Sean Penn & Natalie Portman - Feel Free To Throw Up A Little
I had just started to like Natalie Portman again. Seeing her walking her dog all the time and actually even cracking a smile had me thinking that, despite everything I had heard about her, I was going to start liking her. Strike all that now. According to Star, Sean Penn and Natalie Portman were seen making out on St. Patrick's Day at the Sunset Tower Hotel. This is not a hug or a peck, but full on making out. They also spent either 45 minutes together in the spa or in a hotel room as they were seen taking an elevator which only goes to one of those two locations. I supposed they could have enjoyed a nice quick mud mask and they were so enamored of the experience they decided to celebrate by making out.
See, the whole making out thing happened after this 45 minute period. I'm not surprised about Sean. Maybe it wasn't Natalie. Maybe they saw Sean with Lindsay Lohan. In the wrong light and from a distance, and if you ignore the constant sniffling they could possibly be mistaken for one another. I have to think that because if Natalie went willingly with Sean Penn and did what Star is implying they did in regards to sex, I would just be disgusted. The making out thing is for sure, so I am on the edge of being disgusted. It was St. Patrick's Day though. I mean, who among us hasn't had 8 too many green beers with Jager shots to wash it all down and then had some kind of Star Wars fantasy they wanted to play out.