Same Old Same Old On The Bachelor - Spoiler Alert
I don't watch The Bachelor. Never have and probably never will, but I do read about it and sometimes post about it. The one thing I have always noticed is that things rarely work out. I think two couples are still together by my calculations. I could be wrong, but not too far off. ABC kept plugging the final episode like the entire world hinged on us watching it and so of course I skipped it. Hey, that's what the internet is for. If something spectacular happened I could watch the three or four minutes of fun on YouTube and skip the blah, blah, blah and commercials.
Basically all that happened was The Bachelor thought he had his special someone and then actually was forced to spend time with her for six weeks and realized that she wasn't the one. Apparently though he decided not to tell her that though until the cameras were running in the After The Rose Show. Nothing like springing a surprise like that right on television. It kind of reminded me of a Jerry Springer show without the fist fights or the hair pulling. Hello Sharon Osbourne.
The Bachelor decided that the woman he picked to spend the rest of his life with was in fact not the one and so got the ring back and then decided the woman he really wanted to be with was the runner up who apparently felt the same way at least during the episode. He didn't bother proposing to the runner up and just decided that they would hang out and see how things go before he decided whether or not to ask her to marry him.
This is why these couples are generally doomed to fail. They don't actually get to spend any time together until after the show ends. At that point they really discover what the other person is about and more often than not they realize that whatever spark they had does not extend beyond the time the cameras stop filming.
Having never watched the show I can only guess that everyone goes into the show with fairly good intentions and of course are not just looking for 15 minutes of fame right? Right?
Jason Mesnick, who was The Bachelor this time around said he couldn't tell Melissa that he was going to dump her on television because the contract he signed forced him to deliver the news while the cameras were running. Umm. To me that is still a-hole behavior. Here is what you do. If you are so worried about hurting her feelings, then just stick with her one more night for the cameras and then the next day dump her in private so she doesn't have to be the person who got dumped in front of millions of people. Then, make a call to the runner up and do it quietly.
Why is that so hard?