Monday, March 02, 2009

Thank You Katie Holmes I Would Love To Come Over For Dinner

In the new issue of Glamour Magazine, Katie Holmes is on the cover. Part of the exchange was that I guess she was supposed to give an interview. She does give an interview, but from the excerpts I've read, it doesn't actually sound like she ever answers a question, and the questions themselves are worded to allow for really vague answers.

In one question, the reporter basically lumped every Cruise/Holmes marriage rumor into one big question and also added the rumor that Suri didn't even exist. Well, I don't remember ever saying that Suri didn't exist, but of course that is the one Katie answered and she said, "Some of the stuff [people said] was such absolutely horrible things to say about a child. It was so uncalled for and so disgusting. Enough is enough."

I don't recall ever saying anything bad about Suri. I do recall saying things about who her parents are or how she was created, but nothing about her personally.

Right now I think Glamour should hang their head in shame because what they have done is give the impression they asked hard questions, when in fact they asked some of the worst questions I have ever seen. The questions were obviously a set up and nothing but a puff piece so she would agree to be on the cover. I hate that. The one thing in the entire interview that intrigued me was this.

Katie said that anyone who has criticized the Cruise family should come over for dinner sometime to see how it really is in their house. Well, count me in. I would LOVE to go over to their house for dinner, especially since according to Katie, Tom does all the cooking. Uh huh. I think they know how to reach me. I'm free any night.

I think Glamour did get one piece of revenge on Katie for having to agree to all the conditions. Notice the headline next to Katie. "The new sex position that works every time." It's kind of like they are implying something by it's location.


  1. ..and now notice the last line of the Katie Holmes post and the blind posted just previously...

    are YOU implying something EL?

    Perhaps the mega star in question IS Tommy boy? Hmmmmm....


  3. Very good, happy-looking photo of Katie. (whether real or not...)

  4. Anonymous10:19 AM

    I thought Stepford Katie was just rambling idiotically in the not-too-distant past about "what a strong woman Suri is"

  5. She is so full of shit. She says they play Scrabble. With their not quite 3 year old. If you are going to lie, at least come up with something vaguely plausible. Say Candyland. I'm sure they don't play that either, but it's in the ballpark.

  6. It's on the side (for the GMD, at least) ... lol ... good one Ent.

  7. I would love to come for dinner as well. Although I am sure I would never be invited in a million years. However,I may be easy, but I am not cheap. So I probably could lie and say glowing things about them for a price.

  8. Suri plays Scrabble and Yatzhee yet is still in diapers.

  9. ya that position is the wife being on dolls and listening to sad Carly Simon in the bath while the hubby is face down in a pillow with the pool boy at his...side.

  10. A word of caution to anyone who dines at the Cruise home: don't drink the Kool-Aid.

  11. This is the link to the interview -

    Bullshit to almost every response. Could the answers be any more vague?

    As for being wanting to do more complex roles, as an actress, she can barely look as if she isn't subjected to blood sucking vampires everynight. FFS, what drugs is she being pumped with?

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Gay Cruise and Katie are in La La Land when it comes to Suri. Some of the comments they make of her are so ridiculous. She is cute but please playing Yatzhee.

  14. Her eyes still look dead to me, in the cover shot.

  15. To tell the truth, I was just "amazed" that every other word of the interview wasn't "amazing."

    "So I probably could lie and say glowing things about them for a price."

    Me too. I can be bought.

    LOL, Little Miss!

  16. Unfortunately, she will probably ruin the excellent Jonathan Ames movie based on his book The Extra Man. Interesting that Tom Cruise let her appear in it since the story is about a young man who discovers his fascination with transsexuals and sex with trannies. Hmm. Guess Tom liked the book? Actually the book is much more than that - it features a really cool older actor, an eccentric character (Kevin Kline plays him in the movie) and the story is really about the young guy and his friendship with this older actor who becomes his roommate.

    Anyway, Katie HOlmes doesn't belong anywhere near the piece - she'll make it suck just like everything does!

  17. she looks lovely in that cover pic, despite her full-of-crapness.

    at least now we know glamour is as assy as kneepads.

  18. They photoshopped some weight on her I see.

  19. Notice that Suri is the only Cruise child mentioned. Whatever happened to the older two?

  20. fairylights - They don't matter. They do nothing for Tommygirl's image, and he can't sell 'cute candids' of them to the press, like he can Suri.

  21. you mean i have to avoid a kevin kline movie now?
    just caught "pirates of penzance" again the other night (first thing i ever saw on cable, btw) (back in 81 or 82, i mean) and i have had a bit of a thing for him ever since.

    gawd, i love that movie.

    and i agree w/ anotheramy.

  22. Enty!! Come've been around in Hollywood enough to know that Holmes was never going to give a straight answer, she didn't have to. Doesn't matter how Glamour presented the interview, Holmes was emailed the questions and she and her "handlers' worked out the answers and likely emailed them back, even I've done interviews where it's all about the photo and the journalist just stands on the sidelines so you can report about what she wore to the 'interview' and how said star flicks their hair!
    Anyone who continues to feel sorry for Holmes is wasting their time...she's gone and she went voluntarily.

  23. @B. Bunny--I saw Kline on Broadway in that production of Pirates, and he was so ripped and so physical in that part, I went into erotic shock and didn't eat or sleep for days afterward.

    BTW, has Glamour really learned of a new sexual position? Have bloggers come up with something the Hindu masters missed?
