Wednesday, March 25, 2009

TLC Encourages Multiple Babies

If you are someone like Nadya Suleman and you want to be a big star like your heroes Angelina Jolie and Pamela Anderson how are you going to achieve that goal? Well, if you watch TLC for any length of time the answer will come to you. It's to have multiple babies. No talent required, just a willingness to have and raise a whole bunch of babies.

Last night after the season finale of John & Kate Plus 36, TLC premiered a brand new show called Table For 12. Guess what it is about? Parents with a buttload of kids. The couple in this show have two sets of twins and one set of sextuplets. Sure, it isn't quite the 14 of Nadya Suleman, but it is still an impressive total and is the only reason the couple have a television show. If they just had the two sets of twins, they wouldn't be making money and being on television every week.

99% of potential parents would not be influenced by trying to become famous by having multiple births. However, there is definitely a percentage of couples or singles like Nadya who will do anything to become famous. Don't believe me? Why on earth would you sleep with Paris Hilton unless you wanted to be famous? People will do anything. Danny Bonaduce is getting married again. People will do anything. Multiple childbirths will be occurring more and more frequently as long as television and the world make these people famous and provide them with a great deal of money.


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