Thursday, March 12, 2009

Tastes Like Clooney

I think it is bad enough there is a cologne using Diddily Piddily's breath as its inspiration. Now though comes something even worse. I know, I know, it's hard to believe there could be anything worse than an entire world of people walking around smelling like Sean Combs' breath.

But, thanks to the people over at PETA, there may in fact be something worse. It seems that PETA got their hands on a gym towel that George Clooney perspired all over. Instead of putting it into the washing machine, PETA sent a letter to George asking if it would be ok for them to use his perspiration in a tofu recipe.

According to Ingrid Newkirk, who is the President of PETA, turning sweat into gravy is just as easy as making artificial chicken flavoring for gravy. Mmmmm. Yum.

Ingrid thinks it would be the greatest idea ever and imagined parties attended by people all across the world who would want to sample CloFu. Yeah, nothing like the taste of some sweat mixed with some bean curd. "Would you like your sweat on the side sir?"

George however is not interested and responded to PETA's offer by stating, "As a mammal, I'm offended."

This may all be a joke. Is it possible to do something like that? Anyway, if it isn't a big joke, then I don't think it will be long before we see Pamela Anderson contributing some fluids from her body so everyone can try some PamFu.


  1. Now that's a headline!!!

  2. Okay, I read the post, and I'm no longer turned on. :(

  3. uhhh.. yeah.

    That's pretty gross. Bye-bye appetite! :P

  4. This is really disgusting.

    However, I can see this being turned into a big marketing gimmick for celebs. Walk into your local Wal-Mart and buy your favorite brand of "celebproduct".

    Jessica Simpson Jello. Tom Cruise Cereal.

    Taste a Celeb today!

    I want 50% of all sales.

  5. Anonymous12:44 PM

    "As a mammal, I'm offended" Priceless! PeTA detests the use of animals for products yet thinks nothing of doing it to humans. Nice barb Georgie boy!

  6. I lust George, but even a taste of him won't make me eat tofu!!!!!!

  7. I'd be afraid of any fluids from Pam Anderson - they might not be her own. (grossed myself out)

  8. Ewwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. The only possible thing I can think of that's grosser than sweat-flavoured tofu is this: Natural Harvest: A Collection of Semen-Based Recipes. PETA should go after those guys.

  10. peta people are just permanent residents of Doucheachusetts, aren't they.

  11. NAAASTY.
    Pam's tofu would certainly be cheesy. Speaking of which, did any of you hear about the woman who had the cheese up her hoo-hah?

  12. Dayum.

    As if tofu isn't icky enough as it is...

  13. Think of the bacteria!

    Oh, and the Pammie thing would give you diseases just thinking about it. This is what the world has come to!

    I think the truth of the matter is PETA was being a shameless attention-whore again, and they knew that everyone would be talking about Clooney-sweat food products...
    PETA needs to close it's legs once in a while - it's just an embarrassment to the animal-friendly community.

  14. Sporky - I think she just had them up her shirt so she looked like she had a 'baby belly'. Batshit either way, but this way i can still enjoy my cheese and crackers.

  15. I. HATE. PETA.
    haha-i've got enough bags of bunny poop (and worse)
    to make you pussies change your minds in ten minutes, tops!
    wanna try clipping nails on a nerve damaged bun? no, i know the truth about peta assholes, you'd have had her put to sleep. and i guarantee you wouldn't have put the time into the "who know what birth damaged" 2-1/2 footed, 1/2 tailed bun with the biting habit- i know where she'd be, instead of a loving home. so, fuck me, peta.
    THAT is my public service message (as soon as i get un-mad enough to get it written in english!)!
    can i also mention, yet again, that ingrid newkirk, prez of these idiots, is an insulin dependent diabetic? but in her case, it's alright (insulin is made from horses, for those that don't know).

    i am a proud meat eater who actually likes tofu.
    if the world ended tomorrow, i'd know how to get meat, but would have no idea in hell how to make tofu. peta can put THAT in their pipe and (shove it up their ass) smoke it.

    and i am NOT anti-vegitarian, even if i can't spell it. i just hate peta. and, on topic, i really don't want to eat food that smells like another person. that's just weird.

  16. OH MY GOD - VOMIT!

    Jesus Ingrid .. seek counseling already, would you??

    At this point, she is just turning PETA it one big idiotic joke.

  17. I'm ready to puke. I enjoy George's films, but jeeze, I am not going to eat something made from his sweat! Ick! PETA is just a nutcase organization for the most part.
