Friday, March 20, 2009

She Might Face Charges? ***Warning - It's Awful But Does Have Happy Ending***

On a Pacific Blue flight yesterday from Samoa to New Zealand, a woman gave birth on the plane. Now, this is not the first time in recorded history this has happened. What makes this unusual is that no one noticed she gave birth. The 30 year old woman went into the bathroom on the plane, gave birth to the baby and then went back to her seat. Sounds happy doesn't it? It does until I tell you that she went back to her seat without the baby. Yep. She decided to leave the baby in the trash on the plane. No one actually noticed it in there until about an hour after the plane landed and the cleaning crew discovered it.

The good news in all of this is that the baby is fine. The woman was caught because she was waiting in the terminal for another flight. She was also the only woman in the airport wearing bloody clothes. The police took her to the hospital, where she underwent some surgery and is now in the hospital with her baby.

Now, the big stink in all of this is not that the woman abandoned the baby in the trash, the outrage seems to be directed at the airline for letting her on the plane at all in such an advanced state of labor. I don't know how the airlines can stop her. Apparently they asked every pregnant person how far along they are. What more can you do other than that? Have them bring a doctor's note stating how far along they are. How is that any business of the airline?

Meanwhile, the woman, might face charges, but it is unlikely. Unlikely? WTF? She left the baby in the trash and was taking a flight to a different country and she might face charges? I understand reuniting the mom with the baby, but do you really want the mom to be in charge of that baby's life? She already was once, and didn't do a good job.

Remember, this isn't a teenager afraid of her parents. This is a 30 year old woman who did this. She better face some charges.


Unknown said...

She's in the hospital *with* her baby!?! I hope this is just a typo and she wasn't let anywhere near that baby.

Ror said...

Maybe she just couldn't afford the airlines extra 'birthing' charge.

Goodgrief said...

Awww, poor baby. You know life is just not fair. I know a few couples that would give anything to be able to have a baby. Then you have this nut!!!! I hope the baby is put up for adoption. How could you leave a newborn in the trash?

Judi said...

Gimme that baby! She has the option of making an adoption plan, and apparently she should! Airlines recommend that p.g. women don't get on a plane during their last 2 months but they can't prevent anyone from traveling. She really should be charged.

Pookie said...

omg, that poor little baby! *HORRIFIED*

damn right that woman better face charges.

dreadpiratecuervo said...

So nobody else used the bathroom or heard a baby crying until hours later? WTF?

selenakyle said...

Yet another anger-induced blood pressure spike for the second day in a row...anger welling up inside...back awwwwwaaaaayyyy from the computer.

Just baaaaacccckkk away...



Raina Cox said...

Enty, this is New Zealand, a fairly lawless nation. I've lived here nearly two years and have been aghast at what passes for law and order.

To be fair to the airline personnel, this Samoan woman is extremely overweight. At first glance, she may not have even appeared pregnant.

selenakyle said...

I could never conceive although I had sex my entire life since age 16 and no contraception. Started back when we didn't think anyone needed condoms for STD prevention. No baby.

Fry this bitch along with all the rest of the ignorant sluts who conceive and don't want to pay the piper.

Implant contraception. Pay people to do it. Reverse welfare. Stimulate our economy buy reducing the fricking population.

God I hate people sometimes.

*ok, i feel better now*

Jungle007 said...

Yea, mythoughts exactly dreadpirate. I don't understand how no one noticed the woman leaving the bathroom covered in blood. How the hell did she cut the cord? Or was the baby still attached to it??!!

This story almost seems impossible. Also, as a pregnat woman, cannot imagine the extent of one's depression or mental illness that could cause such disgusting action. She should not be left alone with the child and needs a psyhiatic evaluation asap!!

Jungle007 said...

Yea, mythoughts exactly dreadpirate. I don't understand how no one noticed the woman leaving the bathroom covered in blood. How the hell did she cut the cord? Or was the baby still attached to it??!!

This story almost seems impossible. Also, as a pregnat woman, cannot imagine the extent of one's depression or mental illness that could cause such disgusting action. She should not be left alone with the child and needs a psyhiatic evaluation asap!!

Anonymous said...

Trust me when a woman wants to deliver a baby and abandon it they become very conniving and creative.

I've witnessed it first hand.

Also if she went through that kind of trouble to get rid of the baby she will never want it.

She should be charged and the baby should be given up for adoption.

Chrissy Buns said...

ssssoooo, she threw her baby in the garbage and now she is in the hospital with it? i REALLY hope they aren't together! she might try to throw it out again!

MnGddess said...

What - the airline is supposed to be medical specialists now? There was just a documentary on cable about women who didn't realize they were freakin' PREGNANT!!! Women handle labor differently. It's quite possible that no one noticed. I certainly don't stare at everyone on the plane.

Unless they're really, really cute.

(Say a prayer for me, gossip sisters - I just was forced to leave my job today. But at least I am sitting here getting to talk to you!)

MISCH said...


ardleighstreet said...

WTF!? They didn't raise a GD alarm that this TWIT went thru their terminal with BLOODY clothes? She deserves to never ever see this baby again EVER. I find fault with the airlines because they let this WOMAN through their gates without raising an eyebrow. I bought my Aunt a box a specialty chocolates she LOVES. They come gift wrapped. The airline pulled me aside and grilled my ass like a steak because I might be carrying a bomb.
It's not because of my ethnicity either. I am so pale a friend calls me Casper the Ghost. Yet the airlines let someone who is either bleeding to death or could have killed someone move all around. Morons.

jax said...

sorry to hear that Mng.
good luck out there.

lutefisk said...

This same thing happened a few years back, except the woman was with her husband, who did not know she was pregnant. I think she may have also claimed she had no idea.
She threw the baby out, & the poor little thing died. They were able to trace it to her, because her plane seat was covered in blood when she left.

Anonymous said...

I thought these type of "births" were very isolated incidents, i.e. the type where the woman doesn't even know she's preggers....(and that's what this sounds like, the mental illness of complete denial that she's 1) pregnant and 2) needs medical attention and 3) not supposed to put the baby in the waste receptacle....jebus.
However, I just met an actual person whose ex wife did this...she had not one clue she was pregnant until one day she thinks she's having a bad cramp, but hells no, it's a freakin baby. OMG, OMG, OMG, how can people really be THIS STUPID???....apparently, these numbskulls are increasing in number. Oh how our nation's forefathers (and mothers) must be rolling in their graves at our society's decline in intelligence.

B626 said...

She gives women a BAD name.

Anonymous said...

Several airlines actually do have a cutoff for allowance of pregnant women (for safety as well as liability reasons); I know when I worked for Delta that their cutoff was 36 weeks for passengers, and flight pregnant crewmembers are no longer allowed to operate flights at 32 weeks. My doctor also advised against flying after 32 weeks... but that's here in America, I'm sure the regulations are different elsewhere.

I can't imagine trying to squeeze my fat pregnant butt onto a plane right now, anyway. That lady is nuts.

Miss X said...

ugh, disgusting! Poor Baby, what a sad way to start your life.

MNG, I'll keep you in my prayers. Good luck!

shakey said...

Sorry to hear of your news, mng. You never know - you just might get another job sooner rather than later. Usually it's when you say to yourself you want the summer off.

c17 said...

Christo...when can we start STERILIZING folks? Or at least make them apply for a license to breed? We talk about "neutering/sterilizing our pets", but people are no better & in fact have proven themselves worse time and time again.


Fabulous! said...

i really hope that baby is adopted to a loving family. there are too many good people out there who'd cut off their arms for a baby and "women" would still rather throw a child in the trash instead? wtf cmon!

classalpha said...


mooshki said...

I'm sorry, mngddess. I wish you lots of luck in finding a much better job.


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