Monday, March 02, 2009

A Sixty Year Age Gap Is Nothing

Apparently Sumner Redstone decided that the reason his marriage to his current wife didn't work was that the 40 year age gap was just too close. I mean he is 85 and she is 46. I mean 39 years is nothing. He needs to find someone he has less in common with right? So, enter a flight attendant who used to work on the Viacom jets. According to the NY Daily News, Malia Andelin has caught Sumner's eye. She had to move slowly though because his eyes are not what they once were. Malia is much more age appropriate. She is after all just in her early 20's. It's always nice to date someone who was born about the time you were eligible for Social Security benefits.

The picture above is Sumner with his almost divorced wife and a $20 bill. I believe Andrew Jackson is on that bill and was probably the President alive when Sumner was born. Yes, I know he wasn't, but it is still funny, and why does someone pose with a $20 bill?


  1. want my wife?!?

    Got change for a 20?!?!

  2. Anonymous12:05 PM


    Well if he marries the 20 year old at least he will have her taking care of his diapers and stuff.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. The new woman's parents must be proud. It would really suck for her if he died before she got a wedding ring from him, or somehow included in his will.

  5. As I was reading this, I thought there is no way that woman is in her early 20's. Who does she think he is,Martin Scorsese? Then I saw it was the last Mrs not the next one.

  6. Someone I know had an up close & personal view for the week leading up to an event where Sumner was making an appearance. His staff is scared sh*tless of him. These were senior VPs shaking in their boots about coordinating Sumner's entrance at said event - thoroughly convinced they would be fired if it wasn't perfect. Let's put this way, Sumner had to have the first grand solo entrance. So that meant his people had to contact publicists of seriously major Oscar-winning celebrities to ensure they would arrive AFTER Sumner.

  7. this man was once my hero for firing that Ladynoy he loses all my respect for A) giving that troll a job again and B)attempting sex with someone 3 generations younger than you.

  8. Julie Chen must be kicking herself, settling for Les Moonves like that. If only she'd held out a few more years.

  9. Enty you're not alone in disliking the pompous Sumner R. Chuck Lorre has written a few scandalous vanity cards about him, funny stuff!

  10. Ewwwww, is all i have to say right now.

  11. lol, ureallyannoyme! omg, i literally choked on coffee laughing so hard!

  12. She looks like she's in her 50's!
