Monday, March 02, 2009

The Sex Is Great But You Need To Stop So I Can Twitter

For those of you who follow Diddly Piddly and his Tweets on Twitter and I sincerely hope none of you do because of everything he has done and his continuing disrespect for women, he decided that supporting Chris Brown this weekend was not enough in his disrespect for women. Apparently throughout the weekend, Diddly Piddly was Twittering about tantric sex he was having with a woman. He basically gave a play by play account of the session including the fact that after having had sex for a 10 hour period he was tired and sore and just couldn't go on anymore. This was after he assured his audience he could go on for 36 hours straight. Gee that's great. Thanks for sharing and thanks for confirming what a misogynistic a-hole you are. I'm sure the woman he was allegedly with really enjoyed him stopping every few minutes to tell the world what he was doing to her. I don't really have anything to add except for the fact that I am banning him from the site. I've had enough of his antics and his trying to stay relevant and convincing us what a ladies man he is.

I think he tries too hard to show us and has to be the most self-centered person I have ever read about in the history of celebrity.

"Having tantric sex! I feel so much better! Thank you."

"I gotta stop. I'm tired and sore! I'll try again tomorrow. Go back to work people."


  1. "I gotta stop. I'm tired and sore! I'll try again tomorrow. Go back to work people."

    Oh, thanks for the permission to get back to my life. I was planning on hanging on to every last word you had to say on the matter before taking my next breath. Twat.

  2. I agree with everything you said about him. So does this ban include blinds as well?

  3. Anonymous11:02 AM

    How much you want to bet he was just sitting as his computer the whole entire time with a bottle of Jergens and an iPod of all his own music.

  4. Anonymous11:03 AM

    I should have put the word "own" in quotes, 'cause whether it has his name on it or not its either stolen, sampled to hell, or full of so many other artists that he might as well not even be there. Piggybacker!

  5. He can go P-Diddle himself in front of his mirror. I'm sure he does all the time anyways.

    Thanks ENT for the ban on this untalented tampon.

  6. Anonymous11:06 AM

    He brags too much and for someone that has to prove his manhood probably isn't much of a man. Any woman that beds him is stupid.

  7. Bleccchhh. I now take back the thought of checking out any of his "music."

    Thanks, Enty. Guy's a douche.

    Prolly jealous of women cuz he wants to be one.

  8. Don't you dare ban him on the gay blinds, Enty! We all know that he is half of the answers! Especially the gay ones.

  9. Anonymous11:40 AM

    You know, he didn't necessarily say that the tantric sex was with a woman...

    Either way, thanks for finally banning this jerk, Enty!

  10. Yay, a Doody ban! In celebration, here's the link to the pics of him stepping in dog doo.

    I'm still raging over the pics of Chris having a nice happy vacation at Diddy's place. So infuriating and disgusting!

  11. Ha, I just realized that those quotes sound less like he was having tantric sex, and more like he tried for 36 hours to get it up with her and couldn't. LOL!

  12. Nice picture of Diddy.
    Now we know where he spent all those annoying little dollar bills that weasle their way into his wallet-on tips for the lovely lady in orange.

  13. he's struggled w/ his sexuality for yrs. apparently he's still struggling. everyone knows he's a DL dude trying to play the role of a straight man. he's bi, at best.

    that need to brag about his female sexual conquests only serves to feed the other DL hip-hopper's constant laughing at him.

  14. C'mon now. Aren't you being a little hard on the Did?

    I could watch this thing for DAYS.

  15. He's such a closet case.

  16. OK i dont like to even comment on the PD posts, but I gotta say--ENOUGH!!!

    It's NEVER surprising! We GET it! He's a DOOOUCHE!!

    I mean, was anyone ACTUALLY surprised at reading that he did this? Does anyone f*cking care??? I'm sorry EL, but PLEASE stop posting about him. He's always been a gas-bag, he was never loved by the world... hell, even when he did the whole "I'll be missing you" sh*t with faith evans, people hated him and the fact he was all up on Biggies' woman!!

    Oh, and what bad fish said. He doesn't ever come up with original songs. i realized that when I was about 15 and everytime a PDildo song came on the radio my mom would say "oh, I know this song!!" and then the words would start up and she'd be like "oh.... nevermind. Guess it's another remake."

    I have no more words. Except; please EL. No more.

  17. It's not tantric sex when your partner is your hand... Stupid man.

    He's a woman beater too, so it's no surprise he's sided with Chris.

  18. Mooshki - hahaha! It does... The twitter he forgot to post was "Needs more cock".

  19. i usually get all grouchy when people say "no more posts on this person, please!" because i figure, pretty soon, there will be no one left to post about, but i AGREE here, with the exception of blinds. that get answered.
    and why, oh, WHY, this fascination w/ tantric sex anyway? anybody who's laid there for longer than they want to knows what i mean. geez.

  20. Was he on Twitter or Twatter? And did he, in fact, ever confirm he was having tantric sex with a partner?

    Bravo on the ban.

  21. Way to go Enty, and I'm with Bad Fish, Mooski [thanks for the link] and Sylvia. Methinks the doodys talks too much.

  22. CAT ON THE KEYBOARD! That should have been Mooshki...

  23. Yeah, I've had my fill of the P. Douchey. He once beat Kim Porter so badly she had to have plastic surgery to correct the damage. I suspect that's what happened to Cassie to that last time he beat her and she disappeared for a good three weeks.

    I am convinced there is a direct correlation with abusive men and their struggle with being DL.

  24. Diddy is one of those people you kind of wish lost all of his money investing in Bernard Madoff. "I'm king of the world" to "Oh crap, shining shoes again..." Would've been fitting for Diddy. Oh well. Maybe next economic crisis.

  25. finally douche down ...sigh so many more to go
