Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Ryan Seacrest Can't Buy Angelina Jolie

At this point, Angelina Jolie's snubs of Ryan Seacrest on the red carpet have become one of the highlights of any award show. The only reason to watch E!'s coverage is to watch what new way Angelina can make Ryan look like an idiot as he runs down the red carpet begging to get a little face time with the actress. According to Fox News, it isn't like E! hasn't tried everything they can think of to make Ryan look a little less foolish.

According to the tax records of Brangelina's charitable foundation, E! contributed $250,000 in 2007. It doesn't look like they got much for their money. I'm not sure Angelina has even sat down to do any kind of interview with the network. According to the filing, People magazine didn't even give a dime in 2007, yet they still manage to always get face time with the couple. I guess they really just don't care for Ryan. Or, maybe they are just doing their own personal protest against some of the reality shows the channel puts on the air. I'm guessing that when the 2008 records are released E! probably didn't make a contribution. To see where the massive amounts of money contributed to the charity went, you can click here.


  1. I dunno, I'm inching closer to Team Ryan. He's obnoxious, but Brangelina are turning into a couple of snots.

  2. Yeah, they're decent actors with good publicity, but I don't see either one of them as being incredibly astute or incredibly talented. They're definitely not above E!-level.

  3. Assuming this is where most (if not all) of their charity money goes, i'm surprised at how little Angie and Brad donated between them (not that anyone should dictate where their earnings go to, but for people as vocal about saving the world as they are - Angie used to give 1/3 of her paychecks not so long ago...)

    If they spent less money on private jets, and redundant security and those fuck-off huge mansions they rent, they would have more $ to spread around. Just an observation.

  4. i don't blame then for a second.

    this is the guy who reports gossip on his show, talks smack about celebs on his radio show and is an overall douchebag, why should they grant him any facetime?

    he's just a slightly taller,more annoying Billy Bush. it's not like he's a real reporter.

  5. Nothing these two do will ever escape scrutiny or ridicule; angie will always be portrayed as a homewrecker and brad as the awful ex husband who cheated. They could give their whole salary away and then people would gripe about how they are feeding their kids. We all need to get over them. I personally am team angie, but enough is enough, already, huh?

  6. In the photo, Angelina looks very plastic for someone who is only 33.

  7. I'm no fan of Brangelina, but I absolutely detest that closeted gay robot, Semencrust. Fuck him and his inane questions about what they ate for breakfast. Team Brangelina. For now.

  8. It may be as simple as Ryan asking too many stupid, inane questions in the past that now Angie just can't/won't be bothered.

    I like her style better than the wanna-be C listers that pant with anticipation in hopes of getting screen time with Seacrest.

  9. Just wait for the day when one of their brood beg Mommy and Daddy to get them front row seats for American Idol. I would love for them to feel the snub for once.

    Although I am sure the producers of AI would jump on the chance for their show to be graced by the Brangelina presence.

    I am not really on either "team", I just hate when people act like they are better than others.

  10. I wish more people would snub Ryan and E channel reporters. I can't stand the idiot.a

  11. i don't know, in a way i think seacrest would be an embarassing guy for most celebs to deal with due to some of the ridiculous questions he asks. sure, he's asking things fans are curious about, but for a "professional" to ask about what cereal your kids eat? sort of insulting on a red carpet. leave the petty questions for radio interviews, i'd say.

    that said, the jolie-pitts are getting a bit too big for their britches. i used to be a big fan of theirs (individually) cuz they were relateable in some way even as big as they were as stars. now they're just a mediocre actor/actress with a self-rightous attitude from hell. i can only sort of relate, lol.

  12. I don't know why they keep snubbing him, is there a background? Did he say or do something? Maybe they have something against the network...

    If they were snubbing everyone, I'd question their egos, but if they're only snubbing Seacrest, then he probably did something to piss them off.

    Oh, and he's a fucktard. Can't forget that one.

  13. Everyone on this site should hate Seacrest for the one and only fact that he continues to force upon the world a barrage of untalented hacks.

    Denise Richards, anyone???

    No wonder Angie snubs him. Hell, I would snub him if I met him! LOL.

  14. maybe brangelina are pissed b/c ry-ry produced DR and the Kardashian's shows. i'd be pissed too. teehee. seriosly tho, it would b much more effective if brangelina let slip or planted why they hate seacrest so much.

    at the end of the day tho...yeah, she is a homewrecker and he's a cheat. no amt of charity work has been able to wipe that slate. it'll end how it began, it always does.

  15. Everything Jax said.

    However, I, too, am really, really, really sick of these two santimonious twats. I feel like I've seen so much of them that they're not even ATTRACTIVE to me anymore.

  16. Majik- I'm excited I actually can answer a ?! Here's the background on E! & the JPs- the $250K is part a settlement fr when the 2 E! reporters broke into their house. Also, Ryan said (both on his tv & radio shows) after the 2007 GG that Angelina should have stayed home or gone to a 3rd world country bc she didn't smile enough- seriously- it goes on & on Ted C & all lyin' crap for YEARS- Ken Baker called her an ugly bitch on Chelsea Lately a few weeks ago...soooo it's really no mystery as to why they don't scapmer over to Ry Guy like some celebs do. B&A don't seem to be E! watchers, but Brad said in recent interview (RS? W?) that they "ask around" about who has been really vile to them when they made decisions about the kids pics, etc. He said he is really proud that the $ goes to charity, not some stalker pap that "makes their life miserable"...anyhow, there is prob more E! evils, but that would be enough for me- it's really hypocritcal for Seacrest to pretend he doesn't know why...BTW, there are PLENTY of people who do even less interviews than them, are far ruder to the press, but they seem to get the most grief...They spend tons more time w/ fans than press & everyone they work w/says great things about them, so that is a pretty good track rec compared to many that we "dish" about here! Sorry 'bout the long post- this is more fun than work...

  17. i don't know smack about seacrest (don't watch him or his shows) and i don't put money in these two's pockets.
    i find them to be self-serving sanctimonious twits. i don't enjoy their movies, their supposed charitable deeds (what they do w/ their money is their business, i agree)-- just seems to me they are charitable only to places where their child collecting takes place.

    i think maybe it's not so much they themselves started pissing me off, as the world that worshipped at their feet. lots of people quietly give of their time and money, or quietly adopt. oh, and who changes a 3 year old child's name???

    but i do have to say, maddox rules.

  18. Brad can act. Angie.... eh. They donate to all kinds of charities. Pitt testified before Congressional committee last week about the progress of the work his archit. team's doing in the 9th Ward. Of course, they're certainly not obligated to do anything. Third world countries have more needs than we in the West do. Clean water would be nice.
    Seacrest is cocky and useless. He's an ass and spends too much time being a boss-type and not enough time researching and prepping for interviews. I miss Ebert. Anyone see the tape of him dissing one of the AI contestants who serenaded him on bended knee? The gist of his remark was "Maybe you should stay on your knees..."
    Team Brange on this one.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Im with you Judie, I really think he can be a total douche... if i were angie and brad, i would sure as hell chose reporters that i respected and knew would ask serious questions.
