Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Same Old Same Old On The Bachelor - Spoiler Alert

I don't watch The Bachelor. Never have and probably never will, but I do read about it and sometimes post about it. The one thing I have always noticed is that things rarely work out. I think two couples are still together by my calculations. I could be wrong, but not too far off. ABC kept plugging the final episode like the entire world hinged on us watching it and so of course I skipped it. Hey, that's what the internet is for. If something spectacular happened I could watch the three or four minutes of fun on YouTube and skip the blah, blah, blah and commercials.

Basically all that happened was The Bachelor thought he had his special someone and then actually was forced to spend time with her for six weeks and realized that she wasn't the one. Apparently though he decided not to tell her that though until the cameras were running in the After The Rose Show. Nothing like springing a surprise like that right on television. It kind of reminded me of a Jerry Springer show without the fist fights or the hair pulling. Hello Sharon Osbourne.

The Bachelor decided that the woman he picked to spend the rest of his life with was in fact not the one and so got the ring back and then decided the woman he really wanted to be with was the runner up who apparently felt the same way at least during the episode. He didn't bother proposing to the runner up and just decided that they would hang out and see how things go before he decided whether or not to ask her to marry him.

This is why these couples are generally doomed to fail. They don't actually get to spend any time together until after the show ends. At that point they really discover what the other person is about and more often than not they realize that whatever spark they had does not extend beyond the time the cameras stop filming.

Having never watched the show I can only guess that everyone goes into the show with fairly good intentions and of course are not just looking for 15 minutes of fame right? Right?

Jason Mesnick, who was The Bachelor this time around said he couldn't tell Melissa that he was going to dump her on television because the contract he signed forced him to deliver the news while the cameras were running. Umm. To me that is still a-hole behavior. Here is what you do. If you are so worried about hurting her feelings, then just stick with her one more night for the cameras and then the next day dump her in private so she doesn't have to be the person who got dumped in front of millions of people. Then, make a call to the runner up and do it quietly.

Why is that so hard?


  1. Because drama is what these shows are all about. It's probably why I don't watch them either. They lost me after the first season.

  2. Anonymous11:19 AM

    I probably saw if not 5 minutes it was less. The little boy sounded kind of spoil. The dad you can tell he was just acting nothing natural and the girl which I don't know who it was when I was watching it also sounded pretty phony to me. This is the reason I don't watch these stupid shows very unreal.

  3. The scuttlebutt is that he picked Candidate #2 right from the beginning and the show told him to choose Candidate #1 in the finale then dump her to get people talking. And hey, it worked! Apparently #2 was in on the plan all along but #1 wasn't.

  4. My feeling is that this show has started to loose its appeal to the public and I think they made him choose the other one knowing this is good drama for the final rose. Any way, it was a douche bag move on his part.

  5. this guy makes John Mayer look like a Saint.

    they need to rename that shit
    The Douchelor.

  6. i'm torn on this b/c while yes, what he did was the ultimate show of skeevy, the contestants know (especially after so many seasons) what they're signing up for.

  7. I happened to catch this at the gym-nothing else was showing on the other tvs that seemed remotely interesting, so why not. I didn't really know who anybody was, but the girls seemed pretty phony. The time they spent with his son, Ty-it seemed like the women were trying way too hard to show him that they'd make good stepmothers. It was uncomfortable to say the least.

    By the way-what is the story there with who Ty's mom is? Can someone fill me in?

  8. I'm with you, Pookie. I've never watched this drivel, either, but can't imagine why someone would think they can find everlasting love on a reality show. Even though he probably IS a douche, all the girls knew what this show was about.

    Attention whores, one and all.

  9. That's(barely)ENTERTAINMENT!

  10. It's freaking scripted, just like The Hills, for crying out loud. Stop taking this shit so seriously, people!

  11. read www.realitysteve.com for the real scoop. i didn't watch this season either, but apparently what mooshki said is right. that guy must be more of a tool than seacrest.

  12. i don't think anyone's taking it serious Kristen, its just entertainment fodder.

  13. I disagree that it's scripted, but on the other han I haven't watched the bachelor in about 5 years. It's bullshit drama geared towards un-married/married-and-bored women, and the worst thing is hearing the women who LOVE the show talk about it. I live in Toronto, Ontario- our breakfast television hosts were going on about this for like a good 15 mins this a.m and it was torture.

    Why do people care??????????????

  14. Why would he sign something saying he has to dump his beloved on camera if he were there to find true love? I've never seen the show, but it sounds sketchier and sketchier every season.

  15. I've actually watched this season because the bachelor (Jason) lives near me, so I was semi-interested. Then it became my guilty pleasure every Monday night.
    He had no chemistry with either woman, IMHO. And yes, I agree paleale, it was uncomfortable watching both women with Ty. They both seemed to think it was going to be a big barrol of monkeys! I am a stepmother myelf, and it is NOT easy, NOT a ready-made family, and NOT fun (all the time, at least).
    Jason's a bigtime skeeze.

  16. i thought the bachelor was supposed to be attractive. eeewwww....

  17. Does anybody know how reality steve knows all the details. He called the whole thing a while ago.

    I know it's crap, but I watch alot of crap on TV, so WTH.

    Ent, at the end of nearly every episode they say "If you know someone who'd like to be the next bachelor call...." Do you want to be nominated? Think about it, you'd get out of the basement. You'd have your own bachelor pad, free food, tons of alcohol, hot tub and pool parties with 25 very young ladies all vying for your love and affection. I'll call ABC for you.

  18. sadly, there are people out there who take this shit as seriously as death. if you haven't, you should read some message boards. they're drowning their sorrows in chocolate and wine in a box.
    i hate this show. the last season i watched was when charlie o'connell was on and i loved it. and he's still with that girl after a break up while he dealt with his drinking.
    i don't know why anyone watches this. i guess it's less work than reading a bodice ripper.

  19. Jillian who got the boot a few episodes ago is rumoured to be the next Bachelorette. she's from Vancouver and is a friend of a friend. everyone is telling her NOT to do it after last night.
    That show, as shitty as it always has been, totally jumped the shark last night.

  20. over at pajiba, there's a fellow who applied for the bachelorette when they came to atlanta. he applied for one season, and they turned him down, but came back to him next time around ( this happens on survivor, also). poor guy kept making audition CD after another, at the producer's request, and really sweated it (i'm wrong, it was beauty and the geek). a lot of pajibans and other folks tried to help him out, but he finally gave up in frustration.
    makes ya wonder
    was that off track?

  21. I think reality Steve said Jillian will be announced as the next Bachelorette during the After the Final Rose Show. I loved her family. They reminded me of my guy's gang in Montreal.

    Somebody like Shayne Lamas should be the next Bachelorette. Jillian is too good for this crap. Shayne would love every minute of it.

  22. I watched the last episode because of what I read on the Internet. I mean - the guy got sappier and more melodromatic with each commercial. And, strangely, he got less and less attractive!

    Anyhoo, the most interesting part of the whole damn show was the ring. If I was Melissa, I would have kept the ring. Or told him I threw it down the toilet.

  23. "Having never watched the show I can only guess that everyone goes into the show with fairly good intentions and of course are not just looking for 15 minutes of fame right? Right?"

    Really Enty, I thought you were a little more cynical than that ;). I'm sure the contestants in the first couple of Bachelor/Bachelorette shows DID go into it w/ good intentions, but those who sign up now are in it to get television exposure. I just found out that my cousin is going to be one of the 25 bachelors trying to get the girl on the next Bachelorette. He's absolutely not looking to find "Miss Right" this way & is only doing it b/c he wants to be an actor. Never watched the show, but might be tuning in to see how good of an actor he really is. :)
