Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Smell Of The Outhouse Is Blowing In The Wind

Apparently over at Bob Dylan's house it isn't the the answer that is blowing in the wind, but rather the lovely fumes of a port-a-pottie that is causing all of his neighbors to complain and in some cases has made people sick or forced them to sleep in other parts of their homes.

About six months ago, Bob Dylan must have got tired of his employees using the bathroom in his house and so he got a port-a-pottie delivered and installed outside. Since then, every night, the ocean breezes blow the lovely smell to all his Malibu neighbors.

The neighbors have complained to the city who tried to investigate but were chased off the property by Bob's security team. Neighbors have bought huge industrial fans to try and blow the noxious fumes back onto Bob's property, but apparently the ocean breeze is too strong. Everyone agrees that warm nights are the worst, and people have been forced from any parts of their home that face Bob's house.

My question is, with all of the money Bob has, you would think he would just add on to the guard shack he currently has on his property and install an indoor toilet for that instead of the continued torture of all his neighbors. I guarantee you that if it was one of his neighbors that was doing the same thing to him he would have already sued them and made their life miserable.


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