think she is old from the description I've given, but she's not. She just has been acting a long time and it is taking a toll. How big of a toll? Well our actress has multiple movies coming out in which she is actually the female lead in two of them. The movies need press, but she can't do it. She is on so many different kinds of pills right now that she doesn't know if she is coming or going and barely can utter a coherent sentence that is not memorized in advance. The producers of the first movie she has scheduled to come out and have already given up trying to get her to promote it and instead have come up with gimmicks. The producers of the second movie want to get her into rehab, but she just wants to be left alone to live her life as she pleases. These movies represented her comeback, but it doesn't look like it will last for long at this rate.


  1. I second Winona...she was my first thought.

  2. most famous moments of HW history? was Winona around when River Phoenix od at Johnny Depp's night club?

  3. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Winona Ryder was my very first guess too.

  4. I'll take a ticket on the Winona crazy train. she is in the new Star Trek movie and has Stay cool coming out later this year. Both have large casts who could cover the publicity without her.

  5. also i think on winona ryder and it's sad because she had talent! hasn't she real friends to help her?

  6. Blah: I thought about a River Phoenix connection too. Was that around the time she and Depp were together?

  7. Love the Winona guess.

  8. Oh, and the contents of her purse when she was arrested was like a drugstore with pills and syringes.

  9. Actually, would Winona's arrest qualify for "one of the most famous events in Hollywood history?"

  10. I see on google that they dated from 90 to 93 and River died in 93. Hmmmm, more evidence pointing to Winona.

  11. Winona for the win. :( I actually like her too

  12. In mid 1993, River was in LA, working on a film called, Dark Blood, for Fine Line Features. He was also signed to star in Interview With a Vampire, With Tom Cruise. While in LA, he usually stayed at the St. James's Club and Hotel, on Sunset Boulevard.

    On the evening of October 30th 1993, he went to The Viper Room, a club owned by Johnny Depp, at 8852 Sunset Boulevard. River was wearing striped brown pants and black and white Converse high tops and socks.

    A few minutes before 1:00 am, River had been in the bathroom doing drugs with some drug dealer friends when someone offered him a snort of high-grade Persian Brown. Immediately upon snorting the drug he began trembling and shaking.

    He then staggered back out into the bar and over to actress Samantha Mathis and his sister Rain. Mathis first called River's friend and assistant Abby, then Mathis and River's brother Joaquin took him outside. A photographer, Ron Davis, went to call 911 at the nearby payphone, as did Joaquin.

    They rushed him to Cedars Sinai Medical Center where they arrived at 1:34. He was pronounced dead at 1:51 am. on October 31, 1993.

    Married With Children star Christina Applegate was at the club that night and witnessed the seizures, which she later reenacted at an anti-drug dance piece.

    River's autopsy showed lethal levels of cocaine and morphine (heroin shows up as morphine, as the body metabolizes it), Valium, marijuana and ephedrine. Ephedrine is the main ingredient found in crystal meth. Official cause of death was Acute multiple drug ingestion. River Phoenix was 23 years old.

  13. No mention of Winona at Viper Room the night River died, above post from http://www.franksreelreviews.com/shorttakes/phoenix.htm

  14. Oooh you guys are good! excellent guess.

  15. Anonymous3:12 PM

    This is quoted from wikipedia: "She also received noteworthy media attention for her participation in the investigation of the kidnapping and murder of Polly Klaas in 1993, who was from Ryder's hometown of Petaluma, California."

    There ya go. Winona for the win, Alex.

  16. Poor Winona - she is the one.

  17. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Later in the same Wiki, it says "During the trial, she was also accused of using drugs without valid prescriptions."

    That's so sad. Winona Ryder was one of my favorites back in the day. She's still young - I hope she can pull it together soon.

  18. OT: You know, ms snarky, Ron Davis could have set himself up for life if he would have taken pictures instead of calling 911. It's hard to believe that humanity & decency prevailed in that situation. How many paps today would do the same thing?

  19. A quick IMDB check shows at least 4 movies that she's finished that have not been released yet...so I guess it's Winona for the win!

  20. Yup. I instantly thought of Winona.

    God, this is sad. Back in the day, she was so doe-eyed and gorgeous, picked great movies, dated hot dudes, and could actually ACT.

  21. damn! These stories make me so sad. Winona, Winona...River's death had to have had a heavy impact on her. She had so much talent and she's so pretty. Hollywood really eats them and spits 'em out. Wow.

  22. Admittedly, there's a strong case for Winona here....

    ... but could it possibly be Samantha Mathis? She was with River at the Viper Room. Besides River, she dated Christian Slater, among others. She's got two films coming up -- one with Kevin Costner, and one with Milo Ventimiglia. And she hasn't done a whole hell of a lot (other than TV) since her it-girl days in the early 90s....

    Just a thought.

  23. And the gimmick could be the poster for Order of Chaos. (Which is damn cool....)


  24. On the other hand... she's apparently doing Broadway right now. Doesn't fit with the totally-whacked-out-on-pills thing.

    Carry on...

  25. I agree with the Samantha Mathis guess. Winona was A-list in her prime, and was at least as famous as the guys she dated (at the time).

    Samantha Mathis dated River Phoenix (was there the night he died), Christian Slater, etc.

  26. It sounds like Winona, except for the B lister. She was higher than that at her peak.

  27. Yeah, now you all have me re-thinking my original guess. It seems that Samantha Mathis might be a better fit. (By the way, for some reason I always picture Martha Plimpton when I think of Mathis!)

    Also, it might be worth noting that Mathis was in 'Little Women' with Winona!

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. I used to know Flea from the Red Hot Chili Pepper's mom, she told me he was also there when River died, from to paraphrase the post above "a bad mix"...

    Also, although Samantha Mathis played a pretty convincing pillhead in American Psycho, I think it's probably Winona. She looks terrible lately.

  30. WINONA....OH SO SAD....

  31. I'm probably way off but this sounds like Demi Moore.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. 100% Winona for this one, my first guess too. Very sad, 12yrs ago she was so beautiful and is so talented. Remember her at the Oscars with Matt Damon? Stunning. Such a shame.

  34. i can't jump on the winona train...she didn't start acting until her late teens, so i don't see that as that lengthy a career given she's only late 30s.

    i'm going w/ brooke shields. "pretty baby" was pretty controversial in its day, she's had high profile romances w/ jfk, jr. and michael jackson, and has been around enough to live thru a ton of h'wood history crap, including her own which was labled as controversial by the time she was 16.

    don't know if she has anything in pre or post prod tho.

  35. Winona was seriously A list back then. Not B list. It really can't be her no matter how much it fits. Samantha is a really good guess.

  36. I think the whole Gwenyth Shakespear in Love situation may have been a famous Hollywood moment. Remember that Gwenyth was staying with Winona after her breakup with Brad and she supposedly saw the script that was sent to Winona and took it for herself, potentially blowing Harvey Weinstein along the way to seal the deal.

    Also, didn't Matt Damon throw over Minnie Driver to hook up with Winona? Gwenyth was also involved with that one, since she was dating Ben Affleck at the time.

    I don't know if these events would be considered famous moments in Hollywood history, but everything else about the item sounds like Winona to me.

  37. L1-is that a true story about Gwyneth stealing the script? I've passed by that gossip before and although thats class A backstabbing, I wouldn't put it past Gwyneth.

  38. Most signs point to Winona, except the B List part. She was nominated twice for Oscars, so that certainly put her into the A List at the time (mid 90s).

    I'm jumping on the Samantha Mathis train. Makes more sense.

    Sad either way.

  39. I agree with samantha mathis. She has 3 movies in post-production fo release this year and most of her past film were b/c list at best.

    She's only really done tv and tv movies in the past 9, 10 years, so a comeback into films would make sense...

  40. Winona was not B-list back in the day.

    Samantha Mathis makes sense. I'm on that train too.

  41. this is no doubt the normally pill entranced douchebaguette known as "wino forever"...she is a TOTAL b*tch, ask anyone thats ever came in contact with her..I guess its because she's been a celebrity most of her life, but she makes the Mendes Starbucks walk look like humble pie..Sticky fingers is a REAL arse...She steals because she's friggin Winona Ryder and she CAN!! It took much cajoling on her lawyers part during her case to get her to at least attempt to look remorseful..And she had Rite-Aid in her purse, Valley of the Dolls!!

    Lastly, who is a bigger slut/cover up girl than Wine-Ho?

    Depp, Phoenix, Damon, Gere, and MANY of her friends man...she's a complete C^NT!!

  42. I can't think of any A-list boyfriend for Samantha Mathis, whereas Winona dated Matt Damon and Johnny Depp, along with a slew of others.

  43. Well, Winona is a famous serial dater of famous men. She does seem like she's been around forever, because she peaked, like 20 years ago. But it's hard to see her as less than A list at her peak--she was popular with audiences and with critics. And really at that point she was famous for her roles and her looks, not her boyfriends.

    But I'm not sure Samantha Mathis achieved B list in her heyday. Her boyfriends have always been more famous than she--River Phoenix, Christian Slater, and I think there's someone else I'm forgetting.

  44. Winona was high B List for sure. No oscar, and never in her career could she open a movie on her own the way that Julia Roberts, AngieJo, or Reese could/can (the sign of a true A Lister is just that isn't it?)

  45. Pookie - she started acting at 15 (16 years is a long time in Hollywood).
    She also has a history with pain meds (also worth noting, she had an incident on a plane recently involving pills, and the old cosmo blinds about the crazy diva that stole all of a broken-legged PA's pain pills is Wino).

  46. Wow, not 16 years lol - i was thinking she was 31 (her DOB is '71)...
    22 years is forever in HW.

  47. Not Brooke Shields. She has a husband & 2 kids. No movies coming out.

    I'm pretty positive that Wino & Johnny Depp were broken up by the time River Phoenix died.

  48. it is totally Samantha Mathis! She was around when River died, and she will be in 3 upcoming movies with the female star role!
    I did think Juliette Lewis was a guess, since she was dating Kurt Cobain's nanny once upon a time and she is coming out with 2 movies, but I think Samantha is a better guess!

  49. don't forget, Winona was "rushed" off a plane to a hospital in like, November.

    :( :( :(

    she was in a bunch of my favorite movies, i looked up to her.

  50. I just think that Winona Ryder was an A list for a short time, maybe A-. Juliette Lewis is supposedly about to start touring with her new band, but I guess that doesn't mean much. I am not all that familiar with Samantha Mathis.

  51. Juliette Lewis was my first thought.

  52. I was way off. I was thinking Kirsten Dunst, which was Cruise/Pitt in Interview with a Vampire.

  53. The clue says this woman was around for one of the most FAMOUS MOMENTS in Hollywood history. I think you're all stuck on the wrong track with River Phoenix being that moment. That is one of the saddest days in Hollywood history.
    While I think Winona was probably A list in her day, she has 4 movies coming out this year and one next year but... she never really stopped working. Her IMDB shows something every year but 2004.

  54. at first I was on the Winona train but after some thought I think it's Samantha Mathis. Enty has a pic of her in October and she looks very tired (sorry if she's not). I feel for whomever it is, that sucks to be so lost in addiction.

  55. I doubt it's Samantha Mathis -- she's on broadway right now starring opposite Jane Fonda and is terrific...

  56. First of all...Winona and Johnny Depp broke up before he even bought the club and I would be willing to bet she was nowhere near that scene! Plus B list??? Ever??? C-list now??? Are you guys kidding me? Winona is one of the biggest stars in history and deserves a lot more credit than that. Whatever you think of her, she is definitely not C-list and wouldn't be making a "comeback."

    This is so Samantha Mathis. No one ever even mentions her name without stating that she was dating River at the time and was with him at the Viper Room when he died. It is legendary. She was probably B list at best but Ent loved Pump up the Volume, so I think he would give her that. C list would probably be generous now as she has been basically doing bit parts on TV.

    It seems that the death of River Phoenix just drives people more into drugs than away from them. First Joaquin and now Samantha. So very sad.

    This is definitely Samantha.

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. either way, i want that top that S.Mathis is wearing in the pic with Elizabeth Banks on imdb.
    like, badly. lol

  59. but how could she perform on broadway then? If she is so bad she cant even do press? Samantha, I mean.

  60. I spoke with someone who worked with Winona Ryder kinda in the midst of her fame, when she was dating Johnny Depp, and allegedly she was really nice, but messed up bc everyone said yes to her, and she was into drugs, like the crowd that she hung out with...I adore her, always have.

  61. It is seriously not Samantha Mathis. Putting all clues, etc, aside... I JUST saw her on Broadway. She was great. Live Broadway is the last thing the person in this blind could do.

    I think ppl have gotten way too hung up on the Viper Room guess. Can we brainstorm other famous moments in Hollywood history?

  62. Winonas famous boyfriends include: Johnny Depp, Christian Slater, Daniel Day Lewis, Matt Damon, David Duchovny. .. . Not to mention Sex and The City's Chris Noth and rockers Eric Clapton, Jakob Dylan, David Pirner (Soul Asylum) and Beck. Taken from an interview she did with cinema.com where she also says
    ""I'm quite comfortable looking at myself in movies, probably because I've been doing it for so long, since I was a kid. So I sort of watched myself grow up and go through adolescence, like, basically on camera. And also, I'm such a film fanatic. I love movies so much. And there are a couple of movies I've made, that I don't even realize I'm in them. And I think they're so good. Like Age Of Innocence, the (1993). And Crucible, the (1996) and Heathers (1989)."

    As for her not being B-list, I wouldnt say she is A, according to ENTYs definition - "B List Stars--- Again consistent, usually working, star maybe in the ascendant/descendant; recognizable but maybe not as big as an A lister. Maybe TV rather than film? Salma Hayek, Penelope Cruz, Selma Blair, etc etc"

    If Salma and Penelope are B-list, I think Winona is too!

  63. Tatum O'Neal? Youngest to win an Oscar ... anything having to do with Ryan O'Neal, Farrah, and the rest of the insanity in that family.

    Has two movies coming out.

    Dated Michael Jackson and married John McEnroe .....

    Drug use infamous.

  64. I just remembered Winona was supposed to star in Godfather III and couldn't because of "exhaustion"....could have been a cover for her rampant drug use. Then we got stuck with the atrocious Sofia Coppola as Michael Corleone's daughter and the whole thing went to shit....

  65. Who the hell is Samantha Mathis? I've never even heard of her.

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. Who the hell is Samantha Mathis? I've never even heard of her.

  68. Winona Ryder was NOT around for River Phoenix's death....she broke off her engagement to Johnny Depp prior to Depp buying the Viper Room-so that can't be it.

    I wouldn't mind brainstorming famous Hollywood moments. OJ?

  69. The blind talks about her not wanting to do press because she can't speak without memorized lines. People on Broadway memorize their lines and say the same thing each night.

    I'm sure there are plenty of hopheads on Broadway.

  70. Ai agree with the person who said the "famous moment" is NOT River Phoenix's death. I think Enty would have used different wording if that was the case.

    I think the "moment" refers to something along the lines of Sally Feilds's "you really like me" Osccar speech or OJ's white bronco drive (just illustrative examples, not guessses). I'm thinking something spontaneous/weird that happened at an awards show, on a talk show, or out in public.

  71. The famous moment could be when she was upstaged by Angelina in Girl, Interrupted...Ummm and her shoplifting case is a pretty famous Hollywood moment...

    And Winona is in DIRE need of a comeback..Can you name her last hit? Granted, she is a wonderful actress(just ask her), but HER DRUG PROBLEM probably enables her..

    I mean, when I say "c*nt", I mean, "Do you know who I am"? and shitty treatment of waiters kind of behavior...She is a piece of work...People have catered to her for so long, she believes that the world revolves around HER..I have zero sympathy for her and I hope both of her movies tank...

  72. and I, too, was wondering who Samantha Mathis was...

  73. if broadway people can memorize their lines and choreogrpahy and perform well each night in front of a huge audience while popping pills,(which i dont think they can)then they would be more than capable to memorize a few canned generic lines to do a press junket. it sounds like this person is completely out of it, highly doubt it's samantha.
    wino forever.

  74. Lea went from the highest earning movie to the biggest bomb (at the time).

  75. and she was dating dennis quaid who as a list at the time.

  76. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Here's a Lainey post from last month about Winona being absent from the premiere of the Pippa Lee movie:

    Also, couldn't the famous Hollywood moment be Angelina making out with her brother at the Oscars? Pretty sure she was there that year...
    I'd hate it if this is her because she was my first girlcrush, but wouldn't you go nuts too if you lost Johnny Depp???

  77. Not saying it's not her, but Lea looked very healthy in the "Jane Doe" movies, and those weren't that long ago.

  78. I know Winona was close to Timothy Leary at the time of his death, but I don't know if she was actually there when it happened. Or if that would count as a "famous moment in Hollywood history."

  79. Samantha Mathis starred with River Phoenix in his very last movie "The Thing Called Love", which, incidentally, is one of my all time favourite films. Have been looking for the DVD for years and can't find it anywhere.

    I think this sounds Like Winona too, but I can't for the life of me figure out what the "famous moment" might be.

  80. I agree with others that Winona's shoplifting case was the "most famous moments in Hollywood history" in question.

  81. in think Winona was an A- lister at least at one time

    what about Juliet Lewis

  82. Anonymous11:59 AM

    I think Juliette Lewis as well. She looks insane.

  83. I think Juliette is addicted to a little more than pills...

  84. Isn't Juliette Lewis a Scientologist? Is she even allowed to take pills?

  85. (Sorry if this posts twice - first one didn't seem to go through.)

    How about Sharon Stone?

    The famous boyfriend part might not fit - I think the only one I could find who was famous was Gary Shandling, I could be wrong and there were more.

    But she's definitely C list now. Was B+ for a while, got an Oscar nom but no win for Casino. Has a couple of movies in the can - she's the lead and I don't think they came out yet? And one listed for 2009 where she's the lead I think. Many folks would say the most famous moment in Hollywood history was her crotch flash in Basic Instinct - it sort of both made and broke her career at the same time. She's been acting a LONG time, since her early 20's at least. Whaddya think?

  86. ... GET OVER *it... It's*...

    ... =====>>> http://www.younghollywood.com/filmtv.php?videoID=1037590184 <<<===

  87. After reading all these, I think I have to say Winona Ryder. And I also think that "around" means just that... "Around" as in she sounds like she could be old from the description but she was "around" (Meaning, already an actress, already famous, already on the radar) Not necessarily physically PRESENT for "one of the biggest moments in H-wood history' It doesn't say she was THERE or witnessed said moment first-hand....it only says she was "around" (the industry, the scene, Hollywood, that crowd) when it happened.

  88. Harriet Hellfire said:

    "Samantha Mathis starred with River Phoenix in his very last movie "The Thing Called Love", which, incidentally, is one of my all time favourite films. Have been looking for the DVD for years and can't find it anywhere."

    Pssst...Harriet--Amazon has it:

