Time For Screech To Make Another Porno
Apparently despite all of the money he has made over the past few years off his fans and porn, Dustin Diamond aka Screech is out of money again. It has got so bad that he is being sued by his electric company for not paying his bill. The company is suing him for $2,079.00 which is a hell of a high electric bill, but I guess when you have those cameras taping you having sex with whatever Saved By The Bell groupie you can find or just watch reruns of the old show so you can remember the only positive time in your life, then that dial on the meter is going to spin a little faster.
When Screech first ran out of money a few years ago and asked fans to donate, he squandered all of that good will with his behavior and attitude since. I don't think anyone is going to help him now and they didn't help him a few months ago when he had his car repossessed.
I honestly don't care what happens to him and hope he ends up having to sit in his house, in the dark, and with no car. Serves him right.